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-3rd P.O.V-
(This is a part 2 to the last KageHina chapter made)

Kageyama sat up on his bed, staring at his phone screen. He kept reading over the conversation he and Hinata had.

Hinata liked him? Really? The thought seemed so strange that it was hard for him to process it. Nobody had ever expressed any interest in him before, not in that way.

He felt guilty. It was obvious that Hinata was anything but fine, even though he insisted that he was. But how was he supposed to make him feel better? He racked his brain for anything that he'd be able to do for him, but he came up empty.

Sighing, he read one of Hinata's messages. "I like you. Do you feel the same way towards me or no?"

He didn't. He had never had a crush on anyone before, he never understood how those feelings worked. How do people realize they like someone? Do they just... know? Is there some sort of magic moment where you realize that you're experiencing love at first sight? It all confused him.

Another message caught his eye. "Well I told Suga-san-"

That's right. Sugawara knew about all of this. If there was anyone he could talk to, it'd be him.

So selecting his contact, Kageyama pressed the call button and waited. He picked up after a few rings.

"Kageyama?" the upperclassman's voice asked from over the phone line. "Is that you? Did someone steal your phone?"

"Um, no," he replied. "It's me."

"Wow, Kageyama reaching out first. That's new."

"Yeah... Um, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Oh yeah? What's up?"

He paused and wondered what he should say. Yeah, there was a main topic here, but what specifically did he need help with? After a few seconds, he said quietly into the phone, "How hard is it to move on from someone?"

"Huh? What do you mean, why'd you need to know?"

"It's just... Hinata said that you knew about what he told me..."

"Oh right! How'd that go? Are you two dating yet?"

"Uh, no... I turned him down. I don't feel the same."

There were a few seconds of confused noises that came from Suga. "What do you mean you don't feel the same? You totally like him! I'm not blind, you know. You obviously have feelings for him."

"I-I do?"

"Kageyama... Did you really just ask me if you have a crush on your teammate? You should know! You're you! It sounds like to me that the question you should asking isn't how to move on, but rather how to know if you like someone."

"Well, okay then. How do I know if I like someone?"

He paused. "It's kind of hard to explain. Let me ask you this, how does Hinata make you feel?"

How did he make him feel? He didn't really have to think about it. "He makes me feel good about myself. Like I'm more than just some tyrannical ruler who wants nothing but victory. I feel better about who I am when I'm with him."

"Okay, and what's something about Hinata that you like? And it can't be anything volleyball-related."

Again, there was no hesitation in his answer. "His smile. It's really bright. Sometimes it's annoying, but it's reassuring. And his hair. It looks fluffy. His voice is nice too, when he's not using it to shout things."

"Alright... what about this. When you're with him, do you feel anything weird? Like a twist in your gut, or a rush of heat to your face?"

Come to think of it... yeah, he did. "Well, sure, but aren't those just signs of exhaustion from practice?"

"Maybe, but do you feel them when you're around or practicing with anyone other than Hinata?"

He blinked. It was like a wave of emotions crashed into him. Confusion, shock, disbelief, and more. "Oh my god," he whispered. "I like Hinata."

"There you go." Even though he couldn't see Suga's face, he could tell he was grinning. "Took you long enough. It's so obvious, I'm surprised you hadn't realized until now. Even the coaches could tell."

Kageyama didn't know how to reply. What was he supposed to do? He had already turned Hinata down, how was he supposed to tell him that he made a mistake? Should he just say it like that? No, that wouldn't be enough. He'd have to explain himself. Probably have to make it up to him as well. Would flowers be able to serve as a good token of apology?

He shook his head. Flowers? Gah, what was he even thinking, that was so out of character for him. Why was it Hinata that made him feel these things? Stupid, stupid Hinata, with his kind eyes, and his bright expressions, and his strangely lovable personality, and his welcoming energy...

What... in the world was he thinking?

"Kageyama?" Suga's voice jarred him out of his thoughts. "You still there?"

"Yes, I'm here. So, um... what do I do now?"

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Like, am I supposed to date him now, do we stay friends...?"

"That, my kouhai, is up to you. But you should tell him how you feel. That's a good place to start. From what I understand, as of right now, you messed up, which means that Hinata's probably really embarrassed, upset, or both. Talk to him. Explain what happened, and take responsibility for your actions."

"...Got it."

"And Kageyama?" Suga said, stopping him from ending the call.


"He really likes you. You don't have to worry about him not feeling the same way. Just take a deep breath, and confess your undying love for our precious decoy."

"Yeah, alr- Wait, undying love-?"

"See you tomorrow!" Suga interrupted him, ending their call and leaving Kageyama alone with his thoughts and feelings. Admittedly, his last comment left him blushing.

But now he had to do the hard part. Actually talk to Hinata.

So taking a deep breath (as instructed by Sugawara), he opened their private messages and began typing...


Yes, I am stopping it on a cliffhanger
A part 2 was requested, so here this is
If anyone wants a part 3, tell me, otherwise I'm just going to leave it here and let people think of the ending for themselves-
I'm gonna move around the chapters a bit so that the part 1 to this will be directly above it
To the person that requested this, sorry if you were expecting more angst- I didn't really know what to do for a part 2 but I tried-

Word count: 1111

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