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-3rd P.O.V-

"Tsukki. Tsukki, wake up."

Yamaguchi shook the guy next to him, who was in a deep sleep.

"Tsukiiiii," he whined. "Come on! Open your eyes already!"

"Urusai, Yamaguchi," the other murmured.

He sighed. "Gomen, Tsukki."

Tsukishima shifted, half-conscious, and wrapped an arm around the waist of his boyfriend. A small smile played on Tadashi's lips. His salt-shaker might be stubborn, but he was also extremely cute sometimes. He started to thread his fingers through his messy blond hair. "Come on, babe," he tried once more. "It's time to wake up."

"Mmm... no."

Exasperated and hungry, Yamaguchi's patience was wearing thin. "Please, Kei?"


"You've been sleeping, though!"

"What time is it..?"

"Um," he turned around to check the digital clock on the bedside table. "8:45."

"Too early..."

"What do you mean, 'too early'?! You usually get up at 5:30 every day! That's more than three extra hours of sleep!"

"Which is exactly why I'm going to enjoy laying in bed as long as I can."

Yamaguchi had given up. "Alright, whatever you say." He tried to get out of bed, but Tsukishima's arm that was on top of him held him down.

"No. You stay with me," mumbled the tired one.

"But Tsukki, I'm hungry!"

Tsukishima looked up at Yamaguchi. His eyes were sleepy and half-closed. The pillow underneath him was pushing on his cheek. His gaze was vulnerable and pleading.

'No, Tadashi,' Yamaguchi thought. 'No. Don't give in to his adorable puppy eyes. Don't do it. You're stronger than this. Just look away. Look awa-'

"Alright, alright, I'll stay. But only for ten minutes, okay?"


'Dang it.'

Tadashi slid down in defeat, turning on his side and burying his face into his boyfriend's chest. They stayed like that for about fifteen minutes (Yamaguchi was so comfortable that he lost track of time) before a grumble from Yams' stomach disrupted the calm silence that filled the bedroom. Tsukishima released the other from his hold, sat up and stretched, Tadashi following suit after him. Getting out of bed, the salt-shaker dragged his feet out of their room and into the kitchen of the apartment that he and Yamaguchi shared.

He opened the fridge and took out a loaf of bread, some eggs, peanut butter, and a pack of bacon. He stuck two pieces of break into a toaster and started up the stove, taking a pan out of a cabinet. His hands worked, frying and scrambling the eggs after cracking them into the dish, spreading peanut butter across the now-done toast, and laying six pieces of bacon out on a tray to put in the oven. His focus on the food only faltered when Tadashi snuck up behind him and hugged him, pressing his lips to the other's neck.

"Smells good," he remarked.

"Thanks," replied the other, grabbing two plates from the cupboard next to him. He scooped up half of the scrambled eggs and plopped them onto a plate, doing the same with the toast after. All that was left was for the bacon to cook. Once he slid the tray into the oven, Tsukishima turned around and reciprocated the hug (that Yamaguchi hadn't given up on), planting a soft kiss on his boyfriend's head while he was at it.

"Mm," hummed Tadashi. "I love you, Kei."

"Love you too, Yams."

They remained embracing on the cold, tiled floor until the oven started beeping, indicating that their food was done. Tadashi went and sat down at their dining table as Tsukishima took out the bacon and dished out their plates. Yams, as hungry as he was, wolfed down the (delicious) food while the taller one ate slowly, often stopping to admire the bundle of adorable sunshine that sat across from him.

When he was finished, Yamaguchi leaned back in his seat, sliding down slightly and sighing contentedly.

"How come you got the cooking skills?" he whined. "It's not fair. Everything you make is like a mouthful of heaven whilst everything I make is mediocre, at best."

"Don't say that. You make better cookies than anybody."

"You flatter me. And cookies are great and all, but I'm talking about real food. Meals. If I tried making this, the eggs would be burnt, the bacon raw, and somehow I'd find a way to mess up the toast."

"It's just experience and practice. Besides, even if you're not the best cook, it's not like I'll love you any less."

"So you admit that I'm terrible at cooking?"

"Don't do that to me. That's a trap and both of us know it."

Yamaguchi laughed. "Fair enough. I can clean up, if you want."

"That's alright, I can help. There's not much to clear, anyway."

So the couple began to clean up the table and the kitchen. About two minutes into cleaning, Yamaguchi began to hum a random tune. It was a habit that he had picked up ever since he watched Snow White and the Seven Dwarves for the first time. Tsukishima noticed this, of course, but he didn't interrupt him. He simply smiled and listened as the sound of his sweet and improvised melody filled the living space. He found many things about Tadashi cute, but his tendency to subconsciously break into song was definitely among the top five.

The humming ceased as soon as the cleaning and been finished. Taking a deep breath and leaning on the counter, the freckled one turned to his boyfriend and gave him a brilliant smile. Pink spilled onto Tsukishima's cheeks as he smiled back. It was impossible not to. He walked up to and kissed Yamaguchi's cheek, sliding a hand down to his waist. The other felt his muscles relax and his heart warm. He appreciated tiny gestures like those.

After the kiss, the taller male yawned and started back towards the bedroom.

"Tsukki?" asked Tadashi. "Where are you going?"

"Back to sleep."


I wasn't sure what to make them eat so I just chose the most traditional (at least for where I'm from) breakfast food I could think of :,)
This one shot isn't my favorite, but I'm still kind of proud of it so :)

Word count: 1033

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