Multiple Ships

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Alright so I didn't have anything planned out to write for today so here are just some random things that are kind of like ship headcanons? Idk. These are things that I think would happen if they were in a relationship. MY MIND IS TELLING ME THAT I'M OVERCOMPLICATING THIS BUT BASICALLY IT'S JUST MY PERSONAL HAIKYUU SHIP HEADCANONS BUT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT HAVE OR USE THEM TOO- IDK YA KNOW WHAT JUST HAVE THESE:

- Osamu calls Suna "Foxy" (based on a fox not like the flirtatious kind of foxy) and Suna acts like he hates it but he actually really likes it when he calls him that
- Suna is always the first to taste-test Osamu's food
- Osamu loves to give Suna head-pats and chin-scritches
- Osamu often makes and brings lunches for both him and Suna to school
- Suna is really flexible and Osamu thinks it's cool but it also terrifies him sometimes

- When he's around people, Oikawa loves flirting with Iwa, but he gets super flustered when they're alone
- Their favorite type of date is a movie night
- Iwa loves playing with Oikawa's hair but he'd never admit it
- Oikawa gets jealous really easily
- Iwa is an amazing cook while Oikawa has been banned from the kitchen, but he doesn't mind because Iwa always makes him something

- Bokuto calls Akaashi things like "My Angel" or "My World" and Akaashi calls him "My Owl"
- Bokuto constantly compliments Akaashi's appearance
- Akaashi can get Bokuto out of his emo mode just by smiling at him
- Bokuto is always looking for something to get Akaashi's attention, so he purposely does a lot of dumb stuff
- Bokuto LOVES showing Akaashi off (even if it makes Akaashi embarrassed)

- Yaku both hates and loves his and Lev's height difference
- Lev uses his height to intimidate people who get 'too friendly' with Yaku
- Lev loves to cuddle with Yaku since he fits perfectly in his arms
- Yaku loves stroking Lev's hair because it's somehow always soft
- Yaku thinks that Lev's eyes are his most attractive feature

- Kindaichi's love language is physical touch, and Kunimi loves it because he's touch-starved
- Kindaichi calls Kunimi "Bunny" because he's so quiet and a little shy
- Cuddling is Kunimi's favorite thing to do
- Kunimi "borrows" basically every hoodie that Kindaichi owns, but Kindaichi doesn't mind because they're all super big on him and it's adorable
- They make fun of each other's hair styles all the time

- Shirabu gets flustered very easily
- Semi calls Shirabu really cheesy nicknames like "Sweetheart" or "Darling" to make him blush and embarrassed
- Shirabu likes to poke at the (darker) tips of Semi's hair
- Semi is the biggest flirt known to man-kind (at least when it comes to Shirabu)
- Shirabu loves when Semi sings to him

- The first thing Atsumu does every morning is brush his teeth so that he can kiss Sakusa awake
- Atsumu is one of the very few people that Sakusa will take his mask off around
- Sakusa loves when Atsumu plays with his hair
- Atsumu always forgets to lock his door, so Osamu has walked in on him and Sakusa making out multiple times before
- When he's stressed, Sakusa will kiss Atsumu non-stop because it calms him down

- Kuroo calls Kenma "Kitten" (for obvious reasons)
- Kuroo will often hide Kenma's games so that he will eat
- Kenma is able to cuddle Kuroo in any position and be completely comfortable
- Kuroo takes Kenma to a cat cafe at least twice every month
- (Secretly) Kenma's favorite place to be is in Kuroo's arms

- Kageyama gets really nervous around Hinata's family because he's afraid that he'll mess up in some way
- They're both pretty bad at being romantic
- As a birthday present, Hinata once got Kageyama chocolate milk (and Kageyama cried in happiness- which Hinata didn't know how to react to)
- Kageyama thinks that Hinata's hair is extremely fascinating and loves to play with it
- Kageyama is an amazing cuddler (and it confuses Hinata)

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