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-3rd P.O.V-

Tendou and Ushijima walked hand in hand from the locker rooms to the gym. There was nobody around.

"Wakatoshi, how did you do on that math test? I feel like I the only one who failed it."

"I did okay. Not a perfect score, but still a passing grade."

Tendou sighed. It was hard to keep up a conversation with him, but he didn't mind. As long as he got to walk beside him.

"Oh!" exclaimed the red-head. "Semi-Semi's birthday is in a week. Should we throw him a party? Or would he hate us for that? Not like it would matter, but still."

"Hm. I'm not sure. I believe that Yamagata was planning something, but I could be mistaken. We could probably-"

Ushijima's sentence fell short as people from another sports team passed by. The second they came into view, he dropped Tendou's hand and took a step away from him, just to be careful. The two said nothing until the group disappeared from sight.

Ushijima exhaled. "That was close." He glanced over at his partner, who stayed silent, staring at the ground. "Satori? Are you alright?"

The other hesitated before answering, "Yeah, Ushi. I'm fine. C'mon, we're missing practice."

There was obviously something wrong with him, and Ushijima couldn't just let it drop. "Something's the matter. What's wrong?"

"I'm fine."

"Satori, you're clearly upset. Did something happen? Can I do anything to help? If there's anything you need-"

"Please, just stop. You want to know why I'm upset? Fine. It's because whenever someone is around, you act like I'm a complete stranger to you. You don't even look at me! Ushijima, we're boyfriends. It hurts me to believe that you are ashamed of me!"

The captain was taken aback. He wasn't expecting Tendou to explode on him like that. He knew that was he did was wrong, but he couldn't help the fact that he was scared of being outed. He wanted to talk it over with his partner, but initial instincts took over.

"Tendou, I haven't even come out yet." His tone was defensive. "So I'm sorry if it seems like I'm afraid, but being found out and hate-crimed isn't exactly how I'd like the end of my third year to go."

Satori pinched the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut. "Ushi, I'm not saying that you're wrong for not wanting to be outed. But you could at least not be so cold to me!"

"Just because you're out publicly, it doesn't mean that I have to throw myself into the spotlight when I'm not comfortable doing so!"

"Believe me, I know better than anyone else the horrors of being outed, Wakatoshi. Have you forgotten what happened last year?"

Ushijima was silent. He definitely remembered the event of last year. It became known that Tendou was pansexual, and once the word got out, it spread like wildfire. He was tormented and bullied for the majority of his second year at high school. It had gotten to a point where everything was so bad, Tendou had to take a month-long leave of absence from Shiratorizawa.

When he went back to school, he needed the protection of his volleyball teammates to go through a day without getting harassed. He'd suffered.

Tendou continued. "Ushijima, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to come off as a horrible person, but you're not the only one affected by all this. I've been thinking, and honestly, I think it would be better for the two of us if we just remained friends."

His words shook Wakatoshi to the core. Just friends? He couldn't do that. He cared too much about him- he really did. He may have made some bad decisions in their relationship and expressed things in a poor way, but that didn't change the fact that he still adored Tendou.

He tried his best to change the other's mind. "What? Friends? Satori, I know that things aren't always amazing between us, but we can work through it! It's healthy for couples to fight. I'm sorry that I've been secretive with you. I just need a bit of time. Please, I can't lose you."

Tendou wouldn't meet his eyes. "I'm sorry, Ushi. It's not you. It's me. And I know that's an extremely cliché thing to say, but it's the truth. I just can't be in a secret relationship. I want to be with someone who will be affectionate with me in public. I really am sorry."

Ushijima was panicking. How could he fix this? What could he do to make things better?

As he frantically racked his brain, his partner- no, ex-partner, turned away from him.

"This just isn't working out. We need to see other people. You'll find someone else. Someone who will be okay with keeping things hidden between you. I just can't be that someone."

The captain realized that he was tearing up. Tendou was breaking up with him. Despite how much he cared for him, he was leaving him.

"Please, just give me one more chance... I can come out. I'll do it, just please. One last chance."

Sighing, Satori looked back at his now-ex. "I'm not asking you to come out to everyone, Ushi. That's not something that I get to decide when it happens. You get to control when and how you come out. It shouldn't be because I'm letting things between us break. If you really do care about me, you'll let me go and find someone better than me."

"There is no one better than you, Satori. Please..."

"I'm sorry, Ushijima. But we have to break up. Now come on, everyone's probably waiting for us."

Tendou walked away, but Ushijima stood frozen to the ground, still processing what had happened.

He considered what Tendou had said, thinking of his team.

Then, for the first time ever, he skipped out on practice.



Word count: 1013

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