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-3rd P.O.V-

Kuroo heard a thud and turned just in time to see a blur of grey and black bounding towards him. It collided with him, knocking him off-balance. He just barely caught himself before he tumbled to the ground.

Despite his, he laughed. "Koutarou, what the hell?" He looked down to see a pair of bright, golden eyes staring back up at him, a massive grin plastered across his face.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Bokuto beamed. He straightened himself up and held Kuroo's face in his hands before placing a quick kiss to his forehead and draping his arms across his shoulders.

Kuroo smiled. "Hey. Someone's happy."

"Yep! I went shopping with Akaashi, Oikawa, and Hinata! We also got lunch and ice cream!"

"I know, you sent me photos."

"Eh-? Oh, right... Well it was really fun! And also-" he separated himself from Kuroo and dashed over to grab something toppled over on the ground- the cause of the 'thud' Kuroo had heard. Picking it up, Bokuto presented it to him excitedly. "I got you this!"

It was a big maneki-neko. Actually, no, just 'big' is an understatement. It was huge. At least half the size of Bokuto himself. It's paw was raised and it's lifeless eyes bore into one's soul. Kuroo looked back and forth from the cat to his boyfriend, not exactly sure how to react.

"Um," he stared. "Bo, you do know that I don't run a business, right?"

His expression didn't waver. "I know, but I got it because I thought you'd like it!"

"...How much was it?"

"About 13,100 yen."

Kuroo inhaled deeply. He knew he should be concerned that Bokuto would just throw away his money like that. It was kinda irresponsible, and could land him in trouble in the future. And what was he going to do with a maneki-neko? It was way too big and way to stand-out-ish for him to bring into his office at work. Really, it was kind of a bad investment to make. But...

He just couldn't be mad with him. He was right. He did like it. He loved it, even. It was just so random, so absurd to have, that it was just amazing. Whenever they'd have people over, they would get a million questions about it, and they'd get to tell stories about why and how they got it and tell people random bits of fake information about the cat's origins and background. It was so strange, but so perfect at the same time. Bokuto really did know Kuroo.

Kuroo sighed with a smile on his face. "Bo, where did you even find that thing?"

"At Daiso! We stopped there on the way because Akaashi wanted to buy stationary, but we all kinda got absorbed in the store for a bit. I saw this, and I just knew I had to get it. It was a gut feeling, I tell you. Akaashi did try to talk me down from purchasing it a few times... but I don't care! I wanted to get you something, so I did!"

Kuroo squeezed his eyes shut and buried his face into Bokuto's neck, groaning.

"Tetsu?" asked Bokuto. "You okay?"

The other sighed. "Yup, I'm perfectly fine. Just trying not to find you absolutely adorable, but that's proving to be very difficult."

Bokuto gave a hearty laughed and ran his fingers through Kuroo's hair. They stayed standing in an embrace like that for a bit before Kuroo pulled away.

"Okay, but seriously," said Kuroo. "Thank you, Bo, for the figure. I love it. I don't know why, if I'm being honest, but I do." Bokuto beamed once more. "What's his name? Or her. Or their. Actually, I take it back. What are it's pronouns first. I'm not going to assume."

"Their pronouns are He/They, and his name is Akemi. Would you like to hold him?"

He nodded and outstretched his arms to the cat. "Yes I do. Hello, my child," he spoke to it, cradling it in his arms like it was a living, breathing infant.

"I think they like you."

"Well, I'm their father, so they should. Respect your elders."

"Where are we gonna keep 'em?"

Kuroo hummed and scanned their apartment. It was pretty big, more like a small house than an apartment, to be honest. "What about the kitchen? We could put it in the corner, and he'd be like our good luck charm when cooking."

"Yes! Our maneki-neko, Akemi of the Kitchen."

"It's perfect. This is perfect. You're perfect."

Bokuto smiled and let Kuroo maneuver around the giant figure to kiss his cheek. He placed a hand on his chest and looked at him incredulously. "Tetsurou, our child is right there!"

Kuroo glanced at the maneki-neko, covered it's inanimate eyes with his arm, and leaned in once more for an actual kiss. "That he is."

Then, they both took the cat into the kitchen and set him down in the corner, adjusting it so that it had a "good view of the area around themself."

When they were done, they took a step back and admired their work as if it was an elegant statue that they had bought from professionals. Really, it was only a massive, lifeless cat that just sat in a corner of their apartment, but hey, let them have this.

"Is it bad that I want another one?" asked Bokuto. "He looks lonely."

"Yes, yes it is bad."

"But what if he wants a friend?"

"They have us, don't worry. We'll be their friend."

Bokuto crossed his arms proudly and nodded with a grin on his face. "Yes we will. Also, is dinner ready?"

"Ah, I haven't started it. Let's just get take-out. Come on, let's go order something online."

"Okay!" He turned back to wave Akemi goodbye before dashing to the couch where Kuroo was waiting with a computer.


For those who don't know, a maneki-neko is one of those waving cat things
Ya know, like the cat figurines that always have their paw raised? And sometimes they actually move?
Yeah that

Word count: 1025

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