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-Shirabu P.O.V-


Ugh. I know that voice.

"Shirabangs, stop ignoring your upperclassman and acknowledge my existence!"

Reluctantly, I turned around and faced the person talking to me. "What is it, Tendou-san?"

I saw a mischievous grin flash across his face. "I have a question for you."

"What kind of question?" Another grin. I should probably be scared for myself. He's obviously up to something.

"It's a question about the lovely Semi-Semi over there." He pointed over to where Semi and Ushijima were practicing. "What do you like about him?"

I scoffed. "I don't. Like him, I mean."

"Oh sure, that's believable."

"I'm not lying. I don't like his dumb hair, his dumb voice, his dumb laugh. I also don't like his stupid smile- it's so mocking. Makes me want to step on his foot. His eyes are annoying too, especially when he's excited. They get all twinkly, 'n crap. He also keeps following me everywhere, it's weird. And no matter how many times I tell him to stop, he keeps calling me that terrible 'Shirababes' nickname. I don't know what makes you think I like him in any way."

Instead of going away, Tendou just smirked at me. "You sure pay attention to him. You don't have to lie, Shirabangs~ I've seen how he makes you smile. You're totally in love with him~" I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could say anything, a voice spoke up from behind me.

"Tendou, what are you annoying Shirababes with now?"

"Ah, Semi-Semi!" Tendou looked at me and smiled knowingly. "We were just talking about you- wait, what do you mean, 'annoying'? I'm just speaking to him!"

"Mhm, sure. Anyways, Shirababes, come help me practice." I nodded once and quickly walked away from my upperclassman. But as much as I tried to forget them, Tendou's words kept replaying in my head.

"You're totally in love with him~"

I shook my head. No. No, I'm not letting him get to me. I knew that he was just trying to get a rise out of me, so I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of watching me fall apart. But, that's kind of hard to do when each time I looked over, Tendou was always there, either making heart shapes at us with his hands or imitating making out with someone.

Semi noticed that I was distracted. He walked over to me and asked, "Shirababes? Are you okay? You've been really- uh- unfocused? Is something wrong?"

I panicked. Instead of answering him, I said, "Will you stop calling me that? It sounds like you're calling me 'babe'." Welp. I guess my life is over. That was probably the most embarrassing reply I could've given.

"Alright then, Shirababy." He smirked. It took me a minute to process what he'd said. I felt heat rise into my cheeks. How do you respond to that?! And if he knows what I think he's trying to say... why is he calling me 'baby'?! "I'm gonna go get some water. Be right back." He jogged off to where his water bottle was sitting in the corner.

I stood where I was, frozen. The only thing I managed to do was mutter "Damn you..." under my breath before attempting to cover my face with my hand so that no one would be able to see me blushing. Finally being able to force my legs to move, I walked off to where my own water bottle was, ignoring the red-headed upperclassman who began to approach me.

"Shirabangs~" he sang as I took a drink of water.

"Everyone on this team is really starting to make me hate my name."

"You wound me. But more importantly..." He raised an eyebrow and gave me a smug look. "Ya still don't think that you're in love with Semi-Semi?" I stayed silent. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I felt anymore. Though, again, Tendou just wanted to get a rise out of me. So, instead of replying, I merely shrugged and walked off.

Even if today's practice had been extremely confusing, and will probably keep me awake most nights, forcing me to think about my emotions and all that terrible stuff, at least it ended with the satisfying sounds of my upperclassman throwing irritated and fake threats at me in frustration. I guess things could've been worse.


This week's update is a bit early because I'm going to be somewhere over the weekend where I can't check or do anything on Wattpad, so I have to add a new chapter now to keep this thing somewhat fresh QwQ
Honestly I kinda just continuously improvised on this chapter as I went along with it ._.
I feel like I used the word 'upperclassman' wayyy too much in this chapter :,)

Word count: 801

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