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-3rd P.O.V-

Hand in hand, the red-haired guess monster and the left-handed former-ace walked up the hiking trail.

"Ushiiiiii," Tendou groaned. "I'm tired... Can we please take a minute to rest? We've been walking for, like, 30 minutes without stopping!"

"We're almost there, dearest," Ushijima replied in his normal monotone voice, to which the red-head grumbled in response. "I can carry you, if you want?" He suggested.

"GASP!" exclaimed Tendou. "Yes please!" He reached his arms out and Ushijima crouched down next to him, allowing the other to jump onto his back and secure himself be wrapping his arms and legs around the other's waist and neck.

"Did you just say the word 'gasp', Satori?" asked Ushijima.

"Mhm." Tendou buried his head into his boyfriend's shoulder. The other smiled. He loved when Tendou acted like a koala who was clinging to its tree. He loved everything about him- which was why he brought him to this hiking trail that day.

To Satori, this was just another lovely date that Wakatoshi wanted to take him on. To Ushiwaka, this was going to be one of the most important days that he would ever live through.

Ushijima was going to propose to Tendou. He'd been planning and preparing for this day for the last two months, and he decided he was finally ready, despite the doubts that kept popping up in his mind and the nervous feeling that the former captain of Shiratorizawa couldn't seem to shake.

"It's just up here," said Ushijima. "You have the backpack, right?"

"Mhm," hummed Satori. "I love you, Ushi-pie."

'Hopefully enough to say yes,' is what Wakatoshi thought to himself, though what he said out loud was "I love you too, Satori. More than anything."

Tendou kissed the side of Ushijima's head. "You make me happy, you know."

"I'm glad. And you make me happy as well, dearest."

Satori rest his head next to Ushiwaka's, smiling to himself as a deep shade of pink began to spread across his face.

"What exactly did you pack in the bag?" asked Tendou. "You didn't tell me. What- it's not, like, murder weapons or anything, right? 'Cause I hate to break it to you, but homocide without good reason is a dealbreaker for me."

"It's not weapons," responded the other. "I bought some food for us- there's some pastries and candies in there, along with some lemonade."

"Really?! Is there any cake?!"

When Ushiwaka nodded, Satori responded with, "Gah! Yes! Oh my god, I love you!"

"I love you too, but calm down or I might accidentally drop you."

Soon enough, the couple made it to a large clearing on a cliff. The view was incredible. You could see the whole city from up where they were standing. It was already a beautiful spot, but what made it truly gorgeous was the setting sun that made the sky a mix of orange, yellow, pink, red, purple, and blue. The color projected onto the town below them, illuminating their city and shining against their faces. It gave the world around them a feeling of peace and warmth.

Wakatoshi set Tendou down and turned to look at him. His eyes were wide and shining with awe. He was speechless and standing still, taking in the scenery and view around him. The orange light from the sun traced his features. Ushijima but his lip, waiting for a reaction.

"Wakatoshi-kun..." breathed Tendou. "This... this is so... beautiful..." Ushiwaka exhaled and took his boyfriend's hand.

"I'm glad you like it, Satori," he said, smiling and kissing him on the cheek. "Now shall we eat? I don't want the cake to go bad..."

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