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-Kenma P.O.V-

I dragged my feet into the living room, the loud sounds of the storm were raging outside.

It was around one in the morning. The crack of a lightning striking somewhere in the distance had woken me up, only to find that my boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.

Poking my head around the corner, I spotted the person I was searching for. Akaashi was sitting on the window seat, watching the rain pour down from the sky.

"Mph..." I grumbled. "Keiji? What are you doing up so late..?"

His head turned and our eyes met. Lights from the city out of the window shone through the glass, illuminating his features. A small smile formed on his face.

"Ah," he said, his voice smooth and gentle, fitting the mood of the room. "Kenma. I could ask the same to you."

"Thunder woke me up... what about you?"

"I've been awake for a while. Sorry I got out of bed, I just couldn't help it. The rain sounded so nice..."

His gaze shifted back to the outside. He looked comfortable- propped up on the seat cushion with a few throw pillows supporting his back and a blanket around his waist.

I remembered how much he loved that window seat. When we were looking for an apartment to buy together, he was always open-minded to what I wanted, and where I did and didn't want to be. There was only one thing he required- a place with a window seat. He didn't care whether it was in the bedroom, the kitchen, or even the bathroom- he just wanted a window seat. Well, that or a balcony. When I asked him why, he just said that he found views to always be so much prettier when he could fully relax next to them.

"It's alright. I'm going to make some tea, would you like any?"

"I'll be okay, thanks."

I hummed in response before disappearing into the kitchen, digging around in a drawer and pulling out a packet of hojicha and two mugs. Yes, Akaashi said that he'd be okay, but I've been with him long enough to know that 'I'll be okay, thanks,' means that he would in fact like some, he just doesn't want to bother me by asking for any. As if making tea for someone is a bother.

When it was ready, I carried the two steaming mugs out into the living space. Seeing that I made enough for two people, Akaashi said, "You didn't have to," but he gave me a smile and took the beverage nonetheless.

He lifted up the blanket tucked around him and patted the space on the cushion in front of him. "Care to join me?"

I grinned and swiftly moved to sit with him, climbing onto the seat, facing away from him and leaning into him so that my back was pressed into his torso. His leg that had been hanging off the side of the window seat moved so that it was tucked underneath the legs of my own. Akaashi placed the blanket over the two of us and wrapped his free arm around me, taking my hand and lacing our fingers together.

We simultaneously took a sip of the tea in our hands. It was warm and delicious and it filled my senses with a feeling of comfort and relaxation. Akaashi must have felt the same, because he hummed in satisfaction as he lowered the cup from his lips.

There was a moment of comfortable silence that settled in between us. We didn't really need words. Nothing really had to be said.

It was a stormy night- or early morning- here in Tokyo, and we were sitting on the window seat of our apartment that we lived in together, sipping tea, holding hands, cuddling, and enjoying each other's presence. So what if we both had to go to work tomorrow? The tiredness we'll be feeling will have been worth it.

"Are you comfortable?" I heard Akaashi ask from above me. Tilting my head back, I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes and smiled, nodding slightly. He smiled back and kissed my forehead in response. I let go of his hand and instead reached up and cupped the side of his face, drawing tiny circles into his cheek with my thumb. He leaned in to the touch. Even though it was dark, I could still see that his face was tainted pink. Mine was too, though, so I wasn't really in a position where I could tease him about it.

"Love you, Keiji," I whispered.

"Love you too, Kenma," he replied.

I closed my eyes and focused on my other senses. I could feel the warmth radiating from his body, the blanket around us and the the tea in my hand. The smell of hojicha and essential oils that we had put up around our living space mixed together. Sounds of lightning striking and rain pouring down were still at large. Our breathing had synced together, our chests rising and falling gently at the same time. All in all, it was one of the most peaceful things I had ever experienced.

Akaashi took another sip of his tea and sighed. "We should probably be going back to bed soon..." he mumbled.

"Yeah, we should..." I paused before continuing. "Or, we could stay out here, accept the fact that we're going to be exhausted tomorrow, and just call in sick."

He grinned at me gave me another forehead kiss. "I think I like that option more."

"I do too."

He laughed softly and drank another bit of the hojicha beverage and looked back outside. I did the same. The sun would begin to rise in a few hours. The storm was still going strong, not showing any signs of stopping. Not that I wanted it to stop. If it meant I could stay in this moment forever, the rain could pour and pour all it wanted. As long as I could stay here, cuddled up with my boyfriend and watching it do just that.


I asked for recommendations and I was given AkaKen as an option, so here is the AkaKen✨
Ngl I really liked making this one-
This has become a new comfort ship of mine so 👍
I wish it would rain where I am-
We haven't gotten a good storm over here in like two years ;-;

Word count: 1072

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