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-3rd P.O.V-

Osamu stared up at his ceiling, waiting for his mind to grow tired.

It was late at night, but he just couldn't fall asleep. His brain was too preoccupied with the overthinking going on in his head.

He kept replaying the same interaction, over and over, trying to understand it...

Earlier that day, when Osamu was at school, he was standing in the halls with Suna. It was at the near end of lunch, and they had stepped out of their classrooms to get away from their seats for a bit. They weren't talking, but they didn't really have to. Their friendship was nice like that. No talking was necessary, just sharing each other's presence was enough. And as they were sitting in their comfortable silence, a couple had walked past them. It was a guy and a girl. They were walking hand in hand with their arms swinging, and they were smiling and laughing together. After they walked away, Osamu and Suna shared a glance, thinking the same thing.

"Ew," scoffed Suna. "Get a room."

"I know right," said Osamu. "We get it, you're in a healthy relationship. Ya don't need to shove it in our faces."

Suna grinned. "Imagine being happy, couldn't be me."

"Imagine having someone who'd wanna date you- couldn't be me."

"Hm? What about your fangirls?"

"They only like me 'cause I look like 'Tsumu."

Looking him up and down, Suna said, "I'd date you," and then took a bite out of his jelly stick.

His words surprised Osamu. He turned around to look at him, raising an eyebrow at him. A smirk spread across Suna's face and he leaned his head back, laughing softly. Seeing this, Osamu rolled his eyes and looked away, a smile playing at his lips...

So... he must have been joking then- right? I mean, why else would he laugh? Everything from his reaction points toward his statement just being a joke. It was a joke.

But something was keeping Osamu held on to that slim chance that he hadn't been messing with him.

Why would he say he'd date him if it wasn't true? People don't usually make jokes about that stuff, do they? He didn't think so.

But, then again, that might've just been his sense of humor. He did laugh, after all. Yeah... that must be it. Suna? Wanting to date him? Really?

Not that Osamu would necessarily be against it- he wouldn't exactly mind dating him. Being able to hold his hand, and hug him, and stroke his soft-looking hair, and hold him close when it was too cold out, and whisper compliments into his ear...

Alright, so, yeah, he had a low-key crush on Suna. But that's not weird! Everyone has a crush on their close friends at least once in their lives, unless they're not interested in dating at all. He'd bet that there was a scientific study proving him right somewhere in the world.

Annoyed by the insomnia he was experiencing, he reached over and grabbed his phone of the bed-side table and opened it, thinking it'd help him fall asleep.

It didn't.

Everything he saw on his phone reminded him of Suna.

How to make mentaiko onigiri- Suna loves the food he cooks. A video of baby animals with tiny foxes in the thumbnail- Suna reminds him of a fox. Yoga tips for beginners- Suna is incredibly flexible. The Neighborhood's new music video- Suna loves to listen to those songs. Some rich internet influencer showing off their car that was painted golden- Suna's eyes were the same gold color.

No matter what he did, his mind wouldn't let him forget about it. Silently groaning, he turned to lay on his stomach, taking his pillow and sandwiching his head between it and the mattress beneath him. He squeezed his eyes shut. 'Go to bed, dammit...' he thought. 'It's too late for this stuff, just go to bed...'

But it was to no avail. He could already picture how tired he'd be in the morning. Removing the pillow from his head, he rolled over and sighed up at his ceiling. 'God, Sunarin... why'd you gotta do this to me..?'

He gave up on trying to sleep. Instead, he took out his headphones and plugged them into his device and went back to where he saw the music video. After scrolling through similar choices, he selected a song he knew and let it play.

Sweater Weather. Another thing that reminded him of Suna. The middle-blocker had played it for him one day, and Osamu could still vividly remember how the other had closed his eyes and sang along to every lyric of the song, having it committed to memory. It was mesmerizing. He had a better singing voice than he'd expected.

As the tempo of the song slowed, things started to replay in Osamu's mind once again. But it wasn't as intense as before. This time, it felt more like a casual recollection than a panicked overthinking moment.

He thought back to when their eyes had met. Suna really did have some seriously pretty eyes... They were a soft gold-ish-green-ish color, and when you first look at them, it's easy to get lost in them.

There was a warm feeling that arose in Osamu's chest as he thought about him. He couldn't help but grin to himself. As for why, he didn't know. It was just something about Suna that made him feel so... so much lighter. But he couldn't quite place what exactly it was that he admired so much about him.

Whatever. Whether or not Suna felt the same way towards him was beyond him. Who knows? Maybe he was also awake at that very second, feeling the same way. Osamu was unsure about many things, but one thing he knew for sure was that even if his feelings were simply an unrequited crush, he'd still feel the same way towards Suna.

He'd be okay admiring him from afar, even if it was challenging sometimes.

Because that was better than nothing, at the very least.


Idk what happened here, I kinda just came up with it as I went along ._.
Anyways I bought blankets today 👍
Completely unrelated to the chapter but I just wanted to share that 👍

Word count: 1057

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