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-Osamu P.O.V-

I stormed out of the room, going to slam the door behind me, but never hearing the 'bang' of it closing.

"Please, 'Samu. Wait- just- please, just listen to me!"

"No. I'm leaving. Don't follow me."

He grabbed my arm but I quickly retracted from him. Spinning around to face him I tensed jabbed a finger in his direction. "Don't touch me, Suna," I said through gritted teeth.

He held his hands up in defense. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, no touching. Just please, hear what I have to say!"

"I don't want to hear another word come out of yer mouth."

"'Samu, please, I'm begging you, just at least hear me out!"

"Don't you ''Samu' me. I don't want it, just leave me alone."

I pushed past him into my room and took out a suitcase. Throwing it onto my bed, I started taking out my clothes from the closet and shoving them into it. But, of course, Suna wasn't giving me an easy time.

He took the clothes from the suitcase and held them away from me, looking at me with pleading eyes. Those annoyingly hard to resist eyes. "Osamu, don't do this- come on, let's just talk."

"No. No talking. Give me my clothes, Suna." I thrust an arm towards his.


"Suna Rintarou, give me my goddamn clothes." My patience was wearing thin. I didn't want to stay another second in the same room as him. Hesitantly, he gave me my things back. I snatched them from his grip and put them back into my case. But that didn't stop him.

"I swear, it wasn't what it looks like!"

Scoffing, I said, "Oh, really? It wasn't?"

"No, it wasn't!"

"Seriously?!" Shouting now, I took out my phone and shoved it in his face. He caught it as it was about to fall. "That's not what it looks like?! Honestly, Suna! Do you really think you can get away with this?! I don't want to hear yer excuses."

"She's just a friend!"

"Friends don't make out with each other!" I stole the device from his hands. Looking back at the photo, I was filled with many emotions- disgust, anger, betrayal, you know, the usual things you would feel if you caught your boyfriend kissing another person.

"But we weren't making out!"

All of my clothes were packed. I laughed in irritation and shook my head. The zipper got jammed as I shut it too quickly. Grabbing the handle of the suitcase, I carried it out of my room and threw it onto the couch, making my way to the bathroom to grab my other necessities. He was still following me.

"Please, Osamu. Please just hang on a sec! We can talk about this!"

I just shook my head. I was ready to leave. I had everything I needed stored away in my luggage. I'd go to Atsumu's house. He'd be there with Sakusa, no doubt, but I didn't care. I just needed to get out of that stupid apartment.

But... that was going to be harder than I expected. Looking around, it was as if time was moving in slow motion. I remembered all of the good times Suna and I had together. All of the memories we had made suddenly flashed before my eyes in a single instant, and it was overwhelming. Forming tears started to sting my eyes. For a moment, I started to think, was it all really worth leaving? It was one slip up. Everything he and I had together... Breaking up over a kiss? Is that really too bad?

Only for a moment, though.

I grabbed my bag off the couch and stormed towards the door. As I was about to open it, I heard Suna yell, "Don't do this to me, Osamu!"

I snapped. I whirled around and faced him, fury, hurt, and disbelief etched into my face.

"Don't do this to you?!" I shouted back. "To you?! Suna, ya do realize what you've done, right?! You cheated on me. And don't give me that terrible excuse that 'It's not what it looks like,' or, that ya 'Weren't making out!' How stupid do you think I am?! I have eyes, Suna! I know what I saw! Honestly, the fact that you think you can just kiss another person and then walk free right after... Ya can't just get away with that! You hurt me! Yer hurting me right now! Ya think that you can just walk all over me, telling me that I don't know what I saw... it's bullshit! I know my worth, and I know that all of this isn't worth it. I don't care how long this... thing you have has been going on for, but I hope that she makes you happy! I hope she satisfies you, like I clearly couldn't do." Hot tears ran down my face. Suna was crying too, but honestly, I couldn't give a damn.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply, I clenched my fists and calmed myself down before looking him in the eye again. "I'm going to my brother's. Don't try to follow me, or I swear to god, I will unleash hell on your lying ass."

He was speechless. It was kind of empowering, actually. Swinging open the door, I stepped outside. A couple neighbors of ours had peeked their heads out of their living spaces to see what all of the commotion was about.

Before I closed the door, I glanced over my shoulder. "Oh, and, Suna?"

His expression brightened a little. But I wasn't about to give him any positive words.

"In case it wasn't painfully obvious, we're done. I'm breaking up with you. Someday, you'll find someone who'll make ya wanna stay. That someone just won't be me."

And with that, I slammed the door shut, hearing the sound echo through the hallway.


Sorry, ik this is late but only by a day so hmph
I was on vacation and got back at 6 in the morning, the flight left at 1 AM, and I got no sleep until the afternoon 👍
It took me so long to debate whether or not I was going to make Suna be the one who cheated or not-
But eh whatever I'm proudish of how things turned out 👍
Angst is very fun to write ✨

Word count: 1056

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