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-3rd P.O.V-

"I need help."

Kuroo looked at Kenma and raised an eyebrow. "Coming to me for advice?" he asked. "Damn, that's a first. It's usually Kai. Or Yaku. But I understand, my opinions are so great that they must only be used for the most important of issues. So, what can I help you with?"

The second-year blinked back at him. "Never mind. I'll go ask Yaku-san."

"Wait wait wait. No. I'm sorry. What is it that you need?"

Kenma sighed and looked away from the other. "How do you..." he started. His fists clenched and face went red. "How do you tell someone you like them?"

The question took a minute to fully register in Kuroo's mind. But when it did, his eyes grew wide in surprise and his jaw dropped. "As in, 'like' like?! Like, you have a crush on someone?! Holy shit, this is a monumental moment- hang on, I need to get the rest of the team-"

"Oh my god, just forget it." Something in Kenma's voice made Kuroo stop teasing. He looked back at him, and was taken aback by the expression on his face. He genuinely looked like he was in a predicament.

"Kenma, you know I'm just messing with you," he said, trying not to drive the other away. "I'll stop. But seriously, I was not expecting that to be what you wanted. So, who's the lucky girl? Or guy. Or person. You know what, just tell me."

He was silent for a moment, glancing around to make sure that no one was listening into their conversation. "That's not important. I just want to know how to confess to someone."

"Oh, come on, I'm your best friend. Tell me. You know I won't judge you."

Kenma groaned. "Kuroo, please just help me out here for once."

"I will, but I have to know what we're dealing with here. Everyone has their own special opinions on what's romantic or sweet or anything like that. Besides, it's not like I'll tell anyone."

The other looked around once more. Tightly folding his arms to his chest, he muttered something too quiet for Kuroo to hear.

"What's that? You gotta speak up, dude, I can't understand you when I don't hear your words."

Throwing him a glare, Kenma stated more loudly this time, "It's Akaashi."

When the name finally processed in Kuroo's mind, he grew even more surprised. "Oh my god. Holy- Wait, you two would be so cute together! Ugh, I can already picture your future children. Promise me I'll be best man at your wedding, okay?"

Kenma punched him in the arm, visibly flustered. "Shut up! What's all this about children and marriage?! I haven't even confessed to him yet?! And for your information, Shoyo would be my best man if we were to get married. Hypothetically."

The third-year looked betrayed. "How dare you. After all we've been through... Well anyway, I have to see to it that this ship sails first. Alright, so if it's Akaashi we're talking about, you should probably do something more... sophisticated."

"Sophisticated? What does that look like?"

"I don't know, like, throw hints at him that you're into him, but do it subtly and obviously at the same time."

Kenma pinched the bridge of his nose. "That's not helpful."

"Okay, okay, okay. For example... Ooh, ooh! Make him a playlist, and add a bunch of songs into it that just say, 'I love you,' but like, lyrically."

"Most of the music I listen to is either by The Living Tombstone or Mother Mother. I'm not good with love songs."

"Well, isn't there that one song by Mother Mother that talks about dying in someone's arms or something and thinking it's cute?"

"I never want to hear you describe a song I like again."

"First of all, I'm offended. Second, my point still stands. Third, there's more options. You could, like, invite him over to watch a movie or something. Oh, and you guys could make a blanket fort together! With fairy lights, and pillows, and-"

"Jesus, I'm trying to confess to him, not plan an anniversary date. You sound like you've thought about this before."

Kuroo shrugged. "I've read my share of fanfiction. But that's besides the point. Let's see here... Hm... What about, you take him up somewhere with a good, clear view of the sky, wait till it's night, and confess to him under the stars? That would be pretty cute."

Kenma chewed on his thumbnail, considering Kuroo's suggestions. They weren't bad. And they were pretty romantic...

He pictured the two of them, he and Akaashi, laying together under the night sky. Soft music would play in the background, setting the mood with a gentle and comfortable atmosphere. They would talk, or they wouldn't. Maybe they'd just lie there in an easy silence, gazing up at the very same dark, glittering blanket of the galaxy that covered their view. And when the time was right, he'd sit up and turn to Akaashi, look him in his handsome, blue eyes, and tell him exactly how he felt. And then Akaashi would respond.

He was jarred back to reality as Kuroo's voice became clearer to him again. "Hey, man," he said. "I know you're nervous. This is a lot. But you know, I really think you have a shot with Akaashi. And that's not just me saying that. I genuinely believe that this is gonna work out. Just tell him how you feel."

Taking a deep breath, Kenma pulled his hand away from his face and nodded. He started to walk away, but before he left earshot, he spoke just loud enough for him to hear, "Thank you, Kuroo," and left before the other could give (what would undoubtedly be) a cocky and over-enthusiastic response.

Grinning as he walked away, Kuroo sighed and folded his arms. "Ah, young love. Such a precious thing."

Normally, he'd be a lot more worried. If there was a chance of Kenma getting hurt and rejected, he'd probably be more protective, more cautious. But, fortunately for Kenma, there was no chance of rejection. Because it just so happened that a certain second-year setter from Fukurodani had told him that he had feelings for Kenma at their last training camp.

So after Kuroo praised himself for being such a good wingman, he went back to picturing the couple's future children and started writing his Best Man's Wedding Speech in his mind.


Comfort ship 💃🕺
Idc what anyone else says, these two are adorable together
Also someone plz give me recommendations for ships, because I never know who to write about-

Word count: 1114

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