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Clearly I haven't been updating

Yeah so about that

I'm gonna mark this story as completed and stop making short stories for it

Don't get me wrong, it's not like I've stopped liking writing or anything, I've just kinda stopped using wattpad lmfao

Besides, as much as I love Haikyuu and as huge it is and was to me, I'm not as deeply into my phase of it as I used to be

I'll always love the series and it will always be one of my favorite things, but I've stopped having my life center around solely anime 24/7

It was my entire life throughout, like, all of 2021-early 2022, but I've found more interests and I've lost motivation to keep updating this silly little short series of fan fiction

Thank you to everyone who read it, even if you didn't enjoy it, it means a lot to me that you even bothered to open it in the first place

And again, I'll always love haikyuu, that era of my life is just not as intense as it used to be at the moment

Thank you for reading :)

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