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-3rd P.O.V-

Yachi stared up at the ceiling, sighing to herself. She turned over on her bed and checked the clock. 2:03 AM. Quietly groaning, she rolled back onto her other side.

Yachi couldn't sleep. She had been staring at her blank and dark ceiling for over three hours, waiting for her mind to run out of thoughts so that she could finally sleep in peace. But they never ceased to run through her mind- her thoughts, that is. Somehow, she had gone from thinking of ways to advertise for the volleyball club to the pros and cons of her dying half of her hair pink.

She hated nights like these. She hated not being able to get the rest she definitely needed. She hated being left alone with her thoughts deep into the hours of the night. She hated getting worried over every little sound that she heard, because she would end up thinking that it was someone trying to break into her house.

Not being able to sleep also gave her lots of unwanted frustration. The thought of being too tired to do anything at all the next day due to lack of beauty rest was what made her feel like this.

As the seconds ticked by, that frustration in her grew and grew. It became so annoying to the point where tears began to well up in her eyes because of how overwhelming the sense of unease she was feeling had become. Yachi, realizing she was getting emotional, took a deep breath and reached out to grab her phone, which was charging on her bedside table. There was one person who she knew she could always call when she was getting anxious.

She opened the device and scrolled down the contacts list to find the number she was looking for. Her finger hovered over the 'call' button for a moment while she debated whether or not she should really bother the person on the other line this late at night, but in the end, she clicked the button and waited for the other to answer.

As the lines connected, a face popped up on Yachi's phone screen. It's expression looked tired, but awake enough to show concern.

"Hitoka?" asked the call recipient. "Are you okay?" The sleepiness in their voice was audible.

"Kiyoko-san, I'm sorry for waking you up... I just kind of needed to hear your voice right now..."

Kiyoko smiled. And what a beautiful smile it was. "Hitoka, you don't have to add the -san. I'm your girlfriend, it's okay. And it's alright, it's not like I was having too good of a dream anyway. What's wrong?"

"I can't sleep, and it's really bothering me..." Her voice broke towards the end.

Kiyoko shifted and looked at the camera at a better angle. "Okay. Well, do you have that nightshirt of mine?" Yachi nodded. "Alright, how about you put that on? That way it's like I'm actually there with you."

She did as Kiyoko suggested. She quietly got up from her bed and went to her dresser, picking out the light blue and white T-shirt, and slipping it over her head before laying back down on her mattress.

Shimizu smiled again. "Great. Now, do you just want me to talk to you until you fall asleep?"

"If you don't mind..."

"Of course not. You know, I really like seeing you wear my clothes. You look really cute, Hitoka. And light blue certainly is your color, I feel like it just suits your personality well. I hope it's comfortable enough, I believe it's made out of purely cotton, so it should be soft. I actually got that shirt from Tokyo. One time, my parents and I drove over there to go watch something, I don't remember it too well, I was pretty young- I think it was some fancy stage play or something- but when we left the place, there were souvenirs being sold, and I wanted one of the shirts they were selling. They didn't have anything in my size at the time, though, so my parents bought me one that was way too big for me, and told me that I'd grow into it over time. So I kept that shirt with me all the time, waiting for when it'd finally fit me. It does now, but I much prefer to see it on you." Kiyoko paused to look at her girlfriend, who had let out a yawn and had eyes that were beginning to droop. "If you want, you could come by my house sometime and look in my closet to see if there's anything you'd want. I have quite a few things that have gotten too small for me, so I think you'll like them. Ooh, especially this one shirt I have, it's white and light pink and parts of the sleeves are cut out, and it's really cute. It'll go well with a flowery skirt, I'd think. Speaking of flowers, I was wondering if you'd want to go on a date with me to the community garden? I've been there a few times, it's actually really nice. There are tons of flowers and other plants, it looks really enjoyable and peaceful." Yachi's eyes were now closed. Seeing that she was on the edge of slumber, Kiyoko gave her one last smile before finishing with, "Goodnight, Hitoka. Sleep well, I love you." She took a few FaceTime photos and disconnected the call when she was certain that Yachi had gone to bed.

Placing her phone back on her own bedside table, Kiyoko turned back on her side and closed her eyes. She'd be able to get a few more hours of sleep in, with the image of her lovely girlfriend imprinted in her mind as she'd fall into unconsciousness.


This used to happen to me, I'd get really anxious and frustrated if I wasn't able to fall asleep (that is, before my sleep schedule just turned  t e r r i b l e  and I just stopped caring about when I went to bed), and I'm writing this while it's pretty late, so why not do a sleep-based chapter?
I just wish that back then I had a gorgeous girlfriend who'd let me wear her shirt and help me rest 😔✋

Word count: 1059

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