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-3rd P.O.V-

It was two in the morning, and Sakusa and Atsumu were on the phone with each other.

"You should get going to bed, Atsu," whispered Sakusa, trying not to wake up his family. "We'll see each other tomorrow- or later today, whatever you want to call it."

Atsumu groaned. "But, Omi, I wanna keep talking to you!"

"We can talk all we want later, but we'll only be able to do that if you don't fall asleep mid-conversation, so get some sleep. I'll see you in fifteen hours, alright?"

"Okay, fine... g'night, Omi, I love ya."

Sakusa smiled. "Night. Love you too." And with that, he hung up.

Atsumu smiled to himself and turned over in his bed to plug in his phone to charge overnight. It took him a while to get to sleep. His mind was too busy thinking about seeing Sakusa.

When the sun's rays were shining through the blinds on his windows, Atsumu was shaken awake by his brother.

"Oi," Osamu demanded. "Get up and pack yer things. We're leaving for Tokyo in a few hours."

The other twin groaned. "I know that, idiot. And what are ya talkin' about? We still have a while..."

"Actually, it's 10. Our train leaves in two hours, so hurry up and get ready." He turned and left the room.

"10?!" Atsumu called after him. "Why didn't you wake me up?!" But Osamu was already gone. Cursing his brother, he rolled out of bed and rushed to pack his things and get ready.

After eating a very quick breakfast and throwing some changes of clothes into a bag along with his toiletries, he and his family were making their way to the train station that would take them to the capital of Japan.

Atsumu slept for most of the ride, but he heard from his family about some of the nice views they crossed when he was awake.

When they arrived in Tokyo, it was around 5 o' clock. They had all planned to go see some things together as a family, but afterwards they were going to drop Atsumu off at the Sakusa residence, where he would spend the night with his boyfriend's family. They had known about their relationship for quite a while now, and they supported them whole-heartedly.

The Miya's grabbed some sushi and went to go visit the Skytree. Though it was kind of hard to get Osamu to ascend the building because of his fear of heights. When they got back to the bottom, the sky was starting to show signs of the sun setting, so they found the correct bus stop that would take them to the neighborhood where Kiyoomi lived.

Upon reaching the right destination, Atsumu was fidgeting like crazy. He hadn't seen Sakusa in-person for a long time, and he was itching to be with him again. He knocked on the door when he was positive that he and the right house, he was greeted by a kind, pretty woman with long, black hair.

"Hello," she spoke. "You must be Atsumu, oh, Kiyoomi's not stopped talking about you. Give me one second to get him- is that all of your stuff?" She pointed at the backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Yeah, it's not much, but it'll be okay for the night. Thanks again for having me." Knowing that Sakusa talked about him to his family made him smile.

"Of course, dear." She turned around and shut the door halfway before calling out, "Kiyoomi! Atsumu's here!" There was a muffled voice behind the door responding. Looking back at Atsumu, the woman said, "Come in, he's upstairs, the last room on the left."

"Okay. Than you, Mrs. Sakusa."

"Please, Niami is fine."

Nodding, Atsumu slipped into the house and took off his shoes before rushing up the stairs. The last room on the left... He spotted the door matching it and walked up to it, knocking and asking, "Omi? Are ya in there?" A second later he was greeted by someone in the doorway. There in front of him stood Kiyoomi, his curly black hair falling close to his eyes, wearing a grey sweatshirt and sweatpants, a large grin plastered across his face.

He immediately embraced Atsumu, burying his face into his shoulder. Atsumu returned the hug, shifting some of his weight onto the other who received it without hesitation. He let out a light-hearted laugh and pulled Sakusa's face in front of his, black eyes meeting brown ones.

"Hey, Omi," he muttered. "I missed ya too."

Grinning, Sakusa pulled him into his room by the waist and shut the door behind them before kissing Atsumu lovingly. Even after they pulled away, he continued peppering Atsumu's cheek with pecks, keeping him held against him. Nothing else really mattered in that moment. The two had missed each other to death, and a distance of around 264 miles restricted them from being close. So they were going to savor that moment they had with each other.

After their embrace, the two sat on Kiyoomi's bed and just started talking about what had happened to themselves since the last time they'd been with one another (even though they had already known about everything they said from the constant phone calls).

When some time had passed, and the sun was really setting now, Kiyoomi's mom called the two boys down for dinner. As they ate, Atsumu met Kiyoomi's sister and brother, who asked many questions about himself, his family, and their relationship- which deeply annoyed Sakusa.

Once Sakusa had managed to pry Atsumu away from his pestering siblings, he pulled him upstairs back into his room so that he could grab the things he'd need to get ready for bed. It didn't take Atsumu that long, but it took Sakusa about 30 minutes to do everything he needed to do. But Atsumu wasn't complaining- it gave him plenty of time to search his room for anything interesting. Just boyfriend things.

"Atsu?" spoke a voice from behind the twin, making him jump.

Quickly turning around he hid his hands behind his back, trying (and failing) to looks inconspicuous. "Omi-! Ahaha..."

"What are you doing to my desk?"


Sakusa narrowed his eyes. "Uh huh. Come on, it's late. Let's go to bed."

Nodding in agreement, Atsumu climbed onto the mattress next to the other. Atsumu buried his head into Sakusa's chest, feeling his strong arms envelop him in a hug. Normally, close contact would make Sakusa uncomfortable, but when it was with the person who was cuddled up next to him with a smile on his face, Sakusa forgot all about his tendency to be closed-off.

Just as the blond had started to doze off, Kiyoomi whispered to him, "Atsu?"

"Hm..." he grumbled.

"I missed you... goodnight, I love you. So much."

"I missed ya too, Omi. Mmm... Night, love you too."

Sakusa had a bit of trouble making out the mumbled response, but he understood him well enough. Moving a hand up to stroke his hair, Kiyoomi closed his eyes and fell asleep, followed by Atsumu soon after.

It was true that being long-distance was difficult sometimes, but it was that same distance that made these little reunions so much sweeter.


I knew I had to do some SakuAtsu at some point-
Not really sure how I feel about this chapter but I had to upload something so here we are 👍
Anyways I'm going on vacation tomorrow so next week's update is probably gonna be a bit late-

Word count: 1263

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