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-3rd P.O.V-

Tanaka Ryunosuke and Ennoshita Chikara. On the outside, the two look like great friends. They hang out a lot, they talk frequently, they work well together, and they share common interests.

On the inside, however, they are quite a bit more than friends. Boyfriends, to be exact. Nobody knows this though. Well, their underclassmen, Kageyama Tobio and Hinata Shoyo have caught them holding hands once, but those two were a little but too dense to notice the true and intimate reason behind the action. They don't secretly date because they're embarrassed of each other, they do it because A) they're not sure how others would react, and B) running around in secret is actually kinda fun.

They've found many ways to show affection to one another while keeping their relationship confidential. One of these ways, (aka their favorite way) is love letters.

It started out as something that came with gifts that would be exchanged, but soon evolved into a habit. At least once a day, both Ennoshita and Tanaka would find a letter tucked away in their bags, lockers, desks, or possibly lunches, that would have something written on them- be it a long, heart felt paragraph or just a single "❤️" that was drawn on the paper.

Even though they've been passing notes and letters for months, they were never found out. Until...

"Guys, look! Enno's got a secret admirer!" Narita's voice drowned out the conversation that Nishinoya and Tanaka had been having.

"Dude!" exclaimed Ennoshita. "Stop that- and keep your voice down! Give it back!"

"Oooh~" cooed the shortest second-year. "An admirer~ What's it say?"

"No don't read it-" he was cut off by Kinoshita.

"'Chikara- you're so smart. Like, seriously, it's not fair! How come you were given both brains, and good looks?! You're also the sweetest person I've ever met, so there's that as well. I've really lucked out, haven't I? Anyway, this is a reminder that I love you. -R.'"

Nishinoya whistled. "Dang, bro! Who knew that you'd be so good with the ladies? (A/N WE'RE RELIABLE WITH THE LADIES~ sorry I couldn't help it-) Anyway, who exactly is this 'R' person? Don't you have a girl in your class named Riki, or something?"

Poor Ennoshita was just trying to reclaim the note that his secret boyfriend had made for him. Unfortunately, Narita and Kinoshita had teamed up to keep the letter out of his grasp.

"I- I don't know!" he said. "I'd guess that it's not her, considering the fact that she has a boyfriend. Just give it back, man!" He lunged out and finally grabbed the letter.

"Oh right," Noya muttered before glancing at his best friend, who's been awfully silent throughout this all. "What do you think, Tanaka?"

"Hu- huh?" asked the guy with the buzzcut, trying to hide the truth, which was that he was in fact the one who created the note.

"What do you think about the letter?" he repeated. "If it's not Riki... oh! Maybe it's Rei, that girl from your homeroom? No, she's dating my lab partner... Jeez, what girl has a name that starts with 'R'?!"

"Maybe it's a guy," added Kinoshita.

"Oh yeah," hummed Narita. "Not that it would matter, anyway."

"What?" said both Tanaka and Ennoshita at the same time. Nope, not suspicious at all.

Narita raised an eyebrow. "What, did you think that we'd be homophobic or something? You do know that almost everyone on the team is mlm, right?"

Neither of the two knew what to say. I mean, what do you respond with in that situation? 'Oh, well that's good, because my secret boyfriend and I have been dating for almost five months now, and we didn't know what to tell you. Did I mention that that very same secret boyfriend is standing right in front of you?'

"Yeah!" chimed Noya. "Although, I have and will always dedicate my life, body, mind, and soul to our goddess, Kiyoko."

"Oh, so does Asahi-san just not exist, then?" asked Kinoshita, smirking. Sadly, Noya misunderstood the question.


"What-? No, dude! Chill! I meant that-"

"Guys, can we get back on topic please?" Narita looked like he was questioning his choice of befriending those strange people- plus Ennoshita and Kinoshita.

The two-colored hair boy huffed. "Yeah, whatever. In that case, who's a guy that has an 'R' name?"

"Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe it was just a prank?" questioned Ennoshita, just trying to get out of the conversation. "Seriously, it's probably just a joke or something. I mean, who would say those things about me? I'm not anybody special, so it's clearly just some dumb practical joke that someone's playing on me." The three guys went to object, but Tanaka beat them to it.

"What do you mean, 'not special'? Don't you ever say that, Enno! You know damn well that you're every bit as special as anyone else! That letter is stating straight up facts, I'll tell you! I bet that whoever wrote it is an amazingly smart dude-! Or- um- girl, or anything!"

Ennoshita couldn't stop the small smile that crept onto his face, which of course made Tanaka smile, which caused the three third-wheelers to look back and forth between the secret couple in confusion, slowly connecting the dots. The realization hit Kinoshita first.

"Hey Tanaka..." he said with a grin forming. "Don't you think it's interesting how you immediately thought that Enno's secret admirer was a guy?"

The wing-spiker didn't respond, but Narita's eyes widened as he caught onto what the other had meant. "Yeah, also... correct me if I'm wrong, but your name is Tanaka Ryunosuke, right? Ryunosuke? Doesn't that start with an 'R'?"

Noya looked at the people in the group, still slightly clueless. "It does, but what does that have to do with any-... oh... oh... OH!"

Tanaka and Ennoshita just stood there, their faces red and frozen, as the shortest second-year started yelping and bouncing around in celebration.

"You guys aren't denying anything," noted Narita. "That's kinda sus if you ask me."

Enno buried his face in his hands while Tanaka looked away. Well, there goes the secret. The two of them made eye-contact and shared a silent debate before the creator or the love letter finally let out an embarrassed sigh and took a step forward, grasping his now-not-secret boyfriend's hand.

As their three friends erupted in cheers and teases, the couple realized that this meant that they weren't going to be able to run around discreetly and hide secret notes for the other to find anymore, but something told them that they would be okay with that. They would no longer have to hide their affection for one another.


I felt like this was kinda messy but I guess I'm somewhat proud of it so ;w;
Anywayssssss have a great day :)

Word count: 1179

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