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-Mattsun P.O.V-

Why is confessing so hard? When you think about it, it's really just telling someone about how you feel towards them and then finding out they either feel the same way or not. It shouldn't be such a nerve-racking task.

So then why... Why am I shaking? Why are the flowers in my hand trembling along with me? Why is my heart beating at a concerning rate? Why are the tiny people in my head shouting many different things, confusing me?

It just doesn't make sense. I've planned everything out. I'll give him some flowers, tell him how I feel, and wait for a response. Quick and easy. And even if he doesn't feel the same, we'll still be friends, at least. Right?

It's just three words. Three simple words. 'I like you. I like you. I like you-'

"Mattsun, what are you doing?"

"I-I like you!" I shoved the flowers out towards the voice.

"Um... sorry, man. I'm kinda dating Oikawa?" Ah. It was just Iwaizumi.

"Oh. You. Never mind."

"...Wow. Should I be offended?"

"What-? Oh, no. Sorry, I just thought you were someone else."

"Yeah. Clearly." He glanced at what I was holding. "Wait, so then who did you think I was?"

I didn't respond. Jeez, even admitting I like someone to another person is challenging. Why do feeling exist?

"Come on, dude," he said. "You just fake-confessed to me, like, ten seconds ago. At least tell me who I'm being replaced with."

"How did you tell Oikawa you liked him?"

He raised an eyebrow. "I just got tired of everyone telling me that we were perfect for each other, so I told him. If he rejected me, then I would've found a way to move on. He felt the same way, though, so that's good. But anyway, you still owe me an explanation." He acted overdramatic and hurt. "Am I not good enough for you? Mattsun, be honest with me... Is there... Is there another..?"

"It's not you, it's me. Actually, that's a lie, it is you. You're just too short. Sorry, dude." I got socked in the arm for that. "Ow, jeez."

"Come on, seriously. Who's gonna be the lucky person who gets to date Mr. Matsukawa Issei?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy."

"Weather-? I swear to god, if you or Makki quote another meme during practice-" I stiffened. Unfortunately, he noticed my reaction to Makki's name. "Oh. It's Makki. How did I not see that coming? But also, good for you, man. Finally gonna get yourself a boyfriend, hm?"

"That's only assuming he says yes. Which he won't."

"You're kidding, right?" He facepalmed when I shook my head. "Oh my god... were Oikawa and I as oblivious as you two? Look, you guys literally flirt with each other every day. Even in the halls, not just at practice. I've seen you guys together. It's obvious that you both feel the same way." I was going to object, but his phone then started ringing. He checked the caller ID and then picked up.

"Oikawa, hey-" He was cut off by lots of screaming on the other line. He held the phone away from his face and flinched. Slowly, he brought the device back to him. "Oikawa, shh. I can't understand you when you shout like that."




He looked at me and grinned before talking again. "Yeah, I have a similar situation over here."



I heard muffled and excited squealing. Iwaizumi flinched again.

"Shh, shh. Where are you guys?"


"Alright, we'll head over to you. See you in a minute, bye." He hung up and turned to me.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"You'll see. Come on, we're going to the front of the school."

As we started towards the school's entrance, my thoughts started to take over me again. What if he thought I was weird? What if it ruined our friendship? What if he hated me? What if he's already seeing someone? What if he's straight?

Just as I had thought of this possibility, we had reached our destination. I looked around and saw Oikawa and Makki standing at the edge of campus. I guess the worry was visible on my face, because Iwaizumi put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring look before pushing me in the direction of the two, following closely behind me.

Makki turned around as I got nearer. I looked down at his hands. He was holding... flowers? He saw that I was doing the same. Welp, I guess it's now or never. I'm done with these stupid nerves.

I started talking quickly. If I confess faster, doubts won't have time to form in my head, right? "Makki, um, hey. So, I have something to say, and I'm just gonna put it out there and I'm not going to stop talking until I'm finished. Anyway, well, I kind of... really like you..? I don't really know any other way to put it. I have feelings for you. But not the no-homo kind. It's the full-homo kind. You mean a lot to me, and even if you don't feel the same way towards me, I, uh, I just hope that you'd still want to be friends with me." I paused for a second before saying, "Um, speech over. A round of applause would be appreciated."

Makki was staring at me with wide eyes. As much as I wanted to look away, I knew I had to wait for his reaction. We kept silent eye-contact with each other until Oikawa gave him a shove from behind.

"Oh- er- right," he said. "Well, that's good to hear, because I feel the same. I also have feelings for you. Full-homo feels. Oh- here." He shoved the flowers he was holding in my direction. I took them from his grasp. My hand was a bit shaky, but could you really blame me?

"Ah, right. Here's for you, too." I handed him the bouquet of my own. He took it and examined the flowers. The colors were a mix of pink, darker pink, and lighter pink. I don't know, I just thought of his hair, alright? "So... are we a couple now?"

"I mean, do you want to be?"

"Do you?"

"Oh my god," Oikawa groaned. "Can you guys just make out already? You both confessed. There! Boom! Relationship! Now kis-"
Iwaizumi covered his mouth with his hand.

"Sorry about that," he said. "Continue."

I looked back at Makki. "Well then, I guess you're my boyfriend. It's not going to be easy, just so you know."

"Bold of you to assume I'm going to be any easier to deal with."

"Fair enough." There was a moment of silence before Iwaizumi clapped his hands together and got our attention.

"Welp, now that that's done, it's time for practice."

"Oh, come on!" Makki whined. "At least give us an easier warm up than usual!"

"Not happening."

"Why not?!"

"This is your punishment for taking too long to confess. You did this to yourselves."

The two of us reluctantly walked off to the locker rooms to get ready. We might have held hands on the way there, but nobody would've known that for sure.


I had nothing else to write so ✨MastuHana confession✨ :)
Sorry if there was too much talking in this, btw

Word count: 1237

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