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-Goshiki P.O.V-

As my upperclassmen yammered on in front of me, I let my mind wander through the depths of my thoughts.

I was never really paying attention to them in the first place. They have exams coming up, so that's all they were really talking about. At least, that's what I thought.

"You should ask him out, Semi-Semi." Tendou's words called me back to attention.

"Semi-san's going to ask someone out?" I asked. What can I say? I'm allowed to enjoy listening to gossip. Some may think it's immature, but I find secrets and rumors to be highly entertaining. Sue me.

Tendou grinned at me and then back at Semi, who punched him in the arm. "I'm not asking anyone out," huffed Semi.

"Not yet, at least~" The middle blocker folded his arms above his head. "You know, the school year is going to end before you know it. And our precious Shirabangs is totally into you. You're just being blind."

"Alright now listen here, just because you and the captain finally got together, you're not suddenly some all-knowing guru of romance."

"Don't listen to me if you want, I'm just saying that you gotta make the most of our time left here. It's pretty obvious as well. You two have chemistry. We all see it. Right, Goshiki?"

They both turned to me. I startled a bit. Even after knowing them all year, they still intimidate me. "Uh- We're talking about Shirabu-san, right?" Tendou nodded. "Well, personally, I think that there might be something there. You guys kind of bicker like a... married couple, or something like that."

The two of them gave enthusiastic responses at the same time, only Semi's wasn't a positive one. He turned back around, and even though I couldn't see his face, I could see that the tips of his ears were red.

"You're my favorite underclassman, Goshiki. Ah, if only you weren't taken, I'd totally try to set you up with someone."

Um. What?

"Er- Tendou-san, I'm not in a relationship."

He cocked his head to the side, looking at me quizzically. "What do you mean? Aren't you dating that one guy- what's his name... the one that looked like an Angry Bird... Koke... Kigo..."


His face lit up. "Yes! That's the one!"

"Oh... Wait, what?! Kogane and I aren't together! We're just friends!"

Semi threw a glance back at me and smirked. "You're blushing."

"I-I am not!"


What are they talking about?! Me and Kogane, boyfriends?! We're not even that close! I mean like, sure, we talk pretty often, and I FaceTime him every weekend, and I've visited his house before, and met his parents, and he buys me gifts whenever I see him, and-

Oh my god.

Are we dating?

"Goshiki, you look constipated," Tendou said, making Semi burst out laughing.

My mind was reeling. Me. And Koganegawa. Dating?! I can't even begin to comprehend those words! Does he think we're dating? Does everyone think we're dating?! Oh my god, am I the only one who hasn't noticed anything? How the hell is this happening?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started scrolling through past conversations we had. As I read through it all, I realized how dumb I've been. Of course people think we're dating! Jesus, anyone that'd look through this would think we're dating! Have I really been sending hearts to him this whole time in a platonic way?

Tendou and Semi seemed to have completely forgotten about Kogane and I. They were back to debating the Shirabu issue, which consumed their attention.

Wow... Kogane and I, huh?

I mean, I wouldn't complain, I guess. There are worse people that I could be pictured dating. Besides, Kogane's a sweetheart. Sure, his hairstyle isn't all that natural, and his smile is more uniquely turned up at the corners than others. But those features suit him. Frankly, I think he looks nice. And he's really funny. He also makes for good company. I always enjoy seeing him whenever I can. He's a great listener and he's very compassionate. Anyone would be lucky to have him as a partner.

I wonder if he thinks the same about me? Maybe I'm not the only one who thinks that. Maybe he finds me attractive, and kind, and nice to be around. He doesn't seem to dislike it when I'm with him. And he always replies quickly to my messages. Maybe... he's interested in me?

No. No, no, that can't be it. It's probably just like what I was thinking before. He's just being a good person, a good friend. It's all platonic. That's how it's always been.

But... why does that thought make me frown? Why do I want something more? I've never felt this way before really thinking about it, so why have my feelings changed all of a sudden? It's just all so strange.

But he really is such a sweet guy.

"Earth to Goshiki?" Tendou's hand waved in front of my face. I blinked, and realized that we'd made it to the convenience store we were walking to.

"Ah- sorry, just zoned out." Maybe...

"Mhm, well, come on, your upperclassmen are being nice and getting you some ice cream. Now hurry up before I choose the flavor for you." Do I...?

I only nodded absentmindedly as I entered the shop. Ice cream flavors were the last thing on my mind right now.

Kogane and I. Hm. I kinda like that.

"What are you smiling for?" Semi asked, examining me with one eyebrow raised.

"Ah- it's nothing. Thanks for the ice cream."


Anyway someone suggested KogaGoshi, so here we are 🕺💃
Honestly I love these two dorks, they're so cute together
(Sorry again for this being lateeeeee)

Word count: 986

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