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-3rd P.O.V-

Tanaka stood waiting at the front of the gate, waiting for Ennoshita to emerge through the doorway.

Ennoshita had left to go on a vacation with his family. He had been gone for two and a half weeks, and Tanaka missed him dearly- he'd been waiting at the airport gate for over two hours.

They had never really been so far apart for such a long time. That distance was new to them, and they were happy to break it and see each other again.

Tanaka tapped his foot anxiously and bit his lip. Was it supposed to be taking that long? Is there something wrong with the plane? Was he at the wrong waiting area? Did Ennoshita's flight get delayed? He began overthinking.

But just as he was about to go pester someone at the information desk, people started filing out of the doors. A lot of them started finding the people who were picking them up, embracing and greeting each other with big smiles plastered across their faces. Tanaka kept looking around, still not spotting his boyfriend.

Time passed by, along with the people getting off of the plane. Tanaka grew even more nervous with every second that ticked by. He glanced up at the clock. 3:46. His flight was supposed to be in sixteen minutes ago, so he should've come out by now.

Clenching his fists, he whispered to himself, "Calm down. Just give it some time." But no matter how many reassurances he whispered to himself, Tanaka just couldn't help but feel stressed.

Then, as he has started to question whether or not he even flew back in that day, Ennoshita walked through the gate with a suitcase being towed behind him and a backpack slung across his shoulder.

Once they made eye contact, Ennoshita's face broke out in a grin, and he rushed towards Tanaka, attempting to not trip over anything. When they were close enough, he dropped the luggage and launched himself into Tanaka's arms.

Tanaka spun him around a little bit. The time they spent apart had bit harder on him than he thought it would be. He had developed a bit of separation anxiety beforehand, but he didn't know the effect it would have on him. He had picked up a habit of doing things like wearing Ennoshita's jackets or hoodies, making his favorite meals, watching his favorite shows, and cuddling the pillows on his side of the bed to sleep while he was away. Sure, it was only eighteen days, but it felt like it had been more.

So being able to hold the guy that he had missed so dearly in his arms right then just felt so... relieving. It felt relieving to know that their apartment wouldn't be as empty anymore, that there would always be someone besides him when he woke up in the morning, that he would be able to come home to an incredible person who cared for him so much.

Tanaka missed Ennoshita a ton, if you couldn't tell. Ennoshita went through his own struggles, too. It had felt strange to not be with him for that period of time. Yes, they FaceTimed and texted, but it just wasn't the same.

They were getting a few stares from people passing by, but they didn't care. Nothing else really mattered to them in that moment.

Ennoshita pulled away slightly and cupped the other's face with his hands. "God, I missed you."

Tanaka pressed their foreheads together. "I missed you more, Chikara."

Ennoshita smiled and kissed him lovingly for a few seconds before melting back into another embrace.

Burying his head into the other's neck, Tanaka planted soft kisses across any bit of his skin that he could find. He was going to make up for the affection that their time apart had robbed them of.

Ennoshita appreciated it. He appreciated the amount of effort that he put into their relationship. Before Tanaka, he never had anyone care for him about him so much as he had. He started tearing up.

Tanaka noticed and studied his face with concern. "Enno? Are you alright? Hey, don't cry it's okay. What's wrong?"

But he just chuckled. Wiping his eyes, he said, "I honestly don't know. I don't think it's healthy for me to be away from you this long. These damn emotions are hitting me too hard right now."

They both laughed and kissed each other one more time. "Well then, how about we not be apart for a while."

"Sounds good to me."

"I love you."

"I love you too, Ryu."


This short chapter is the product of sleep deprivation and not knowing what to write for this week's update.
2k reads?!?!?!?
I feel like I literally just published the IwaOi 1k special wtf-
I'm glad to know that people are entertained by my mind's strange creations 😃
People I know now know my Wattpad account-
Kinda hoping that they don't read anything I make-
With an exception of like 1 person but still-

Word count: 843

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