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-3rd P.O.V-

Tendou's laughter rang throughout Ushijima's apartment. The two were sitting on his couch, drinking tea and telling each other about their weeks. It was something that they had agreed to try and do every weekend since they graduated high school. They hadn't missed a single weekend.

The time they made for each other meant a lot to the both of them. Going from seeing each other every day to only four times a month was definitely a change. To each other, they were the ones they confided in and trusted more than anything. There was nothing that went unspoken between the two of them. That's what was believed, at least.

But there were two things that were kept a secret. They were things that were kept hidden in fear of how they could destroy their friendship. They had a bond, and the thought of losing that bond was terrifying.

That's why having to come out and reveal those secrets was the hardest thing that Tendou had ever done in his life.

Ushijima looked at the other with a confused expression. "I'm not sure I understand."

"Ushi, those kids started crying because they were scared of you!"

"What? But why would they be scared? I wasn't doing anything strange."

"Yes, but when someone four times your height shows up next to you, holding a wrench and looking you dead into the windows of your soul, it's a scary thing to process!"

"But the wrench was just there because my downstairs-neighbor needed it for a plumbing issue last week, and he said I could swing by and grab it."

"But the children don't know that!" Tendou leaned back into the sofa, still laughing at the effect his intimidating friend could have on people.

Ushijima rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Oh, by the way. I saw something the other day. It was this new cafe that's opening soon- about a week, I think. I was able to catch a glimpse of it through the windows, and it looks like something I think you'd like. We should go, it seems nice."

He expected a response, but all he got was silence. Glancing over at Tendou, he noticed the sudden mood change that was visible on his face.

"Satori?" he asked. "Is everything alright?"

Tendou inhaled and exhaled. "Gah, so this is how we're gonna do this..." This did not satisfy the other's confusion. Tendou then turned his body to face Ushijima. Ushijima straightened his posture and looked with concern at Tendou, who paused before continuing. "Look, Ushi, there's something I have to tell you."

He tensed. That sentence was never a good sign in any situation. Nevertheless, he nodded, welcoming him to keep going.

"Whew... Alright, so, before I say what, you have to know that there are a couple parts to what I'm going to say, and you're going to have to let me say both of them before you give me any reaction. And I'm probably going to have to go when I'm finished, to let you process them." Ushijima nodded again, but more hesitantly this time. "Okay. There's no way to sugar-coat this, so I'm just going to say it." He looked down at his hands that were now folded together. "I'm moving. To a different country. Um... France, actually, as in Paris, France."

The atmosphere around them changed in an instant. Neither spoke. The air had turned still and heavy.

Ushijima couldn't say anything if he wanted to.

Paris? Since when? Why hadn't he told him? Was this a joke?

A million questions clouded his mind, but his mouth could form none of them. All he could do was gape at the guy sitting beside him, who refused to meet his eyes.

It was Tendou who broke the silence. "Alright, now that that's been said, there's something else I have to tell you- yes, another thing- and I have to tell you now, because if I don't, I'll never get the chance to again." He paused. "I'm in love with you."

Ushijima might've been shocked before, but it was nothing compared to how he felt now. He was too stunned to speak, move, or do anything.

There was no way that Tendou was lying. He'd joke about lots of things, but this wasn't one of them. His expression made that evident.

Mind going a mile a minute, he searched for a response to give, but he couldn't find one. He was coming up empty with everything and anything he could possibly do in that second.

After what felt like forever, he managed to ask one question:

"When do you leave?"

His voice was small and barely audible, but the quietness of the room seemed to magnify it.

Tendou looked down once more. "Two days."

Two days. Only two. In exactly two days, his best friend would be leaving him, and in three, he'd be gone. The reality of it sank in, weighing down on him like a truck.

"How long have you known?"

"...It's been something I've been looking into for about a year now. I only actually tried to make it happen a few months ago. I wasn't expecting much at first, but before I knew it, I had found a place I'd be able to stay, and I started taking French classes. It's all just so real now. I know I should've told you earlier, I just didn't know how... I'm sorry..." His voice caught at the end, tears starting to form in his eyes.

There were many things that Ushijima was feeling right then. He felt sad, angry, hurt, betrayed- just all around upset. But he knew that it would do no good to express those to Tendou. He was an adult who made a decision. There was nothing he could do about that.

So taking Tendou into an embrace, he held him in his arms and drew circles into his back. "It's okay," he whispered. "If this is something you want, I'll support you. All I want is for you to be happy." He thought for a second before adding, "And for what it's worth, I'm in love with you too."

By now, Tendou was full-on crying. He gripped on to Ushijima's shirt, face pressed into his shoulder, tears running down his cheeks.

"I-I'm gonna miss you-you," he choked out through sobs.

"Im gonna miss you too, Satori."


This is unedited so i apologize for any mistakes
I get a week off school 💃🕺

Word count: 1088

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