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-3rd P.O.V-

Tendou rushed to greet Ushijima, who had just arrived back to their apartment.

"Ushi!" Tendou said as he jumped into his partner's arms. "Welcome home! I was able to make extra chocolates today and bring them home, so-" His sentence was cut short as he really took in the view of Ushijima. "Hey... are you feeling okay? You look dazed, or something..."

Ushijima's forehead was beaded with sweat. Which normally wouldn't be concerning, he did just finish practice, after all, but he was usually okay by the time he got home. He seemed to have trouble focusing on things. His breathing was a little ragged, and he would tremble every now and then.

Despite this, he raised an eyebrow and told the other, "I'm feeling fine. I look dazed? Hm. It's probably nothing. What was that you were saying about chocolates?" He kissed Tendou on the forehead and bent down to take his shoes off.

"Yeah... I was just saying how I got to take some home, so they're in the fridge for you, I didn't think that leaving them out in this heat would be a good idea... Wakatoshi-kun, you're sure you're alright?" They walked into the kitchen. Ushijima looked into the fridge and took out the chocolates Tendou had made and bit into one.

"Yes, I'm feeling perfectly fine. These are amazing, by the way. Delicious." He popped the last sweet into his mouth and turned to grab a napkin by the sink. When he crossed the room to throw the napkin away, Tendou noticed how his footsteps were slightly uneven. He cautiously went over to him. As Ushijima took a step backwards, he fell into Tendou.

"Ushi?!" The other struggled to hold him up. "Gah-! Oh, god... Why are you so heavy?! Ah- let's bring you- over here!" Grunting, he managed to carry his partner over to the couch and lay him down.

He was unconscious, but still breathing. It was just a faint. A crease formed in Tendou's forehead as he examined the other once again. Something was definitely wrong. Even on days when his coach made him train longer, Ushijima never came home this winded. The bus trip back was usually a long enough period of time to let him rest.

He grabbed a hand-towel and soaked it in cold water before setting it on his head, where the perspiration was gathering. He'd wake up sooner than later, he knew that much about fainting.

Not really sure what else to do, he grabbed the other's gym bag and set it on the table, unpacking it. If he could find his water bottle, he'd fill it up with fresh, icy water to cool him down. But as he rummaged through the bag, Tendou couldn't find the water bottle. He dumped everything out of it and searched around. It wasn't there.

Tendou was confused. 'Did he leave it in the gym..?" he thought to himself. But then, something on the kitchen counter caught his eye. There sat the bottle, completely full and untouched. Everything then started to make sense.

'Ah... so that's what happened.' He moved to sit with Ushijima. Picking up his head and placing it in his lap, he began to run his fingers through the other's hair gently.

Ushijima woke up after some time had passed. Tendou stayed with him the whole time.

"Mph..." he grumbled. "What..? When did I get here...?" He had to squint in order for his eyes to adjust to the light.

The other sighed. "Finally. You were knocked out for, like, twenty minutes. Did you rest well?"

"Yeah- wait twenty minutes? What happened?" He moved to sit up. Tendou let him and went over to where the water bottle was. He dumped it out and refilled it before going to join Ushijima on the couch.

Handing it to him, he said, "Drink this. You need to." Ushijima obliged, grabbing the bottle from his hand and taking a large swig of the water. Somehow, it tasted like heaven. He never thought that water could be this delicious- he downed it all quickly.

"Thank you." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Wakatoshi-kun..." spoke Tendou. "Why did you not have anything to drink today? I know that you probably just forgot your water bottle here, but I could've always just brought it to you..!"

"You were working... I didn't want to disturb you."

"Ushi, your health is more important than my job. And in this heat? While at the gym? You're going to end up hurting yourself... I don't mind running to get things for you on my breaks. And not wanting to disturb me? You disturbed me when you lost consciousness! That's worrying for me, okay?" He cupped the side of Ushijima's face with his hand. "I care about you, and seeing you neglect your own health like that... I don't like it."

The other looked away and held the hand on his cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you, I swear. I just... I don't know. I figured I'd be okay. I won't do it again."

Tendou smiled and kissed him sweetly as he situated himself on top of Ushijima, wrapping his arms around him and letting it be his turn to be caressed (even though he didn't really have any hair to be pet). "I forgive you."

Ushijima chuckled softly. "I'm glad. The chocolates really were amazing, by the way."

"I know right? My blood, sweat, and tears went into making those."

"...Satori, please tell me that I did not just consume your bodily fluids."



Word count: 971

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