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-Oikawa P.O.V-

The bell on the door chimed again as another person walked into the cafe. I looked up immediately from my drink, but it wasn't the person I was hoping to see. Just another random stranger wanting caffeine.

Checking my phone again, I made sure that I was in the right place. It was 11:17- he was seventeen minutes late. This was definitely the right place.

Maybe I should just leave. I should've known he wouldn't show up.

The bell rang again, and I looked up once more. This time, I was happy with the results.

He looked around the shop, spotted me, and went to order something before joining me at the table I had chosen.

He slid into the chair across from me. Our eyes met, and I couldn't help but to smile. It had been years. I was beginning to think that I had lost my best friend.

"Hey, Shittykawa," he said, a grin playing at his lips. "Long time no see."

"Iwa-chan." The name felt so familiar. "It has. How've you been?"

"I've been okay, training the players can get a bit hectic sometimes, but I guess that's too be expected. Especially with both Hinata and Kageyama. What about you? How's Argentina been treating you?"

"It's been great. Lots of sun. Lots. Loving all the beach volleyball. Though, it has been a bit lonely. I miss everyone. Makki, Mattsun, Haba-chan, even Mad dog-chan. It took a while to adjust to the difference- especially the time difference. I can't tell you how long my sleep schedule was messed up."

He laughed. God, I missed that laugh. Just hearing it now is like a blessing. "Yeah, well, we've all missed you too. Especially your good friend, Ushiwaka."

"Don't. Don't you even make that joke, Iwa-chan. I am not doing that this early. I don't have the mental capacity for it right now."

He smirked at me, and I felt my face warm up. "Alright, alright. I'll wait 'till you've consumed enough coffee. Then you're getting all the details on what Mr. Wakatoshi has been up to."

I groaned and put my head down on the table. Honestly, this man...

But I was still smiling. "You know, Iwa-chan... Even though I missed Makki, Mattsun, and all of them with a passion..." I reached out and placed my hand on top of his that was resting on the table. "I missed you the most."

His expression turned from joking to serious. His hand retracted and he straightened up in his seat, looking away. I was very confused, to say the least.

"Oikawa..." he started, a look of guilt flashing across his face. "I probably should've told you before, but, um- so, the thing is... I kind of... am in a relationship..." His voice got smaller towards the end of his sentence. "I'm sorry, I should've mentioned it when we were planning this the other day, I just didn't know how to say it- I'm sorry..."

I was still.


He was-

In a relationship.

With someone else.

No. No, that can't be right. When we were in high school, he had promised me that he'd love me forever. It was before I left for Argentina. He said that he knew I had to go, but that it would be okay. We would be okay.

So then why...

Why is he saying this?

"Oikawa, please say something," he winced. I hadn't reacted. It was all still settling in.

He found someone. Someone who isn't me.

"Look, I know that we said some things back in high school, but that was years ago." He was trying to study my expression, figure out what I was thinking. "Okay? I- I couldn't just keep myself hung up on my childhood best friend who had moved to another country, Oikawa. Please tell me you understand that."

I looked down at my drink. I couldn't see my reflection that clearly in the liquid.

About half a minute had passed before I finally spoke, "I didn't expect you to wait forever. I just hoped..." My voice trailed off. I just hoped what? That the guy I had know my whole life, the guy that I had left behind for years on end to go play a sport I loved would hold his love life in abstinence? Even I know that's stupid. Of course he'd find someone. I should've known...

But it still hurt. It still felt like a betrayal. We promised... Did it not mean anything to him?

"Oikawa, really, I'm sor-"

"What's their name?"

The question startled him. "Wha-what?"

"The name." I looked up at him, our eyes meeting, I could see the guilt and sincerity in his eyes, but... "The name of the person you're seeing."

He hesitated before saying, "His name is Toroma. We've been together for about a year now..."

"Does he make you happy?" I could barely keep my voice from breaking.


"Iwaizumi." He physically reacted to the name, flinching away. "Does Toroma make you happy?"

He didn't want to meet my eyes. "Yeah... he does..."

Well, that was that. He was happy. He found a guy that would be able to treat him right. Be able to provide for him. Be able to care for him, and always be there when he needed it. Not someone like me, who chose to live somewhere on the other side of the world. Someone who was foolish enough to believe that their high school sweetheart would wait for him, even after years of being too busy to reach out and reconnect.

I stood up and pushed in my chair, making him look up at me startled and expectantly. "Oikawa?" he whispered.

"I'm happy for you, Iwaizumi." I smiled at him. I smiled at him as teardrops streaked down my cheeks, staining my face with evidence of my regret. "I am, really. You deserve to be happy, and I'm sure Toroma does too! I wish the best for the two of you. Knowing you, you'll make him happy. Just don't screw it up, okay? You don't want to have something go bad, and then look back a few years down the road and reflect on everything you could've done better, everything that could've gone right if you had just tried a little bit harder."

"Oikawa..." his voice was barely audible and he had tears in his eyes. But I wasn't done.

"Really, Iwaizumi, I'm going to be okay. I should probably get going, I don't want to take too much more of your time. Tell Toroma I said hello, and that I hope you two make it, alright?"

Iwaizumi stood up and pleaded, "Oikawa, please, just wait a second!"

But I was done. I couldn't spend another second in this cafe. Some people were watching us as they ate their pastries and drank their coffee. I walked away, my head tilting down.

"Goodbye, Iwaizumi."

The bell on the door chimed as I stepped out of the building.

I didn't want to lose my best friend. And yet, it seems that I had lost him the second I made the decision to go to Argentina.


Adele lyrics are hitting a bit too hard rn
Suffer with me :)
Oh and Happy late Halloween🎃
Too bad that Eiji couldn't help to protect Ash from the pumpkins this year :)
(Yes, I woke up and chose sadness.)

Word count: 1240

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