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-3rd P.O.V-

The two setters of Shiratorizawa Academy were at Semi's house, one lounging across the floor and one studying.

The third-year had already finished his school work for the day and was growing more and more bored by the second. The second-year was reading and taking notes on a chapter of a lesson that he was to be learning.

Semi glanced over at Shirabu and frowned. Where was the attention that he was being robbed of? He did not go through an entire school day knowing that his boyfriend was coming over after just to be neglected for something educational.

"Shirababes," he whined. "Shirababes... I crave affection and cuddles."

The other simply hummed in response, not looking away from his book.

Semi clutched his chest with his hand dramatically and gasped. "Um?! Excuse you, 'hmmm' is not a valid response!"

Shirabu looked at Semi and gave his a look that said, 'I know this, but I'm clearly doing something more important right now.'

"Wow. Alright, I see how it is. I was going to offer to go get us some snacks, but no more. You aren't worthy of the snacks."

When he received no response, Semi pouted and took out his phone. After scrolling around aimlessly for a few minutes, a notification popped up on the screen. Shirabu got one too. It was from the team group chat. He, too, picked up his phone and looked at where the noise came from.

*Shiiiiratorizawa🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 VB GC*
~Baki Baki Blocker sent an attachment~

I'm a decent person: Why-
I'm a decent person: It's just Atsushi
I'm a decent person: From Bungo Stray
Baki Baki Blocker: YES IT IS REON
Baki Baki Blocker: BUT LOOK AT
Baki Baki Blocker: NOW TELL ME
Waka-Chan: I see Atsushi with light
brown hair?
Baki Baki Blocker: Thank u for your
input Ushi
Disappointed: wait
Baki Baki Blocker: YES??
Disappointed: it kinda looks like shirabu
Baki Baki Blocker: YES THANK
Baki Baki Blocker: IM NOT THE

SEMISEMI: Oh yeah-

😒: No it doesn't
😒: Stfu.
Bowl Cut: I kinda see it-
😒: No you don't
Bowl Cut: 🥲



Semi laughed out loud. "Haha! Oh my god, he's totally right! Shirababes! You're like a rusty Atsushi!"

He was expecting the other to retort, or glare at him, or hit his arm and tell him to shut up, but nothing happened. Noticing this, Semi's laughter was cut off as he turned to look at Shirabu.

He didn't appear to be irritated. Since his face was angled down, he couldn't really see what his expression was. Instead, all he saw was the second-year reach up and twist a strand of hair in between his fingers.

"Shirabu..?" asked Semi. Was he actually taking their joking seriously?

"Do I... do I actually look like that..?" He looked down and let go of the strand of hair. His gaze dropped as he hugged his knees, placing his chin on top of his folded legs.

It took Semi a minute to register what the other had asked. Shirabu almost never took his teasing to heart. But now, he looked... kind of hurt. Vulnerable. Has he struck some sort of nerve he should have left alone? This was new. He's never seen him look so insecure.

"Huh-? What- no, Shira, of course not!" Recovering from his stupor, Semi quickly got up and crawled over to his boyfriend and put one hand on his shoulder, one on his hands. "No, you don't!"

Shirabu looked up at him. "But- you just said- and so did the rest of the team..."

"Listen, those are all just meaningless jokes. No, they're not even jokes. It's not funny. I'm sorry, I didn't know they made you feel like this... I didn't mean it, you're not a- a rusty Atsushi." He cringed at himself for saying that. Why did he even think that would be funny? "Really, I'm sorry."

"But they're not..." Shirabu nodded in the direction of his phone to show the open group chat.

Semi sighed and shut off his phone before placing a hand on the other's cheek, angling his face so that their eyes met.

"Then don't listen to them. Look, they're just teasing, and I'm sure that if they knew it was making you feel this way, they'd stop." He started to draw circles into Shirabu's cheekbone with his thumb. "Why didn't you tell me that it all offended you..?"

He leaned into the touch. "I don't know, I guess I just didn't know how to... it doesn't usually bother me, but... I dunno, it just kinda hurt this time..."

Mentally cursing himself out, Semi pulled Shirabu into an embrace and stroked his hair softly as the second-year buried his head into the crook of his neck. "Hey, you know you're really handsome, right? You always have been. Even if the team teases, they know too. You're an attractive guy, Shirababes. Don't forget it."

He could feel the other smile into his neck. Thank god, he was able to redeem himself.

"Thanks, Semi. It means a lot to me..."

"No problem. Anytime." He kissed the top of his head gently and pulled him in closer, securing the hold he had around his torso,

I mean, I guess that was one way to get the cuddles he wanted.


I want to make a rare pair chapter
But I don't know which ship to choose

Word count: 938

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