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-3rd P.O.V-

Iwaizumi pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building. After he parked, he tried to muster up the energy to actually exit his vehicle. But he just couldn't seem to do it. He had zero motivation.

Things had been like this for quite some time now. It had been getting harder for him to find interest in the things he used to love doing. Everything, even just living itself, seemed heavier, in a sense.

Eventually, he forced his body to move and get out of the car. Slowly, he made his way up to his apartment. Waiting in the elevator, he got lost in his own thoughts- which had also taken a turn as of recently.

Questions circled his mind. Questions like, "why keep trying?" and "why not just give up?"

He didn't know why his mental health had deteriorated so badly. He couldn't seem to locate any specific sort of cause.

Everything seemed meaningless. What was the point in all of this?

Iwaizumi thought these very things as he unlocked his door. There was nothing for him. Why did he have to keep going through this? Why is everything so tiring? Why does he have no motivation? Why him? Why, why, why?

He couldn't think of anything. He knew that he couldn't keep doing this.

And then he opened the door, and he was reminded of why he got out of bed every morning, why he was still on this godforsaken planet, why he hasn't completely given up.

Oikawa was lounging on the couch, dressed in his pajamas, clearly half-asleep. Despite his obvious exhaustion, as soon as Iwaizumi stepped through the door, he popped up out of his seat and quickly shuffled over to where his partner was standing.

Burying his face into the crook of his neck, Oikawa wrapped his arms around Iwaizumi and snuggled into his arms. Iwaizumi instinctively reciprocated the embrace.

"Welcome home..." murmured Oikawa, words slightly muffled. "I missed you."

Iwaizumi inhaled sharply. This is why he knew he'd be okay. This is his reason. Oikawa was all he'd ever need. As long as he had him, he knew he'd be okay.

"I missed you too," he replied, voice breaking at the end. Suddenly, he felt tears in his eyes. He didn't know why they were there.

When Oikawa felt Iwaizumi shake slightly, he drew his head back to look at his partner. He was surprised to see tears streaming down the other's face uncontrollably. Iwaizumi seemed just as confused as he did.

"Hey, hey," Oikawa said softly, lifting his hands up to his face and wiping away the tears. "What's wrong? Is something the matter? Are you hurt?"

Iwaizumi shook his head and took a deep breath, trying to contain his emotions. "N-no, I'm fine. Seriously."

"Bullshit." Oikawa cupped both of his cheeks with his hands and gave him a sympathetic look. "Iwa, you can talk to me, I promise. I'm right here for you, always."

The other averted his eyes, but pressed his forehead to Oikawa's, to which he responded by kissing the tip of his nose and then his forehead.

After a few seconds of just standing together, Oikawa led his partner to where he was originally sitting on the couch. Holding hands, the two sat in silence for a while. Iwaizumi was debating on whether or not to actually tell the other about what's been happening lately. What if he thought he was a freak? What if he lost feelings for him after hearing about how fucked up his mind was?

But the second he looked back up at his partner, all of Iwaizumi's doubts dissipated at once. When he looked into his eyes, Iwaizumi knew that he wasn't alone. Just one glance at Oikawa's expression and he knew that his man would always be here for him, through anything.

He couldn't hide from him. He couldn't just keep this part of his life a secret from Oikawa.

So he told him everything. Once he started talking, he couldn't stop. Every little detail about how he'd been feeling spilled out of his mouth.

And throughout it all, Oikawa held onto his hands and listened. He listened to everything that Iwaizumi had to say, and he helped dry his tears when he got emotional again.

Iwaizumi knew that he was hurting right now. Things sucked, and it was hard for him to be happy. But he also knew that he had Oikawa with him. And as long as that was true, he'd be perfectly fine. He had the love of his life right by his side, supporting him through everything.

He was gonna be okay.


Also my friend Ace says hello to anyone who reads this
He's gonna be annoyed that I actually mentioned him but that's fine 🕺
Also on a more serious note, if you or someone you know is struggling with recurring negative thoughts, please seek out help in a trusted adult or loved one!!!!! You are loved and mental health is a serious matter!!!
(And again, I missed writing so it's good to be somewhat back :))

Word count: 873

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