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*Private messages with Kunimi :P and Onion Head*

Kunimi :P : Kindaichi

Onion Head: I have been summoned
Onion Head: What's up?

Kunimi :P : I kinda have something
to tell you
Kunimi :P : And it's kinda really
Kunimi :P : So please just listen
and hear me out okay?

Onion Head: Have u killed someone

Kunimi :P : Not yet

Onion Head: I'm choosing to ignore the "yet"
Onion Head: But in that case,
what do u need to tell me?

Kunimi :P : .
Kunimi :P : U no what nvm it's
not that important

Onion Head: 🤨
Onion Head: That's suspicious
Onion Head: I don't believe you
Onion Head: What's wrong
Onion Head: Are u dying
Onion Head: Are u moving
Onion Head: Are u gonna confess
ur undying love for me
Onion Head: Are u sick
Onion Head: Are u breaking up with me

Kunimi :P : 1. On the inside
Kunimi :P : 2. No
Kunimi :P : 3. Already have
Kunimi :P : 4. No
Kunimi :P : 5. No, but I'm afraid that's
what you'll want to do when I'm
done talking

Onion Head: ??
Onion Head: Y would I wanna
break up with you?
Onion Head: Did u cheat on me?

Kunimi :P : Um what
Kunimi :P : Ofc not.
Kunimi :P : I'm a lot of things, but
I'm not a cheater.

Onion Head: Ik ur not, just making sure
Onion Head: Now r u gonna tell me or..?

Kunimi :P : U have to promise to hear
me out
Kunimi :P : Like listen to everything
I have to say

Onion Head: Ofc

Kunimi :P : Promise

Onion Head: I promise

Kunimi :P : Ok
Kunimi :P : Omg why is this so

Onion Head: Idk but I promise u
I'll always listen to whatever u have
to say
Onion Head: ily ok?

Kunimi :P : Ok
Kunimi :P : and Ik
Kunimi :P : shhsjsjhsjsvsgsjjbs
Kunimi :P : mmmmmm
Kunimi :P : alright
Kunimi :P : so
Kunimi :P : erm

Onion Head: Take ur time Akira

Kunimi :P : .
Kunimi :P : I've been feeling a certain way
for a long time now
Kunimi :P : and I think it's about time
I tell you about it

Onion Head: ??
Onion Head: a certain way??

Kunimi :P : Yes
Kunimi :P : Like
Kunimi :P : I've been feeling... different
or something
Kunimi :P : idrk
Kunimi :P : but I've just been thinking
a lot lately
Kunimi :P : and it's taken me quite a
while and a lot of sleepless nights
Kunimi :P : but I think I've finally come
to a conclusion

Onion Head: ??

Kunimi :P : .
Kunimi :P : Kindaichi

Onion Head: Kunimi

Kunimi :P : I think that...
Kunimi :P : I'm asexual
Kunimi :P : But I still love you.
Kunimi :P : I love you with everything
I am, and my sexuality won't change that.
Kunimi :P : so please don't leave me.
Kunimi :P : I need you.
Kunimi :P : I just
Kunimi :P : idk
Kunimi :P : just please stay with me..

Onion Head: Akira

Kunimi :P : ?

Onion Head: Did u really think that u
being asexual would affect how much
I love you?

Kunimi :P : well kinda
Kunimi :P : wait
Kunimi :P : wait
Kunimi :P : ur not mad?

Onion Head: Ofc not
Onion Head: Akira, you're my world
Onion Head: if you don't experience
sexual attraction, that's perfectly okay
Onion Head: Besides, we're only in
high school
Onion Head: We don't have to jump
into all that stuff so quickly
Onion Head: and if you feel that
way, it's Alright
Onion Head: I still love u
Onion Head: Hello?
Onion Head: U still there?

Kunimi :P : Yeah I'm here
Kunimi :P : Just a bit emotional

Onion Head: Awh babe
Onion Head: It's gonna be okay love
Onion Head: I have no plans of ever
leaving you

Kunimi :P : Thank you Kindaichi
Kunimi :P : I don't deserve you

Onion Head: That's right
Onion Head: You deserve the world,
not some lowly high schooler like me

Kunimi :P : U know that's not what I meant

Onion Head: <3
Onion Head: Do u want me to come over?

Kunimi :P : Yes plz

Onion Head: Alr my dear
Onion Head: Omw <3

Kunimi :P : ♡︎


Short chapter today
I'm sorry it took me too long it publish this
And I'm sorry it's short
But imma start doing this a bit more often
If I've had a busy weekend and couldn't write, I'm just gonna do shorter chapters
And if I'm not busy, then they'll be more thorough
Anyways I got a cat
His names Kozume
(Yes after Kenma)

Word count: 744

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