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-Suga P.O.V-

It's been exactly two months since Daichi and Yui started dating. One month of what has felt like pure torture.

I've had to stand by and watch as she'd come running up to him, embracing him once they were together. I've had to watch as he got flustered whenever anyone asked him about his relationship with her. I've had to listen to them call each other cheesy pet names, like 'darling,' and 'honey,' and 'sweetheart.' I've had to pass them in the halls and hope that neither of them noticed me, because god forbid I suffer through any more of their relationship than I already have.

I've had to stay back and watch what felt like my first love fall for someone else. And it's been hell.

So you can imagine how much my heart is aching right now as Yui pops up from behind the doors to the entrance of the gym, giving Daichi a 'sweet surprise visit' after our practice as he's giving announcements.

"Yui!" Daichi says, calling all of our attention to the girl. "What are you going here?"

"Haha, hi! Just wanted to stop by and see how you all are doing?" That smile of hers. Everyone else returns it of course, nobody else has a problem with her. And why would they? What'd she ever do to them? But I can't stand it. Whenever she smiles, all I can think is, 'Why her? Why not me? Should I try to be more like her?'

"We're all doing great, hon. Everyone, you all know Yui." He put an arm around her, pulling her closer to his side. There were smirks and chides coming from the team. Of course they knew her. Daichi's girlfriend. Who here didn't know.

"Hey, everyone! Sorry if I'm interrupting anything, I just wanted to wish you all luck on your guys' upcoming practice match. I understand that you'll be playing Nekoma, so do your best! You guys can do it!" Another smile. A few more words were shared between us all, but I stopped listening. Just smile, Suga. Just smile. Hide your clenched fists. Bite that tongue. Don't focus on them.

Then there was a tap on my shoulder. I was brought back to the conversation. Standing in front of me was Yui.

"Suga? Are you alright?" she asked. But... how can I stay mad at her? She doesn't know, neither does Daichi. How could they have known? I should be glad for him. He's found a girl who's pretty, smart, hard-working, and an all-around cheerful person. That's what he deserves.

Feeling my nails dig into my skin, I could tell that I was about to tear up. Gotta get out of here. "Yeah, I'm okay- excuse me, I forgot I have something to attend to. See you all tomorrow everyone!" I responded. Hopefully nobody noticed how my voice broke at the end.

Rushing out of the gym, I made my way to the nearest bathroom. My vision was starting to get blurry. There was a weird ringing in my ears. Hold it together, you're almost there.

Throwing the bathroom door open and slamming it behind me, I tried to make it to one of the stalls, but I tripped over my own feet and fell down to the floor. Eyes watering, I crawled into the corner nearby and sat up with my back to the wall, my knees tucked into my chest, and my arms wrapped around my legs.

I can't hold it on anymore. The tears that have been being stored in my eyes spilled out along with choked out sobs. My chest and head hurt. My crying kept growing more intense and uncontrollable, even painful. I couldn't see straight. Everything was watery, the tears screwing with my sight.

Visions of Yui and Daichi flashed through my mind. I saw him holding her, then her reaching up on her toes and kissing his cheek, to which he smiled in response. I saw them holding hands and laughing together, about what, I don't know. I saw her resting her head on his shoulder whilst he looked at her lovingly.

It killed me. Every image brought another wave of pain. All I could think was, 'That should be me. I should be there. We should be doing that.' But he looked so happy. How could I take that away from him? How was I supposed to give him that happiness myself?

I'm not sure how long I was sitting there and crying, but after a while I felt something grab my shoulders and start shaking me. Looking up weakly, I saw a blurred person. Judging by the outline, it was Asahi. Then there were more people. They were trying to tell me something, but I couldn't understand. It just sounded like incoherent babbling.

When my senses started to clear, I could tell that it was Asahi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Yamaguchi who were with me. They kept asking if I was okay, and what was wrong, but I just couldn't respond. Each time I opened my mouth I had to quickly shut it, otherwise another sob would escape my throat.

Yamaguchi moved and sat next to me before putting his arms around me and pulling my head onto his shoulder comfortingly. The other three shared concerned looks and kept trying to ask me questions and reassure me.

My breakdown was coming to a slow. The tears stopped flowing, but I was still shaking.

"Suga," Tanaka said calmly. "What's wrong? Are you hurt? You know you can talk to us, we're here for you. Are you okay?"

Noya joined in. "Yeah, what he said. We're all like family here, for Christ's sake. Everything's gonna be alright. If anyone did anything to hurt you, I swear to god I'll kill them."

I stayed silent. Anyone? You'd really kill both Yui and Daichi if you knew, Noya? No... that was going to far. They're just a happy couple... They did nothing wrong...

I finally pulled away from Yamaguchi and stood up. They all looked up at me expectantly. How was I supposed to explain why I was breaking down in a corner of one of the school's bathrooms? I couldn't, really. Not now.

"Why her..?"

That was the only thing I could say. My voice was barely a whisper, but they heard me. And I could tell they understood. Asahi started to say something, but I shook my head and shakily walked out the door.

Now that I had gotten the fresh sadness and anger out of my system, there was nothing there. There was just nothing. It was a terrible feeling. It was like everything had just stopped, except me. All I could do was make my way to the club room to grab my things.

Everything was just... empty.

I was empty.

Yeah, I bet this is what hell feels like.


💃A n g s t🕺
As it turns out, I really like writing angst 😃
Also while I was writing this I was just listening to Olivia Rodrigo's album SOUR on repeat so I think that should explain some of it

Word count: 1195

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