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-3rd P.O.V-

"Yes, Bokuto-san, I see the house."

"Ah really?! I'll come meet you outside-hang on!" Akaashi heard a 'beep' and saw that the call had ended.

About fifteen minutes earlier, Akaashi had gotten a call from Bokuto, who told him about how he was babysitting his neighbors' three kids, and he needed help with them. Akaashi agreed to help, but mainly because he didn't trust his captain to look after three children. So now here he was, in the front yard of a complete stranger's house with a bag of kids' books, toys, and games slung over his shoulder. Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal the captain and ace of Fukurodani with a frantic and excited look on his face.

"AKAASHI!" he exclaimed, running forward and engulfing the setter in a hug. "Gah! Thank you so much for coming!"

"Bokuto-san, you're crushing me," managed the other.

"Ah- I'm sorry!"

"It's fine. And it's no problem. Anyway, are you sure I'm even allowed to be here?"

"Mhm! I asked my neighbors and they said it was okay!"

"Alright, then. Why don't you introduce me to the kids?"

"Okay! Come in!" Bokuto grabbed Akaashi's hand and quickly dragged him into the house.

'No,' the shorter thought to himself. 'Now is not the time. You're just here to babysit. Don't let your ridiculous feelings get in the way of that.'

"Alright, you guys!" said the owl-man, calling the other back to the present. "Ichiro, Akio, Mei, this is Akaashi! He's gonna help me look after you guys! Akaashi, this is Ichiro, Akio, and Mei! Ichiro is the oldest, and Akio is the youngest!" The two young buys beamed and greeted the setter happily while Mei quietly nodded in acknowledgement to him.

The black-haired male smiled and bowed a little before saying, "Hello there. Bokuto-san has already said my name. Can you all tell me a bit about yourselves?"

The tallest of the group was the first to speak up. "I'm Ichiro, and I like to play games! Next week, I'm gonna be this many years old!" He held up seven fingers.

The other boy was next. "My name is Akio! I like drawing, and I'm four and a half years old!"

The girl was hesitant, but eventually said softly, "I'm Mei. I like... to read. I'm six years old." She then shied away, using her taller brother as some sort of shield. Akaashi smiled at her. She reminded him of himself when he was younger. He got down on his knees and took out his bag, gaining the kids' interest.

"It's nice to meet you all. I'm glad to hear you like those things, because I have something for you." He took out three board games, a coloring book, colored pencils, and five books. Smiles were plastered across the children's faces- even Mei's eyes glimmered in fascination.

As the blue-eyed boy distributed the toys and games among the kids, Bokuto only watched in awe and amazement. Akaashi was so kind and soft towards them. He was so gentle. Bokuto found it... attractive? He wasn't quite sure, really. All he knew was that seeing his setter be so caring to the children made him smile and his heart warm.

After five minutes, Ichiro and Akio were playing a round of Battleships while Mei was close by, reading one of the books that Akaashi had brought. After checking to make sure that they were preoccupied, the second-year made his way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Bokuto used this opening to go talk to him.

As Akaashi was taking a plastic cup out of the cabinet, he felt and saw a pair of large, strong arms wrap around him.


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