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-3rd P.O.V-

"Hey, I know! Let's play spin the bottle!" Hanamaki's loud voice drowned out the others in the room.

The Aoba Johsai Boys' Volleyball team all sat in the living room of Matsukawa's house. Oikawa had, one day after their afternoon practice, said that they all should get together some day, as a sort of 'team-bonding exercise'. In his words, "It'll be fun! As a team, we have to have built-up trust between one another, and we will build that trust by spending an afternoon together after school- hm, let's say... next Friday?" In all truth, it wasn't a bad idea. The team (minus Kyoutani, though Yahaba forced him to go) agreed to the meet-up, and now, fast-forward a week and a half, here they are. Mattsun had volunteered to host the get-together since his parents were out of town.

"Hell yeah!" Mattsun shouted.

"Hell NO!" Kyoutani protested. "I don't want to kiss anyone here!"

"Oh yeah?" Yahaba looked at him with an eyebrow raised and a smug expression.

"Besides you, idiot." The other looked away from his boyfriend so that he wouldn't see the forming blush on his cheeks.

"Well, I'm in," said Oikawa.

"Seriously, Loserkawa?" questioned the ace of Seijoh. "Why in the world would you want to play this?"

He shrugged. "It sounds like fun! What about you guys? What, are you all too scared? It's just us! We all know that there'll be no feelings attached, anyway."

The others seemed to consider this, then agreed to the game.

Oikawa was only half-lying about what he said. It was true that he thought it sounded like fun and there would be no feelings attached to the kisses- unless the person he was kissing was Iwaizumi. He had been crushing on his best friend for a while now- correction, for a LONG while now. He only agreed to the game because he knew that if it landed on his crush, he would get to kiss him and get away with it.

They all gathered in a circle on the floor next to the sofa in the living room, where they watched Makki down an entire glass Coca-Cola bottle, let out the biggest belch in history (to which Mattsun cheered and clapped for him), and aggressively set the bottle in the middle of the circle before dashing back to his place next to Matsukawa.

"Oh, lovely," Kindaichi whispered while laughing nervously. "Hanamaki-san is on a sugar-high..."


"Yeah!" responded Mattsun as he reached for the glass. He spun it, and the rest of the team watched it rotate before coming to a stop, pointing at-

"Me?!" Hanamaki said, startled. His shock vanished quickly and was replaced with a grin as he turned to face Mattsun. "Bet."

The two looked at each other, closed their eyes, and joined their lips for a short 2 seconds before pulling back, laughing, though Oikawa noticed what everyone else failed to see, and that was that Matsukawa was much more flustered than he was letting on.

"My turn!" Makki reached for the bottle and spun it, watching it land on Yahaba.

"Let's get this over with," sighed the second-year. Rolling his eyes, he leaned forward. They kissed for only a brief second before breaking away. Kyoutani growled and pulled Yahaba back next to him, wrapping his arms around him. He was careful in avoiding eye-contact with everybody in the room.

"Mad-dog-Chan's protective of Haba-chan~" Oikawa chimed. He teased, but he also felt a slight pain in his heart. He envied the two's relationship. He wished that he and Iwaizumi could be like that. The others only laughed, not noticing the jealous undertones in what their captain had said.

"Shut up..." muttered Kyoutani. Yahaba chuckled and leaned back into his boyfriend's chest.

"Hey. Trashykawa." Oikawa looked next to him to see Iwaizumi eyeing him, clearly concerned. "You okay?"

Of course the one person Oikawa DEFINITELY didn't want to notice his sadness knew how he was feeling.

"Of course I'm okay, Iwa-chan!" He put on a fake smile. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Meanwhile, in the game that everyone else was focused on, a red-faced Kunimi faced an equally flustered Kindaichi. Their kiss lasted longer than any of the others so far, and when they broke apart, they were greeted by many cheers and teases from their other teammates.

Iwa hesitated before responding with, "That's what I don't know. Just... know you can talk to me, alright? You're my best friend, after all..." His voice trailed off.

'Best friend.' Those words hurt his heart when they were spoken to him by Iwaizumi. He tried to improve his fake smile.

"I know that, Iwa. You don't have to worry."

Watari spun the bottle and watched it land on Mattsun. They quickly got the kiss over with. It only lasted about a second long.

"I'm not worrying! I just-" he sighed, looking away. "I just don't like seeing you in pain..."

Was that-? No, he was sure it wasn't. Oikawa knew that Iwaizumi wasn't blushing. Why would he be, anyway?

It was Kindaichi's turn, and it landed on Kyoutani, who refused to kiss him. Nobody could get him to participate in the game.

"Aww! That was so sappy, Iwa-chan!" he teased, ignoring the way his chest ached when he convinced himself that the other meant everything he said as a friend, and nothing more.

"Your turn, Oikawa-san," Watari called, bringing the captain's attention back to the game in front of him.

"Right- sorry." He reached for the bottle and gave it a good spin. It turned quickly. Oikawa was hoping, wishing, praying that it would land on Iwaizumi. Even if he didn't feel the same way towards Oikawa, just a single kiss would probably help soothe the terrible feeling of loneliness in his chest. The bottle came to a slow. The setter held his breath, anticipation bubbling inside him. He watched as the bottle came to a slow stop in front of...

"Me again? Damn."

Oikawa felt his heart drop as the glass came to a halt, pointing at Hanamaki. He put on his fake smile once again and leaned in towards his pink-ish haired friend. They got the kiss over with quickly. The captain prayed that his team wouldn't see the disappointment on his face.

"My turn." The team's ace took the bottle and gave it a hard spin. Everyone watched the glass as it twirled around, slowed, and then stopped, facing Oikawa. It took the setter a minute to register what had happened. When the realization hit him, it hit him like a truck.

"HA- HAH?!" he yelled.

"Alright, then," said Iwa, confusing Oikawa even more. But before he could say anything more, Iwaizumi took his face in his hands and pressed their lips together. Oikawa couldn't stop the blush that seeped onto his face. He closed his eyes, savoring the kiss.

Both guys were waiting for the other to break away first, so they were kissing for about 10 seconds before Makki shouted, "Alright, lovebirds! Get a room! It's game time, not make-out-with-your-crush-time!"

Flustered, the captain said, "Come on, Makki! Did you really have to expose me?!"

"I thought he was exposing me..." spoke Iwaizumi. The room was silent until the two connected the dots.

"You... like me?"

"Yeah... and you like me?"

"Well, obviously..."

The corners of Iwa's face curled upwards as he went pink. "Okay then, so, can I- er- be your... boyfriend?"

Oikawa smiled. Genuinely smiled. "Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" He engulfed the other in a giant hug.

They stayed like that for a minute, enjoying each other's embrace, before Watari piped up from the back.

"God, why does this team have to make me feel so single?!"


I have been ✨busy✨ so I'm sorry that it took me a while to update this :,)
But anywayyyyyyy
IwaOi is 100% my OTP

Word count: 1344

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