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-3rd P.O.V-

Nishinoya quickened his pace as he hurried across school campus, heading in the direction of the locker rooms.

It was a cold winter day and snow coated the ground. The scarf and earmuffs he had on could only do so much against the chilly weather, but he surprisingly didn't mind the temperature. He barely even noticed it.

The only thing on his mind was one person- his upperclassman, Azumane Asahi.

He'd been waiting all day to give him the gift he got for him. He had everything planned out in his mind. He'd intercept him before practice, give him his present, and watch as he'd panic from not having gotten him anything in return. His gift was completely a surprise, so there was little possibility that he had gotten him something as well.

Nishinoya has always looked up to Asahi. He'd been waiting all year to get him something to truly express his gratitude for everything that he'd done to encourage him to go beyond his limits and work hard to do what he does best. He admired him a lot, to say the least.

Nishinoya rounded the corner of one of the buildings and then stopped, leaning against the wall and exhaling. He was in position. Now all that was left to do was to wait for Asahi to show up.

Looking around, he noticed that nobody else was really there. It wasn't that surprising, hardly anybody would want to be outside in those conditions, but he would've expected at least one other club to be practicing what they did. Well, it's not like he was complaining. It just gave them privacy.

Just as the cold was starting to become noticeable, Nishinoya heard a soft humming approaching him, along with heavy footsteps that were getting closer and closer.

Asahi. He knew it immediately. Asahi always hummed when he walked anywhere alone, even if it was very silently or under his breath. To be honest, Nishinoya always thought it was kind of cute- I mean, what?

He listened closer, calculating the right time for him to jump out and surprise him. It was the first time he's calculated anything so intensely.

Alright, here he comes. He counted down in his head starting from three. When it was time, so quickly leaped out and turn the corner. A little too fast. The upperclassman yelped.

The ground was slippery from all of the snow and ice, so he ended up falling over and landing on his side. Oh, whatever. He'd been hurt more before. Gaining his ground again, he bounced back onto his feet and returned to his original stance, looking up at the concerned face of the wing spiker.

Asahi looked horrified. "N-Nishi?" he asked. It was unknown whether his voice shook from the cold or the shock. "I- Are you okay?!"

Nishinoya only beamed. "Yup! Merry Christmas, Asahi-san!

"Ah... Merry Christmas... Um- how long have you been standing there-? You could've caught a cold if you weren't careful-"

"Cold, schmold, I'll be alright!" Asahi sighed. It's not like he expected anything less from him. "Anyway, I'm glad I ran into you. I have something for you."

Asahi raised his eyebrows. "Really?"

Nishinoya grinned at whipped out the present that he was keeping hidden behind his back. The gold and green wrapping was messy, and there was a big red bow on the front of it. It was kind of an eyesore.

Nevertheless, Asahi smiled and looked at it in amazement. He took it from him, examining it carefully.

He looked up. "Can I open it?" he asked.

Nishinoya nodded frantically. He really wanted to see his reaction. Asahi tore open the wrapping paper to reveal...

He gasped and marveled at what he was holding. It was a bottle of fancy (and quite expensive) shampoo. Asahi had talked about wanting it before with him, but he hadn't realized that Nishinoya was really listening to him.

"Nishi, this is so expensive... how much money did you spend on this?"

"Money doesn't matter, Asahi-san! Do you like it?"

The bigger one stared at it in awe. "Of course I do. Thank you, I love it."

Nishinoya grinned he hardly even noticed the cold anymore. He felt warm inside. But he was a bit confused- he would've believed that Asahi would've started freaking out by now from not getting him anything. Unless-

"Oh, um, I actually got you something too..." It was Nishinoya's turn to be surprised.

Asahi turned to his bag and pulled out a rather big wrapped box and gave it to him. He took it and quickly tore into it, not even bothering to ask if he could open it. When he got to what was inside, he laid his eyes upon shiny new sports shoes, perfect for volleyball.

Asahi rubbed the nape of his neck shyly. "I've seen your shoes right now, and they look really worn out. These are a nice pair too, so they'll fit you for a while. I also kinda had to guess what size you wear, so there's a receipt in there if you ever need to swap it out for something that fits better."

When Nishinoya looked back up at him, his eyes were sparkling. "I love it!" he exclaimed. He threw himself into Asahi's arms, squeezing him tight. "Thank you. It's awesome."

The upperclassman returned the hug more gently, wrapping his arms around the other with a content smile. "You're welcome, Nishi. I'm glad you like it."

Nishinoya wanted to stay like that for longer, but Asahi insisted that they move inside to keep warm. So obliging with a happy pout on his face, they walked towards the locker room together in a comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence and company.


I almost didn't finish this tonight
Idk how to write AsaNoya stuff, but here ya go, enjoy

Word count: 984

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