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-Yamaguchi P.O.V-

As I was walking towards the entrance to the 3rd gym, I overheard voices coming from inside.

"Aww, come on Tsukki!" It was Kuroo, the captain of Nekoma. "Can't you keep practicing with us for just a little bit longer?"

"Yeah! We still need your blocking skills!" Bokuto, captain and ace of Fukurodani. "Just a few more sets? Pleeease, Tsukki?"

"I already told you, no. I don't want to be miserable tomorrow morning because I stayed up too late practicing with you. Besides, Yamaguchi will be here in a minute to walk back with me. And stop calling me that." Ah, I'd recognize that irritated voice that I loved so much anywhere.

"But your name's too long! Tsukki's easier!"

"That's not my problem. Stop calling me it."

It was then that I poked my head around the corner of the double-doors. My eyes immediately found Tsukishima. He was glaring at the two captains, wiping off his forehead with a towel. I stepped through the doors and he noticed me.

"Ah- Yamaguchi. I'll be there in a sec, let me just grab my water bottle."

I nodded, watching him move across the room to where his drink sat.

"It's no fair that you get to steal him," said Kuroo with a pout on his face.

"Haha... yeah, sorry about that..." I rubbed the back of my neck and looked away. Sometimes it gets hard to tell whether or not someone is actually upset at me or just joking.

"Don't be sorry." Tsukki appeared next to me. "I'd rather be with you anyway." I smiled up at him, ignoring the teases the two captains were throwing our way.

With directing one last glare at the two, Tsukki took my hand and said, "Let's go." I nodded.

"Bye-bye, Tsukki!" shouted Kuroo.

"I told you, stop calling me that!"

"Alright, alright..."

We walked away from the gym, and I kept glancing at Tsukki.

Does he really dislike being called 'Tsukki' that much? I've been calling him that for years, and he doesn't seem to mind it... But I could be wrong. Maybe he does secretly hate it. Maybe he thinks that how I always call him that is really annoying, he just doesn't admit it because he doesn't want to offend me. He probably thinks I'm super irritating when I call him by the nickname I gave him...

But not saying 'Tsukki' just seems weird. I mean, I'm okay with thinking his name. 'Tsukishima.' But saying it? That just seems strange. But maybe he'd like it better if I used his full name? Yeah. I'll try that out.

I just can't believe I've been calling him something that he doesn't like for such a long time. How has he not gotten tired of me yet? Gah, I just don't know...

"Yamaguchi? Are you alright?" Tsukki's voice jarred me from my thoughts. "You were zoned out."

"Oh- yeah, I'm doing okay-" it's now or never, "Tsukishima. Don't worry about me."

Tsukki stopped dead in his tracks. It startled me. I turned around and studied his expression. It was a mix of worry and nervousness.

"Yamaguchi..." he started. "Are you... mad at me? Did I do something wrong..?"

"What? Um, no? Why would you think that?"

Confusion settled into his face. "Wait- you're not mad?"


"Oh." He blinked. It was hard to tell what he was thinking just by looking at his face. There were too many different emotions. "Then... are you planning on breaking up with me?"

"E-Eh?!" Now that one, I did not see coming. "What?! No, of course not!"

He sighed in relief. "Ah... thank god... I got worried for a second..."

I frowned and walked over to him, taking his hand in mine and cupping his cheek, angling it towards my face. "What in the world would make you think that I want to break up with you?"

He was silent for a second before saying quietly, "You called me 'Tsukishima.'"

"Yes, I did? Because that's your name?"

"Well, yeah, to everyone else. To you, it's 'Tsukki.'"

How embarrassed he looked surprised me. I've never seen him like this before- all flustered and nervous. "I-I thought you didn't like it when people called you that?"

"Yeah, but you're not 'people.' You're Yamaguchi. It's different."

"Um- different in a good or a bad way?"

He chuckled softly. "In a good way. You have special privileges." He placed his hand on top of the one I had on his cheek, smiling down at me. I smiled back.

"Tsukki privileges?"

"Yes, Tsukki privileges. Come on. Let's go back now."


So I let my hand drop from his face, but Tsukki made sure to lace his fingers through mine as we walked away from the gymnasiums and all things volleyball.

A nice and peaceful silence had settled around us, but before too long, Tsukki said to me, "You know, Yamaguchi, I love it when you say my name. I'm serious."

I couldn't hide the blush that seeped onto my cheeks- nor did I try to. I looked away from him, but I knew that he understood what my reaction meant. He squeezed my hand briefly and traced the length of my thumb with his own. I don't think words could describe how appreciated he made me feel.

It felt nice, knowing that only I was allowed to call him by his nickname whenever I wanted. Like I had acquired a skill that no one else would ever be able to master, no matter how hard they tried. It made me feel special- it made me feel happy.


I don't really like the other TsukiYama chapters I've made before, so ig this is some kind of compensation for those parts-
Idk I just feel like they weren't that good before, or I just didn't like how they turned out
Hopefully this makes up for it, even tho I'm probably gonna not like this one either at some point lmao

Word count: 1004

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