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-3rd P.O.V-

"Kageyama doesn't smile much, does he?" asked Sugawara one day after practice.

"Have you really only just realized that?" Tanaka looked at the other. "I don't think I've seen him show any emotion other than irritated."

Hinata, who had heard the words that were being shared between the two upperclassmen, popped up next to Tanaka and chimed in, "What do you mean? He smiles sometimes."

"Gah-! Hinata, don't do that! You know how I've felt about jump scares since the incident with Asahi at that training camp... And anyway, what do you mean? When has he ever smiled?"

"When we hang out together, he gets happy and then his face muscles actually work!" Tanaka and Sugawara only hummed and nodded in response, not believing the smaller one. Deciding not to get into an argument over the topic, Hinata walked off to continue practicing his spiking with the team's angry setter.

Later that day, after Daichi had forced Kageyama and Hinata to stop doing their extra-practicing and go home, the two first-years were walking to the bus stop to Hinata's house, as they usually did when their captain told them to leave the school, and the red-headed one thought back to what Suga and Tanaka had said earlier.

'When has he ever smiled?'

He glanced over at the person next to him, who was munching on something that they had bought at Sakanoshita shortly before with a bored expression on his face. He still couldn't figure out what his teammates had meant. He had seen Kageyama happy plenty of times.

Unfortunately, Hinata didn't ever look away from Kageyama, and once he noticed this, he started interrogating him on why he kept staring at him. After much reassuring, they were back to walking in silence until they got to the bus stop.

About 30 minutes later, they were finally at the boy's house, sitting in his room as Kageyama tossed a volleyball up and down while Hinata was unpacking his school bag. They were having a light conversation about which of their upperclassmen was their favorites, but Hinata still couldn't forget about what happened back at practice.

He finally finished unpacking and turned around to face the setter, holding his arms out to show that he wanted the ball tossed to him. So they began throwing it back and forth. Their conversation topics started to change, switching from their senpais, to why grades should have nothing to do with sports, then to why animals didn't ever seem to like Kageyama, then to their shared annoyance towards Tsukishima, and then finally to what they always seemed to come back to- volleyball.

"Do you think that we'll be able to win it all?" Hinata asked the other suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

"Like, do you think we'll be able to beat everyone in nationals? We're a really good team, but there will be plenty of those where we're going. Do you think we could win against everyone we go up against?"

Kageyama raised an eyebrow. "Are you doubting us?"

"E-eh?! Of course not! We can totally do it, I'm just asking!" He waved his arms around in defense.

The other rolled his eyes. "Whatever... But, yeah, I do. I know we can. We're stronger than anyone else." He tossed the ball back to Hinata. "We've got our team, and with that, we can overcome any opponent." He caught the ball and held onto it, making eye contact with his teammate. "We're gonna play every game possible, and everyone is going to watch us beat every challenger we face."

Then, keeping their eyes locked, the corners of Kageyama's mouth curled upwards, spreading an actual smile across his face. "Remember what I told you at that one practice match when we versed the neighborhood association?"

Now it was Hinata's turn to grin. "Of course I do. 'As long as I'm here, you're invincible,' right?"

"Yeah. That hasn't changed, you know." They both stayed quiet for a moment, just staring at each other and smiling like weirdos.

Hinata loved moments like these. Even if they didn't happen as often as he'd like, there were times when his angry setter would let down his guard and let his inner hopeful, volleyball-crazed dreamer out. When it happened, it's as if the atmosphere around them just became warmer, more comfortable. Things were silent, but that didn't bother either of them, because that warmth that the air around them held made up for the quiet. It was... nice. Hinata wished he could freeze those moments and keep them in his pocket, so that he'd always be able to hold onto that easy happiness that the two gave each other.

The red-head finally broke eye contact and looked down at the ball in the other's hands, still grinning, cheeks starting to redden.


It was then that he thought, even if people didn't believe him when he said that Kageyama did smile, that was okay.

Kageyama's smiles were reserved for Hinata and Hinata only.


I'm trying to not make things cliche but I feel like that's an annoyingly hard thing to do-
I think it's weird that I haven't done a KageHina thing yet, so here this is :,)
Also, this is a random comment, but I kept listening to the song Dandelions by Ruth B., and I highly recommend it (great song, very cute)
Anywaysssss hope that whoever reads this is doing okay <33

Word count: 914

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