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-3rd P.O.V-

As Aran stared at his phone, he realized that he didn't know what he was doing.

His finger hovered over the 'call' button. Kira's number was punched in, and he was one inch away from hearing him again.

They had been fighting. Yes, all couples go through it. But this was their first actual fight. It'd been going on for a few days now. Their teammates knew, but they all decided to leave the matter alone. After all, Kita and Aran were strong. They'd make it through an argument.

Honestly, Aran hated it. He hated fighting with Kita. How is one supposed to go from talking to someone every day and thriving in their company to barely acknowledging each other in the halls at school?

He missed Kita. Missed his voice, missed his smile, missed his eyes, his silky hair, his soft hands... The list goes on.

He'd decided that he was done. Done fighting. At this point, he couldn't even remember why they were arguing in the first place.

Kita was one call away. One press of a button. It was such an easy thing to do. Just tap the screen, and he'd hear him again.

But... If he did pick up the phone, what would he even say? "Hey Shinsuke, sorry I've been ghosting you, my lovely boyfriend, all week. I've been busy doing things, like being mad at you for a reason I can't even remember. We good?"

He was weighing his options in his mind.

He could, A), call him right now and then just decide what to say as he goes, which has a high possibility of not working out at all and making things worse. Or, he could, B), power his phone off to resist the urge to talk to him and proceed to stare at his ceiling all night as he tries (and fails) to get any rest.

Option A won.

With a deep breath, he pressed the button and listened as the phone rang.

He swore that he felt his heart jump into his throat when he saw that Kita picked up his call.

There were a few moments of nothing but silence and breathing. Eventually, Aran found it in him to ask, "Shinsuke? Are you there?"

He heard him sniffle on the other line. "Yeah. I'm here." His words came out in a croak. Like he had been... crying?

"Hey, um, are you alright? You sound... I don't know, like something's off. Is something wrong?"

A few more moments of silence and a another sniffle, more stifled this time. "N-no, everything's fine Aran. Is there a reason you called?"

"I just- Well, I was- um..." Great start so far. He took another dee breath. "I was just thinking of you. And, uh, I was wondering if... you wanted to talk? About us?"


"Yeah. I know we haven't been talking recently, but... I really miss you, Shinsuke. I miss you so much. I'm sorry for this past week. I just really, really, really want to talk to you again without feeling like I'm gonna end up setting off a bomb if I say the wrong thing."

There was no response on the other end of the line, which confused Aran. He called for him, waiting to heard Kita tell him that he was still there. But instead of confirmation, he got what sounded like a mangled sob.

"Hey- Kita? Kita, are you alright?"

"Yeah- yeah, I'm okay... I'm o-okay..." It was obviously a lie. Aran listened in surprise as he heard his boyfriend break down over the phone. It was... unusual, to say the least. He'd never heard Kita cry before.

His amusement only lasted a few seconds before his boyfriend-instincts took over.

Aran started racking his brain for something to say or do to calm the other down.

"Hey," he started, as if it wasn't the most cliche beginning to a comforting pep-talk. "It's alright. Everything's gonna be alright. I'm right here. Maybe not in person, but I'm still here. You can talk to me. What's on your mind? If you need anything at all, just tell me."

Kita took some shaky breaths before answering. "I know... I know you're always here... It's ju-just... I've missed you. So much, and I- I just... I'm so glad I get to hear your voice again."

A smile broke across Aran's face. "I've missed you too. More than anything. Don't cry, everything gonna be just fine. I'm with you in spirit, holding your hand."

A soft but sad chuckle came from Kita. Aran couldn't see his face, but just picturing his smile made him feel warm inside.

"I don't like fighting." Kita's voice was slowly becoming more controlled.

"Neither do I."

"Can we agree to never do it again?"

"I'd love that, let's do it."

"Alright." He cleared his throat. "I, Kita Shinsuke, promise to never again argue with Ojiro Aran, for it is stupid and immature and I love him too much to actually stay mad at him."

Aran laughed as he pictured Kita raising his right hand in the air as he made the oath. "You're adorable. And I, Ojiro Aran, promise to stop being so childish and to never fight with Kita Shinsuke again, for he is the most important person to me in the world, and I miss him and his handsome face."

There were a few moments of silence, but they were comfortable moments. Not like the tense and awakes ones that they had at the beginning of their call.

But unfortunately, they had school the next day, and it was getting late.

Kita sighed. "I have to get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah. See you at school, Shinsuke."

"Goodnight. Love you."

"Love you too. G'night."

As he pressed the 'end call' button, Aran gazed up at the ceiling above him and smiled. If there was a competition for who had the best partner in all of Japan, he had no doubt that he'd win.


Idk what this is but here ya go
Almost didn't make it at all, so at least I found motivation to do this
Unedited- sorry for any mistakes
I'm tired

Word count: 1044

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