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-Lev P.O.V-

I glanced back at Yaku, worried. He had been acting weird ever since we arrived at the airport. He was standing at the end of the conveyor belt, taking his belongings out of the few tubs he had to put them in so that he could go through the metal detector.

"Hey, Kenma-san?" I said to the two-tone haired upperclassman next to me.

"What is it, Lev," he replied. "And if you ask me about my cat backpack one more time, I swear on my Mario Kart winning streak-"

"No, no! It-it's not that! It's just... does Yaku-san look okay to you?"

"Are you seriously wanting me to compliment your boyfriend for you?"

"What? No! That's not it at all! I mean, if you did say he looked good I wouldn't object, but that's not what I'm talking about!"

"Then what did you mean?"

"Well, he seems a little off, and you're really observant 'n stuff, so I was wondering if you could tell what's wrong?"

"Lev," he sighed exasperatedly. "Just because I'm observant doesn't mean I'm psychic. They're two completely different things. And calm down, I'm sure he's fine. Don't trust your judgement so much. When Shibayama nearly puked from car-sickness on the way here, you thought that he was just feeling dizzy. Yaku-san's probably fine."

"Maybe..." I probably should've been offended, but I was too focused on Yaku (also, he was sadly right). I stepped through the metal detector, still watching my shorter boyfriend. He kept fidgeting with the strings of my hoodie that he was wearing. As he tied his shoes, he continuously bounced his leg as if he were agitated. He kept looking around the airport as well. Was he searching for something?

Walking to my bags on the conveyor belt, I grew even more worried. Kenma was right- I was terrible at noticing obvious things if I wasn't playing volleyball. But I can notice when something's wrong with Yaku.

When he's mad, he shouts a lot. When he's REALLY mad, he's really quiet- like he's plotting a murder in his mind. When he's happy, he smiles and makes a lot of sarcastic jokes. When he's sad or upset, he stares intensely at everything, as if he's waiting for the tears in his eyes to dry. When he's nervous or scared, he can't stand still or be calm. Right now, he's acting nervous.

After I finished slipping my shoes back on, I walked up to Yaku and engulfed him in a hug.

"He-hey! Lev?! What are you doing?!" he exclaimed, squirming around. Nobody was paying us any attention. It's not like it's unusual for me to randomly embrace him, anyway.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pulling away so I could hold his face in my hands.

"What?" A deep pink color dusted his face.

"Are you feeling alright? You're acting kind of strange..."

He hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'll tell you later. Right now, we all need to get up to the boarding platform."

"Okay... do you want me to carry something for you? Are you sure you can support all of your luggage? Your backpack looks a little big for you..."

"I will hit you. Don't test me on that, you Russian beanpole."

"Sorry, ahahaha..."

About fifteen minutes later, we were all situated at the plane's boarding area, scheduled to get on the aircraft in twenty minutes.

"Alright, everyone," Kuroo said, getting to his feet and calling for our attention. "Listen up. We have just about twenty minutes to get something to eat, use the bathroom, and buy anything we need from the shops! Use this time wisely, and meet back here at no later than 4:25!" We all stood up, agreed, and walked away in various directions.

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