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-Yachi P.O.V-

I fiddled with the hem of my dress, trying to avoid looking up. My reason for this is simple: there is an extremely attractive woman sitting across from me, and I know that if I look at her I will go completely and embarrassingly red.

It was my first date with a girl. Or, frankly, with anyone for that matter. I've always fantasized about it, but I guess I didn't focus too much on how hard it would be to keep my cool.

Especially with her. Hell, being on a date is one thing. Being on a date with goddamn Kiyoko Shimizu is something completely different. She's a literal goddess, and I'm not even over-exaggerating.

"Yachi? Are you okay?" I whipped my head up instantly, partially regretting it as I did. She was so beautiful, I had to remind myself to breathe like a normal person.

"Ah! Yeah- sorry about that, haha... just a bit spacey," I replied.

She smiled. At me. Jesus, I think I'm having a panic attack. How does one breathe again? "Alright, just making sure. I know this might be a bit much, I just wanted our first date to be at a nice place, you know?"

"Of course! It's not a bit much, it's lovely! Seriously, thank you for bringing me here!"

Except it was a bit much. Maybe not for a queen like her, but for common folk such as myself, I'm not exactly used to huge, fancy restaurants. When she had suggested this place, I was too entranced by her facial features to give the venue any thought at all. Anyone would have been too if they looked into her eyes.

"It's no problem. I just want tonight to go well... I really do like you, Yachi." She reached across the table for my hand. I placed mine in hers, praying to every and all gods and higher powers that I wasn't sweating and shaking as much as I thought I was.

"I really like you too. Honestly, you're my first... girlfriend. I-I hope it's alright if I say that, I just assumed, since, you know, this is a date and we're holding hands and-"

She laughed. "Yes, it's alright. That's what we are, anyway." She dragged her thumb along my knuckles. "You look very pretty, by the way."

"Oh!" Lord have mercy, I think I'm going into cardiac arrest. "Thank you! I wasn't really sure how much I should dress up, haha. This is kind of my..." My voice trailed off. Should I tell her that she's the first person I've gone out with? Or would it be too soon to say that?

"It's kind of your..?"

"My... first date..." I held my breath, waiting for her reaction.

Oh no, did I make things weird?! What if that embarrasses her?! Why would she want to be known as the first girlfriend of a completely inexperienced person like me-

"Really? Well, I guess I'll just have to make it a memorable one, then."

My eyes snapped up to meet hers. She was looking contentedly at me, her soft lips curved upwards into the perfect smile. In that moment, just watching her smile, it was like there was nobody else in the restaurant. It was just us, holding hands, staring into each other's eyes without a care in the world. The sun could've exploded, an earthquake could've shook the entire country, a fight could've broken out right in front of us, but I wouldn't have noticed it.

How in the world could someone be so utterly perfect?

When I came back to my senses, I realized that I'd been staring at her for what was probably too long. I quickly looked down and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, trying to collect myself.

"So, am I also your first girlfriend, then?" She asked.

"Yeah... that's not weird, is it?"

"Why would it be weird?"

"Well- I just mean, you've probably had tons of partners before, and so you're probably really informed and experienced on what to do in relationships and stuff, and- I don't know, I just feel a bit... vulnerable, I guess?"

She dropped her gaze for a second, but kept smiling. "Do I really seem so popular? Haha, well, yes, I have had partners before, but..." Looking back up at me, she said, "You're my first girlfriend."

I felt my entire face go red. Me?! Her first?! No way, I refuse to believe it. She could get literally anyone, but I'm still her first girlfriend?!

I tried to think of a natural response. "I'm honored," is what I went with.

Suddenly, it felt as if the atmosphere changed. I didn't feel as nervous as before. Still incredibly nervous, but less so than before. It was both of our first times dating girls. I wasn't alone in this, and it felt comforting to know that.

Just then, a waiter approached us and asked for our orders. I answered him absentmindedly, my mind too occupied to come up with a better response than simply, "Water, please."

Even if this was new to me, it was new to her too. We were in this together. Together.

I like that.


I'm so tired lmfao
This is unedited btw, sorry if there are mistakes
This was pretty much just me projecting my lesbian fantasies of getting a gf in the future through KiyoYachi, tbh

Word count: 907

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