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-3rd P.O.V-

When Atsumu and Sakusa first moved in with each other, the last thing that Atsumu expected his partner to bring with him was a stuffed animal.

Sakusa's plushie was a simple, brown, stuffed bear. It looked like it had been through quite a lot- there were stitchings that stuck out, one of its eyes was missing, it's head lolled loosely to the side when nothing was supporting it.

It really didn't look like anything special. So Sakusa's protective attitude towards the bear came as a surprise to Atsumu. He had never seemed like the type of person to own a stuffed animal either. So Atsumu initially just shrugged it off, deciding that it was probably something from his childhood that he held on to.

Months went by, and the two got situated in their shared space, figuring out how their lives will be scheduled and how they'd work through them. Time kept moving, the world kept spinning, and Atsumu had practically forgotten about the bear.

But one day, as they woke up and began their day, Atsumu noticed that something was off with the other. He was moving slower than usual. Saying fewer things to him as well. This behavior continued all throughout volleyball practice, too. Even his spikes were less powerful.

The setter was confused. This had never happened before. He didn't know how to deal with a drained Omi. The best he could do was check up on him, which he did- repeatedly, every thirty minutes.

Understandably, this got a bit irritating to Sakusa. So much so, that when Atsumu went to go inquire if he was alright, he got frustrated and ended up snapping at Atsumu. Guilt and regret immediately settled in, and he had too excuse himself from their conversation, and practice, for the rest of the day.

Atsumu wasn't offended, or even upset, he was just surprised. And worried.

As soon as practice had ended, he rushed home to where Sakusa would be. When he stepped through the door and took off his shoes, he noticed how quiet the house was. Even if it was just Sakusa there, he figured that more sound would be heard.

He made his way through the house, searching through the different rooms. Eventually, he made it to their bedroom. Quietly, he pushed open the door to reveal something he wasn't expecting to see.

Inside was Sakusa, curled up on their bed, clutching his stuffed bear tightly to his chest. His eyes were shut, but Atsumu could tell he wasn't sleeping.

"Omi?" he asked. Sakusa's eyes opened. Their gazes met before his own dropped, looking at the animal in his arms.

Atsumu wasn't really sure how to react. So after a brief pause, he slowly made his way next to the other, situating himself on the mattress next to him.

"Hey," he spoke, voice as gentle as possible. "What's wrong? And don't try to tell me nothing, because I know something's up."

Sakusa was quiet for a few seconds before talking. "I don't know." Another pause. "I've had moments like this ever since I can remember. Things just get... heavy. It's hard to explain. I'm sorry I was rude earlier..."

"No, Omi, it's okay. Seriously. Does... does your bear help?"

He glanced down at the plushie. "Yeah... I've had him ever since I was little. He helps when things get bad."

Atsumu found it adorable how attached he was to the bear. "What's his name?"


A smile set into his features. He pat the bear's head and whispered, "It's very nice to meet you, Ko. I'm glad that you've been taking care of my boyfriend."

Sakusa smiled. His eyes shut again and he leaned his head onto Atsumu's shoulder. Atsumu wrapped an arm around him and started twirling his fingers through the curls in his hair.

"Ya know, Omi, it's completely understandable to have bad days every now and then. And I'll always be here to help ya. Just say the word, and I'll do anything you ask. I promise."

"I know... Thank you, Atsu."

Atsumu kissed his forehead and continued playing with his hair, calming him down and reassuring him.

And within those small actions, those slight signs of affection, Sakusa realized that he now had someone that would be able to comfort him and keep him safe, even more than Ko had. He finally had someone to love him, and call his own. He had the love of his love. His home.


Technically this is a bit late, but I had a 3 day weekend so shush
Also tysm for 10k reads wtaf I didn't think that people would actually like the stuff I make 💀

Word count: 804

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