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-3rd P.O.V-

Suga frowned at Daichi who was sitting on the opposite side of the bed as him, typing away on his computer.

It was much too late to be working anyway, so why in the world was he writing an email instead of giving him attention?

He understood that his work was important, but so was he!

His eyebrows scrunched together before making a big deal out of sighing loudly, crossing his arms and turning over onto his side so that he was facing the opposite direction.

In response to this, Daichi glanced over at him and laughed lightly, then returned to his screen.

'Oh, come on!' Thought Suga. 'Take the hint already!' But he didn't. He was too absorbed in his writing to realize just how badly the other craved affection.

'Fine.' Suga huffed, giving up on Daichi. 'Who needs cuddles anyway? Not me. I'm a grown man, I can survive without being held in between two strong arms for a night. Yeah.'

He tried getting comfortable, but just couldn't get into the right position. Tossing and turning around, he tried lying down in every way, but something was just always off.

He was getting more and more frustrated by the second. First, his boyfriend doesn't give him attention. Then, he couldn't find a good position to fall asleep in. Also, he had this weird ache in his back that hurt if he bent over or curled up too much into a ball. What a great night he was having.

Daichi, who was watching him twist around in discomfort, felt bad. He could tell he was having a bad night, but he just had to finish that email. Then he would be done with work for the entire weekend. And it was to his boss, as well. It wasn't really the type of thing he'd be able to get away with if he half-assed his way through it. Just a few more sentences...

But Suga couldn't wait that long. Each word seemed to take forever to write, and it was killing him. He grumbled something under his breath in annoyance, though even he didn't quite understand what he had said.

The sound of a keyboard being typed on was starting to irritate him. It was like it was trying to get on his nerves, to rub in his face that it was getting more attention from his boyfriend than he was himself.

Looking up at the laptop in Daichi's lap, Suga subtly flipped off the technology, scowling at it. This, again, did not go unnoticed by Daichi.

Yeah, he could probably use some sleep. He's reached the point where he gets offended by the sounds made by inanimate objects.

It felt like the world was purposely trying to prevent him from feeling good that night. 'Ugh, seriously, universe,' he thought. 'What did I ever do to you...'

He pulled up the blankets around him and wrapped them around his body as tight as possible, but that didn't help anything. Giving up, he groaned and stretched his arms out across the bed's mattress.

But, much to his delight, one last key was pressed and the computer made a sound indicating that an email had been sent.

And to confirm this, Daichi did one last look over his screen and said, "And... finished."

He tilted his head back and sighed in relief. Finally. His job was going to be the death of him.

"It's about time," mumbled Suga. Daichi looked over at him. Suga was lying on his stomach with his arms folded underneath his head, watching him expectantly. "Well? Do I get my cuddles or not?" He pouted.

Daichi chuckled and moved to lie on his side next to his boyfriend. "Did I take too long?" He asked.

"Too long is an understatement." Suga shifted his position, mirroring Daichi.

"Ah... I'm sorry. You know I'd much rather be giving you attention than writing to my superiors."

The other hummed and moved in closer to him. "I know. I'm just kidding. Well, half-kidding. I know you don't like working late."

Daichi's arm found its way around Suga's waist, resting on his side whilst drawing circles into his upper-back. His other arm went underneath his head, acting as a second, slightly less comfortable pillow.

"I really don't. Haha, are you getting tired already?" He smiled at Suga's face. His eyes were half-lidded, he was clearly just barely clinging onto consciousness. And caressing his back probably wasn't helping him stay awake.

"Oh shush." He yawned. "I've been tired this whole time, I've just been waiting to make sure you didn't stay up too late. I also wanted affection, but the other reason was more important."

"Hm... I wouldn't stay awake too late, especially not when I have a busy day tomorrow."

"Still, I don't want you doing anything unhealthy."

"That sweet of you, Koushi."

"Well, my name is pretty much 'Sugar.'"

That earned a laugh from the other. Wow, he was tired. And wow, was it showing.

"Alright, whatever you say." Daichi kissed his forehead, pulling him in closer so that they were pressed up against each other with no space left in between. He buried his face in his soft, silver hair, inhaling the scent of his shampoo- coconut mixed with rosemary. He smiled to himself and thanked whatever force in the universe that had brought them together.

Seeing as though the other was clearly about to pass out, he whispered, "Goodnight, love. Sleep well."

Suga was obviously exhausted, but still managed to mumble, "Mm, night, hon. Love you too..." before falling into slumber.

Daichi lifted the blankets higher up, wrapping them both in the warmth it gave them.

And after taking one last look at his sleeping boyfriend, he closed his eyes and gave into the sleepiness that enveloped him.


I wanted to do more angst but decided against it
Do people even read these lmao-
Welp if you do, hope you enjoyed 👍

Word count: 1002

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