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-Akaashi P.O.V-

The morning sunlight felt nice on my face. There was a slight breeze, but not one so intense that it would make someone cold. There were families walking around, enjoying their Saturday. All in all, it was a very lovely morning.

Jogging wasn't always my favorite pastime, but today was a nice day- the kind of day where, when you wake up in the morning, you get a weird, sudden urge to take in the world and finally be productive for the first time in years.

So, as I crossed through the park in my neighborhood, I started to think of what I should do today. I didn't have any urgent projects or assignments at work. I didn't have any laundry or shopping to do. My apartment was pretty clean, so I didn't really have to clean or anything.

After a while of pondering, my calves started to hurt. That sort of thing didn't usually bother me, but I could also feel the exertion in my chest, so I knew that I had to take a break. Coming to a slow, I looked around. There was a coffeehouse across the street from where I was, and it looked pretty full. I wasn't really in need of anything to eat or drink, but if I could just find a place to sit and recharge, that would be nice.

When I walked into the quaint shop, the smell of coffee beans and the sound of people ordering drinks comforted me. I'd always liked coffee shops. There was just something so cozy about their atmospheres.

I wasn't mistaken before- the place was packed. I scanned the room for any free seats, but they were all occupied. However, there was one person sitting by themself. They were sitting at a tiny table, but one with two chairs. The person only took up one of them. I figured that was my best shot at finding a place to rest.

As I approached the person, I tried to get a better look at their face. Their hair was dyed blonde, but their roots were dark. They had their face buried in a computer screen, typing away rapidly on a keyboard. Very rapidly. It was actually pretty impressive.

"Um, excuse me?" I asked, trying to get the person's attention. They glanced up at me, then back to the screen, then back at me again, seeming to be surprised that I was talking to them. "Ah, sorry... I was just wondering if I could have this seat right here? I won't bother you, I just need a place to sit."

When the person answered, I had to listen carefully. Their voice was quiet and timid. "Oh, yeah. Sure."

Looking at them from the front, I was able to get a good look at their eyes. They were golden and cat-like, and, frankly, very enchanting. I sat down in the chair and pulled out my phone, aimlessly scrolling through social media.

The two of us sat in silence until a server came over with a very sugary-looking drink, announcing, "One large matcha Frappuccino with extra whipped cream for Kozume Kenma."

Kozume looked up and nodded at the server with gratitude. I watched as they took the drink into their hands and started sipping it through a straw. The sight made me smile. The drink and the person seemed to be completely opposites. I guess my staring was obvious, because they met my gaze and raised an eyebrow questioningly.

"Ah- sorry," I said. "I just... Your drink doesn't really match your appearance. I would've expected a small, black coffee or something."

The person furrowed their eyebrows and looked down at the drink. "Yeah, I've gotten that before. Well, think what you want to think. This tastes good. That's all I care about." They pouted defiantly, which, not gonna lie, was pretty adorable.

"Oh, no no, I didn't mean it in an offensive way-... um, Kozume, was it?"

"...Kenma's fine. That's what everyone calls me. And you are?"

I offered my hand out to Kenma. "Akaashi. Akaashi Keiji. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise." When our hands touched, I realized how soft their hand was. I know, I know, that's a weird thing to notice, but seriously. It was ridiculously soft.

When I noticed that I was holding onto their hand for too long, I quickly apologized and pulled back, rubbing the nape of my neck in embarrassment. Their face looked a bit red as they looked away.

Something about Kenma was... alluring. Maybe it was just the mood of the morning, but a part of me really wanted to keep talking to this mysterious person who buys matcha Frappuccinos.

So, I kept talking. I kept a conversation running without realizing how much time had passed. By noon, we had exchanged contacts and discussed the most random subjects.

Though I had never met them before, I really enjoyed their company. They had a sweet laugh, a kind smile (if you got to see it), an intellectual kind of viewpoint on serious topics, and a good sense of humor.

Eventually, Kenma said that they had to go. I didn't understand why I was as disappointed as I was to have to part ways with them. I wanted to sit in this crowded coffeehouse with them and just talk. Talk about everything and anything.

Alas, I knew I couldn't.

We parted ways, but I made sure to favorite their contact in my phone, already thinking of how I should initiate another meet-up.

It really was a lovely morning.


I am aware I keep missing updates, and im so sorry ;-;
I promise I don't mean to forget, it just happens T-T
Anyways thank you all for still reading this shit, it really does mean a lot to me :,)
Sorry again for the inconsistency in updates

Word count: 980

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