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-3rd P.O.V-

"'Kaashi!" Bokuto shouted from the living room. "Come quick!"

Akaashi, in the kitchen, did as told. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't a bit worried from his words. 'Come quick,' was usually something followed by a frightened Bokuto standing on top of the couch, hiding from a spider.

But his anxiousness was put to ease when he walked into the room to see his partner's face pressed up against a window, gazing out at something on the other side of the glass.

Joining him, Akaashi peered out the pane, and immediately understood why Bokuto had called him.

He smiled. "It's snowing, Bokuto-san."

"Yeah! Look how pretty it is!"

It was pretty. Millions of tiny, delicate, frozen flurries fell to the ground at a rather fast-moving pace. At this rate, a few fresh feet of snow will probably be added to their driveway by the time it all stops. Children already started darting out of houses, dancing around in the falling snowflakes. Akaashi remembered when he was that age and also would run outside the second it started snowing.

Bokuto was apparently thinking the same thing. "Hah..." he sighed. "I wish I was still that young..."

Akaashi glanced down at him. His expression looked more wistful and longing then before. Afraid of having to deal with a potential 'emo mode,' he placed a hand on his back and spoke softly, "You know, you don't have to be a kid to enjoy the snow. Come on, let's go outside."

Bokuto's face lit up with excitement and he dashed to the front door. He quickly pulled on a jacket, scarf, and his shoes. Akaashi laughed and did the same, though he took his time getting ready.

"'Kaashiii," groaned the other, growing impatient.

"I know, I know. Almost done." He zipped up his jacket and nodded at his partner, who was bouncing up and down, desperately wanting to go outside.

As soon as he got the okay to go, Bokuto threw the door open, bounding outside and spinning around, face pointed up at the clouds, his breath visible in the cold air. Akaashi smiled. He loved seeing him happy.

Bokuto whipped his head around to Akaashi and went over to where he was standing, taking his hand and pulling him to the center of their yard. Snowflakes already coated his silky black hair. His nose, ears, and cheeks were all dusted red, a result of both the weather and the shared proximity, making him blush.

The taller of the two aimed his head back up, sticking his tongue out as he tried to catch the snow in his mouth. Akaashi laughed and pressed his head into his chest, closing his eyes and appreciating the extra warmth. Bokuto instinctively moved a hand up to his hair, stroking it lovingly.

After he ate a good amount of the snowfall, Bokuto turned back to his boyfriend, tilting his head up with a finger under his chin and asked, "Do you wanna build a snowman with me?"

"I would love nothing more." His answer pleased Bokuto.

They both started getting down in the snow, building up the base snowball with their bare hands until Akaashi scared Bokuto into putting gloves on by telling him that they'd have to amputate his hand if he got frostbite. So, after a quick break to get protection for their skin, they resumed their work.

It was pretty tiring, considering the fact that it most definitely was not easy to move around in the clothes they were wearing, and they got distracted a few times from miniature snowball fights that would break out.

There was also the issue that they didn't have any carrots with them, so they had to settle for a zucchini for its nose. Bokuto also insisted that it had proper attire, so Akaashi had to go rummage around their closet only to find a tattered and slightly damaged pair of earmuffs and his old red scarf that he thought he had lost.

When they finished, the sky had dimmed, and the temperature dropped by a few more degrees. Though it was chilly, they both felt rewarded as they took a step back and marveled at their creation.

It was a pretty standard snowman, made up of three snowballs, eyes and mouth made out of rocks from random stones they found lying around, plus two sticks for arms. There was also it's makeshift nose and outfit.

Definitely not the prettiest sight, but good enough for the two to feel proud of their work.

Bokuto slipped his arm around Akaashi's waist and pulled him into his side. In response, Akaashi leaned into the touch and rest his head on his shoulder. Bokuto kissed the top of his head and thought out loud, "It needs a name."

"Hmm..." He tried to think of a good name, but he came up empty. "I don't know. What do you think?"

"How about... Nia?"


"Yeah! They look like a Nia."

Akaashi chuckled. "Alright, whatever you say, Bokuto-san."

He gave him another kiss to the head. "We're pretty good at making snowmen, aren't we 'Kaashi?"

"Yeah, we are."

They stood in the snow, admiring Nia. Their Christmas lights were glowing faintly in the back, shining onto the pale snow and giving it a bit of color. The snow was still falling, but it was a bit more controlled than it had been earlier. Even though it was freezing outside, the warmth they shared made up for it.

Until it didn't, and the weather got too cold again.

"Let's go back inside, Bokuto-san," spoke Akaashi. "There's a movie I want to watch with you. We can drink hot chocolate while we watch it, if you'd like."

"Ooh, what movie?"

"It's called 'Cloud Atlas.' I don't know if you've heard of it."

"Hmm... I don't think I have- but it sounds cool! And hot chocolate sounds delicious right now. We also have Pocky- could we have that too?"

"Of course. What flavor?"

"Strawberry, I think."

"Sounds great. Come on, I'll get the cocoa ready."

Hand in hand, they strode back into their house, immediately taking in the much-needed warmth of their decorated living space as they stripped themselves of their snow-coated clothes, preparing for a cozy night in.


Yes, I made it my personal goal to add as many In Another Life references in this chapter as possible.
Also, happy birthday Akaashi, the prettiest owl of them all💙💙💙 (idc if I'm a day late, I'm still gonna say it)
I'm gonna try and do Christmas-themed stories for next few chapters-

Word count: 1108

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