Multiple Ships

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Here's more ship headcanons. Only this time it's pretty much almost all rare pairs 'cause I think I basically covered all of the standard ones in the first one of these I did. Anyways, enjoy. (Don't judge any unlikely or strange ships.)

- Cuddles. Every. Night.
- If Makki ever has trouble sleeping, he will make one of them go on a late night Fast Food run with him
- Oikawa has specific nicknames for each of them
- Mattsun is the only person who can be the bigger spoon for Iwaizumi without Iwaizumi getting embarrassed
- They call each other their husbands even though they're not actually married

- Terushima very flirty in public, but is actually really sweet to Yamaguchi when they're alone
- If Terushima ever makes videos of him dancing for social media platforms, he always asks Yamaguchi for confirmation to post them before actually posting them if the dances involve lots of hip movement
- It's a tradition for them to do couple costumes for Halloween
- Yamaguchi gets flustered easily and Terushima finds that very amusing
- They prefer going out more than staying in for dates

- They alternate big spoon/little spoon positions
- No one believed them at first when they said they were dating
- Kuroo compliments Daichi's thighs at least three times a day
- Kuroo's parents/family loves Daichi and accepted him as part of the family the day they met him
- When Daichi has bad days at work, the only thing he looks forward to is cuddling with Kuroo at the end of the day

- No matter what he does, Oikawa cannot teach Ushijima to not text like he's writing an email to a professor
- Oikawa hates when Ushijima makes him flustered, and Ushijima never understood why
- Ushijima will buy and/or do anything for Oikawa the second he asks of it
- Oikawa really likes how protected he feels in Ushijima's arms
- They go on morning runs together

- Tendou will make ~questionable~ decisions sometimes and Semi will always support him in them unless they are seriously dangerous
- Semi has written many songs about Tendou
- They have a pet bird named Teriyaki
- Half of the drinks in their fridge are just various Monster energy drinks
- Tendou confessed to Semi in high school but they didn't start dating until university because that's when Semi first started experimenting with mlm relationships

- They first caught feelings for each other at the first years' training camp in high school when they bonded over their shared love of older music
- No one thought that they'd ever actually become a couple because they were both so oblivious to their feelings at first
- Koganegawa is clingy when he's tired so in the mornings he'll just latch onto Goshiki and not let go
- Goshiki didn't like cuddling at first but as their relationship progressed it became his favorite thing to do
- The most affection they'll show each other in public is holding hands because they're too embarrassed to do anything else in front of people

- Aone's love language is gift giving so sometimes he'll just randomly show up to Futakuchi with presents
- Futakuchi is usually the big spoon
- Aone can get anxiety from being in a place with too many people, and Futakuchi is always quick to notice when he gets uncomfortable somewhere
- Their favorite kinds of dates are movie dates
- The only names Futakuchi will call Aone are whether "honey" "babe" or just his given name

- They have designated "self-care nights"
- They're both very flirty
- Suga can't sleep unless Oikawa gives him a goodnight kiss (even if it's just over text)
- Oikawa would spend a million dollars on Suga if he wanted him to, but it makes Suga feel guilty whenever he buys him something too expensive
- They call each other the most sickening couple-y names in the world ("sweetie-pie" "sugarplum" "honey-bear") just to make other people cringe

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