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-3rd P.O.V-

Daichi rested on his mattress, looking up at the blank ceiling above him. His room was dark and silent.

He'd been in that position all day. He had no motivation to get out of bed, much less to get up and move around. He'd watched the clock tick and observed how the shadows around him moved, sitting still as a rock.

Why he was like this, he didn't know. He was fine yesterday, but today he just woke up and couldn't move. He didn't even have the strength in him to be worried about his condition.

Maybe it was just exhaustion. Work was stressful as of recently after all. It was the only conclusion he could come to. But he couldn't explain it. He'd experienced exhaustion before, but even then, he could still move around and complete everyday tasks. That wasn't the case now. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't move.

There was a strange feeling in his chest. It was as if there was this gaping emptiness inside him. He felt hollow. That was the best way to describe it. There was something missing in him. But what?

His gaze drifted lazily from the ceiling to his semi-open closet. Inside, he could see a navy blue sweater that was too small for him.

In that moment, he could feel the emptiness expand. What was only rooted in his chest before crept its way up to his mind, flooding his thoughts with a wave of unease. His limbs felt heavier than before, if that was possible.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't bring himself to look away from the sweater. He knew that it was causing this horrible feeling, but he had no strength to turn away. It frustrated him.

The unease overwhelmed him. Tears emerged, prickling at his eyes. Memories flooded his mind. Memories that he had been trying so hard to forget.

Silver hair, warm smiles, soft laughs, gentle kisses.

Empty discussions, averted eyes, silent meals, a cold bed.


The tears poured, but Daichi still made no noise. He took shallow breaths out his mouth as his nose started to run.

As much as he didn't want to face the truth, he knew he had to. He missed Suga more than he'd ever missed anything before. It had been about three months since they broke up. It wasn't anything messy- they both knew it was inevitable.

They'd grown distant. Daichi had started working later, so their schedules hardly ever matched up. Communication didn't work. There was little affection between the two at all.

When they did split up, Daichi didn't try to fight Suga on the matter. He hadn't been oblivious to their failing relationship. He figured that he would move on easily and start over.

Easier said than done.

As he looked back on it now, he realized how foolish it was to think that. It was six years that they were just flushing down the drain. By that point, Daichi had gotten used to living with his partner. He took for granted the pleasures that came with sharing a home with someone you love.

When they were together, even if they didn't say much, they were still together. Despite the late nights and rough days, he still had someone to go home to. That wasn't the case anymore.

After they ended things, he tried to busy himself with his job, thinking that maybe the extra work would take his mind off things. That neglect evolved into something greater than what he wanted. It became his only vice for the loneliness he felt.

And a dangerous vice it was.

He hadn't realized how much he'd been doing. Without knowing, he had overworked himself to the point of absolute exhaustion.

And now that there was nothing to distract him from the unfortunate reality, it all came crashing down on him at once. The hurt, the despair, the unbearable emptiness.

There was no one to look after him and make sure that he was okay. He was completely and utterly alone. All by himself, he could only reminisce on the old friendships he had and how much better everything was back in his childhood.

He used to be a cheerful and dependable kid, always willing to help out others and do the right thing.

Now, he was a grown man in his mid-20's, motionlessly crying over his ex-boyfriend on a Tuesday evening.

Oh, how the times changed.

He was such an idiot for letting Suga go. He was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He truly loved him. He didn't even try to get him back when he left.

The pain turned into guilt and self-hatred. He blamed himself for everything that happened. If only he'd been a better boyfriend. If only he'd tried harder.

It was all his fault, his fault, his fault.

He did this. It was all him. He was to blame. He had no one to take responsibility but himself.

Maybe in some parallel universe, they had stayed together. Maybe he fought for him and won him back. Maybe he was still with the love of his life.

But even that thought couldn't comfort him. Nothing could.

The sweater hung up in his closet, untouched- just like it had been for months. He should probably return it. It wasn't ever his to begin with anyway.

But, then again, no. He couldn't ever face Suga again. He was probably with someone new, completely moved on and happy. He probably never even thought of Daichi.

What if seeing him again pained him? Daichi couldn't do that to him. Even after all that had happened, he still loved Suga. He couldn't stand the thought of hurting him.

So instead, he settled for the next best option.

He'd deal with this himself, spending all his days alone, wishing that some higher power would take mercy on him and just pull him from existence.


This is earlier than usual cause I was bored and wanted to write
Anyways how are y'all doin :)

Word count: 1024

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