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-3rd P.O.V-

Yachi opened the door to her house and was greeted with a pleasant aroma coming from the kitchen.

"I'm home," she called out. Taking off her shoes, she sighed and undid the ponytail that her hair was tied back into.

Recently, work had been getting the better of her. In a few weeks, she would start working full-time at her job at a design company. But that meant more responsibilities, and with more responsibilities came more stress. There were times that she couldn't sleep properly at night because her brain would be too occupied with work-related thoughts, which made her exhausted and slow when she actually had to do her job.

Even now, her feet ached, she had the slightest headache, and all she wanted to do was pass out in her bed. But first, she had to see just what it was that she was smelling.

She dragged her feet over into the kitchen, where she found Kiyoko in an apron by the stove, prodding something in a pot with a cooking utensil. When Kiyoko spotted her, she smiled.

"Welcome home," she said. "Sorry, I didn't hear you come in. How was work?" She wiped her hands off on the apron and walked over to Yachi, tucking a strand of loose hair behind the tired girl's ear.

Smiling weakly, she responded, "It was... definitely work."

"Hm... Not too good of a day?"

"Eh, it wasn't terrible, I'm probably just overreacting. It's just- it's just all pretty exhausting sometimes, you know? Like, don't get me wrong, I love what I do. But I don't think it should feel this overwhelming... Sorry, I'm ranting. How was your day?"

"It's alright, you know you're always allowed to rant to me. And I'm sorry to hear that, I know how hard you work. My day was alright- I ran into Ryuunosuke when I was on break today and we caught up with each other, which was nice. Apparently, he's going to propose to Chikara sometime soon, so hopefully we'll be hearing more news about that. Other than that, though, nothing really-" She cut her sentence short as she watched Yachi's expressions. She looked like she was barely staying awake, she was so tired. "Hey, on a scale of one to ten, how worn out are you?"

Yachi shrugged. "I don't know, I'd say about an eight... point five."

Kiyoko frowned. "Hm, well, how about this. You go have a shower, I'll finish making dinner, and then we can eat in the living room and watch something at the same time. Does that sound okay? Then I'll do the dishes, you can go to bed, and I'll join you when I'm finished." Yachi started to protest to her doing the dishes by herself, but Kiyoko stopped her. "It's alright, it's alright. I'm not that tired just yet anyway, and you clearly need to get some rest."

Yachi sighed but agreed, and then left the heavenly-smelling room to go have a shower.

When she finished, she came back out of the bathroom and into the living room where she was greeted by a wonderful sight- her gorgeous girlfriend sitting on a pile of soft blankets behind a plate of (delicious-looking) tonkatsu. The spot next to her on the couch was set up for her.

Yachi joined Kiyoko on the sofa, thanked her for the food, and dug in. The meal was gone pretty quickly.

Kiyoko laughed. "Someone's hungry," she remarked, running a hand through the other's damp, blonde hair.

Yachi blushed and looked down at the empty plate. "Ah- sorry, it was just really tasty."

"No need to apologize, Hitoka. I love that you enjoy my cooking. Would you like any more?"

She shook her head. "No, that's alright. I'm pretty full now. What about you, are you done?"

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry anymore either. Do you want to watch something?" Kiyoko picked up the TV remote and turned it on, flipping through channels before opening Netflix in search of anything entertaining.

"Is it alright if we watch that one documentary that was released? The one about the sea animals?"

She nodded and started looking through the different documentaries there were. In the end, they chose a random National Geographic film, seeing as though what Yachi had suggested wasn't there.

They were about fifteen minutes into the movie, and neither was really paying any attention to the screen. Yachi was more focused on the way Kiyoko was wrapping her arm around her shoulders, pulling her in closer. Kiyoko's attention was on Yachi, who was taking her hand and resting her head on her shoulder.

Yachi closed her eyes. The warmth that her girlfriend was radiating was very calming, and it wasn't long before she was barely holding on to consciousness. Eventually, the rhythmic sound of her breathing overtook and dragged her into a peaceful (and much needed) slumber.

When Kiyoko noticed that Yachi had gone under, she was already snoring softly and contentedly. She smiled as she gazed fondly upon her sleeping partner. Glancing at the dirty dishes in front of her, she came to the conclusion that they could wait to be cleaned. The sink wasn't going anywhere any time soon.

Gently, she woke the other up, helped her to their feet, and led them to their bedroom, where they slowly slipped under the covers and promptly passed out once again. Kiyoko quickly brushed her teeth and washed her face before joining Yachi.

She climbed into bed and approached Yachi from behind, wrapping an arm around her waist and nuzzling her face into the nape of her neck.

Soon enough, she, too, gave into exhaustion and let the feeling of her girlfriend's soft breathing patterns allow her to drift into a state of tranquil slumber.


I love these two sm-
I feel like the plots for the chapters are kinda redundant sometimes but I try to think of new ideas :,)
Anyway lol it was raining a couple hours ago so I'm happy :>

Word count: 1009

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