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-3rd P.O.V-

Yahaba jumped up and screamed as the bug skittered across the floor.

Kyoutani, who was the only one that was in the locker room with him at the time, startled as he whipped his head around to see what the danger was.

"Haba?!" he shouted. "What?! What is it, are you alright?!"

"No!" Yahaba screeched back, perched up on one of the benches in fear. "There is a tiny, creepy, disgusting monstrosity down there somewhere and it's going to kill me!"

Kyoutani blinked. That wasn't what he was expecting. "So... there's a bug?"

"Yes, there's a bug!"

He sighed and rubbed his temples. "You don't have to scream, it won't hurt you. Not unless you aggravate it."

"How am I supposed to know if it's not aggravated?!"

"Just calm down, okay? Where did you see it go?" He took off his shoe and held it in his head readily.

"Over there..." Yahaba pointed to where the roach was sitting in the corner of the room.

Ever so carefully, Kyoutani crept up to the bug. Then, with a quick swing of his arm, he brought it down on top of the little beast, squashing it to death. And again. And again, and again, and again.

Part of Yahaba was grateful that the roach was dead. The other part was a bit concerned as to why his boyfriend had to take its life with such brutality.

When he finished mercilessly slaughtering the poor insect, Kyoutani stood up and inspected the back of his shoe, looking at the carnage that was plastered onto it. In the corner of his eye, he saw Yahaba staring at him. He wasn't quite sure what to make of his expression.

"What is it?" he asked.

The other glanced at the shoe, then back to his boyfriend, then to the shoe again. "The fact that I'm in love with you scares me sometimes."

Kyoutani grinned and wiped the shoe off on the underside of one of the benches. He approached the spot where Yahaba was still standing on top of and wrapped his arms around his waist and legs.

"Aren't I your Knight in shining armor, saving you from the terrible beast that is a completely harmless cockroach?"

The other rolled his eyes. "You don't know if it was harmless," he muttered. Nevertheless, he pat the top of Kyoutani's head affectionately before stepping of the wood, using his boyfriend's hand as support.

"I never pegged you as the type of person who's afraid of bugs," commented Kyoutani.

Yahaba pouted. "Shut up."

He couldn't help it! All that he saw when he looked at a bug was a minuscule, demonic, gross, filthy, scavenging critter that had no place in his heart.

That being said, he wouldn't exactly say that they all had to be ruthlessly murdered like the roach that now had it's guts stuck to the underside of the bench.

He looked at his boyfriend once again. Kyoutani noticed.

"Hm?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Yahaba narrowed his eyes. "You're not... gonna become a serial killer when we get older, right?"

"What kind of a question is that?"

"You're the one who was obliterating that roach!"

"Because you were terrified!"

"Because it was creepy-!"


Short chapter today :)
It's my birthday 💃🕺

Word count: 548

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