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-3rd P.O.V-

Sakusa slammed his fist into the stall. It made a loud noise that echoed through the empty bathroom.

His hands were clenched and he was taking deep breaths, trying to calm himself down.

He had excused himself to the restroom after getting scolded by Meian. He knew that if he stayed around people for too long whilst he was in a bad mood, he'd lash out and do something he'd regret in the future. It's happened before. It happened earlier, in fact.

He had already been in an irritated state since that morning. He ran out of coffee earlier, he had overslept, he woke up with a strange cramp in his neck. Things weren't going his way at all. And to top it all off, he had Bokuto and Hinata being their overly-energetic selves as usual. He just couldn't handle it. There was only so much nagging that they could do to him before he snapped.

His poor day had given him an annoyed and frustrated mind, and it was just dying to find something to project it on. So as the hyper-active duo begged Sakusa to practice with them (in a rather childish manner), Sakusa ended up losing his patience and directed his anger onto them.

It surprised Bokuto and Hinata, as well as the rest of the team. Before he could process what had happened and what he had shouted at the two, Meian chewed him out in front of everyone about how he wasn't allowed to talk to his teammates like that, since they were doing nothing wrong by asking him to do them a favor and help them out.

This only pissed off Sakusa more. There were many things he wanted to say to his captain's face right then, but he knew the consequences would be severe, so he excused himself in fury and escaped into the bathroom, where he was now, trying to regain his cool.

Sakusa grumbled to himself, cursing out his team and lightly hitting his forehead into the stall door over and over again.

Why did bad days have to come unexpectedly? Why wasn't he allowed a warning before he woke up to the world deciding to be cruel to him?

The poor bathroom was suffering the most, now receiving kicks as well as head-buts and resentful fist-bumps, which all kept being inflicted with growing force, until finally, Sakusa gave the wall one last hard punch and stopped to breathe.

His head hurt from being so mad. What he would give to just go home and rest...

Just then, he heard the door to the restroom open and close. A few footsteps walked toward him and paused. Inhaling deeply, Sakusa turned around to see-

"Miya?" Sakusa narrowed his eyes. He was partially expecting Meian, not him. His eyebrows furrowed. "Look, if you're here to tell me I've been excused for the day, I'm not going anywhere-"

"Do ya need a hug?"

Sakusa startled, looking Atsumu up and down. He looked dead serious- which he was. His hands were on his hips and one of his eyebrows were raised. No smug grin was plastered on his face- which was very unusual for him.

Coming to his senses, Sakusa responded, "No. Why the hell would I need a hug? Especially not one from you."

To this, Atsumu only rolled his eyes and took a step closer. "Ya need a hug."

"Don't you touch me, Miya. If you do, so help me God-"

Atsumu groaned. "For Christ's sake, Omi. Won't ya cut out the 'I'm so cold and tough' crap? I'm not an idiot. I can see yer stressed. Come here 'n give me a hug. It'll help, I promise."

"Absolutely not."

Looking Sakusa up and down, the setter paused for a second before turning on his heels towards the door. This confused Sakusa. Usually Atsumu was more persistent than that.

He didn't expect himself to even care about Atsumu leaving. But, as much as he hated to admit it, he probably wouldn't mind a hug right now. But maybe that was just the frustration talking. Maybe that feeling was just brought on by the heat of the strange moment they were in. Maybe it was just the un-caffeinated part of himself making dumb decisions. But even so...


Atsumu stopped as he was about to turn the handle on the door. He glanced back, watching Sakusa as he pinched the bridge of his nose whilst his face scrunched up. He inhaled and exhaled deeply and then stretched his arms out in a welcoming manner. Atsumu had to fight off a smirk, knowing that it'd ruin the moment if Sakusa saw.

He walked back to him and accepted the embrace.

"Omi, you can relax, ya know," he sighed. Hesitantly, Sakusa released the tension in his shoulders and melted into the hug, the exhaustion from being so mad having wore him down.

He ended up placing his forehead down on the other's shoulder, feeling a bit more at ease as Atsumu began to lightly twist the waves of his dark hair between his fingers.

Why he was slightly enjoying this, he didn't know.

"What's wrong," said Atsumu finally. It might have been the way he was playing with his hair, or the way being in his arms felt so safe and protected, or simply not having any excuse to hide his feelings anymore, but for some strange reason, he ended up telling him. He let all of his annoyed feelings spill out of his mouth and into the air of the room. He spoke of his bad day, and how he felt, and why he ended up shouting at Bokuto and Hinata. It all fell out.

When he was finished, Astumu hummed and continued to caress him. "'M sorry, Omi. Sounds like things aren't going yer way today, huh? Don't worry, it'll all be okay tomorrow. Sometimes ya just have to go through the bad days to get to the good ones. It's gonna be alright." Sakusa nodded into his shoulder, staying silent. "Ya wanna go now, or..?"

He thought for a second before murmuring, "No."

Atsumu chuckled softly. "Okay, Omi. As long as yer happy."

And for the first time that day, he was. He felt happy.


People seem to like SakuAtsu, so here ya go-
Had a dysphoric breakdown a few days ago, that was fun🤌

Word count: 1073

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