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-3rd P.O.V-

Osamu placed the last box of decorations down on the living room floor. He wiped his forehead with the back of his arm, tired from the physical exertion that came with the task of carrying the heavy items from place to place.

Suna had just finished setting up the tree they had picked out in the corner of the room. He insisted that it be a live tree, because in his words, "the fake trees are just disgraces to the beloved national holiday that we respect and celebrate." (Though Osamu countered that cutting down live trees wasn't exactly good for the planet, he didn't really care about what they hung their ornaments from.)

They both started opening the boxes, revealing piles of festive decorations. They put some of the boxes to the side, more focused on the ones that held all of their ornaments.

They were the type of people to have loads of different ornaments that they've collected or made throughout the years, as opposed to the kinds of people whose trees were decorated to look fancy or sophisticated, with specific color schemes and such.

Decorating their tree has always been the highlight of their holidays. They always took great pleasure in taking trips down memory-lane by searching through the items.

Lights and tinsel had already been strung through the tree's branches, so it was properly ready to be covered in what they had to hang up on it.

Suna smiled as he dug through the box, picking up a couple handfuls of what he needed.

Penguins in ski gear, bells, dogs with Santa hats on, gingerbread men, and glass angels were held in his hands. He could remember when and where they got each of them.

Osamu was doing the same, stringing plastic candy canes snowmen around the tree. He picked out a specific ornament that caught his eye. "Sunarin," he said, catching the other's attention. "Look."

Suna grinned when he saw what was in his hand. It was a clay object in the shape of a snow Angel.

They had gotten it the first Christmas they spent together. They had spent a day walking around town, visiting shops for presents, stopping in cafes for hot chocolate, occasionally having snowball fights, and doing all of that fun holiday stuff. In the last place they stopped at, Osamu had given Suna that ornament, as they had recently been battling in the snow, and his coat and parts of his hair were coated with the ice. "A snow Angel for my snow Angel," he had said- before immediately gagging at his own words.

Osamu placed the ornament on the tree next to a miniature elf that they had got as a present from a white elephant party. The tree was already almost half way decorated.

Suna grabbed a fake sugar cookie and hung it up. That was one they had been given from Sakusa and Atsumu one year. They didn't really understand why they were giving them an ornament for their tree at the end of the holiday, but it was the thought that counted.

Then there was a small sphere with a poem written on the front of it. Ah, that one. The year they had gotten it was the second Christmas they'd spent together. They were in a fight at the time, and a pretty bad one at that. When things started to get worse, Suna went out and got that very ornament as an apology. Honestly, he was afraid that he would lose Osamu. Osamu felt the same. They spent that night in each other's arms, crying, apologizing, and feeling guilty for everything that had happened.

A glass figure skater was next. It was something Osamu had gotten from Akaashi, of all people. It was a 'restaurant-warming' present he had gotten him when Onigiri Miya first opened. Why he chose a figure skater, nobody really knew.

There were plenty other ornaments that were hung up. By the time they had finished their tree was decked out in vibrant decorations. Bright lights, bold colors, and strong memories were hung from each branch. It really brought everything together.

As Suna stepped back to admire their work, Osamu came up from behind him and wrapped his arms around him. He kissed his shoulder and then his ear before nuzzling into his neck, smiling and pulling him in closer. Suna hummed and let his head hang back. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the warmth that coursed through him from Osamu's touch.

"We did a good job," said Osamu finally, breaking the silence they had fallen into. "Better than last year, I'd say."

"You say that every year."

"I mean it every year."

Suna grinned and looked down at Osamu, their eyes meeting. He placed his hands on top of the ones folded together on his lower stomach. He sighed. "You're warm."

"'S that a bad thing?"

"Mm, no. I like you warm."

"Noted." He paused. "Are ya happy?"

There was no hesitation in Suna's reply. "Yes. I have been for a long time, 'Samu. You know you make me feel loved."

"I know, I know. Just checking."

He turned around so that they were facing each other. Looking into his eyes one more time, he leaned in and placed his lips on Osamu's. The other reacted immediately, moving one hand up to Suna's cheek, he caressed the side of his face with his fingers. Their lips moved against each other in perfect harmony.

After a while they pulled apart, smiling like idiots and continuing to embrace one another.

"'Samu," Suna murmured.


"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas, Rintarou."

"I love you."

"I love ya more. So, so much more."


Idk how I feel about this one
I had to resist the urge to make this an angsty chapter
Not exactly in the headspace for fluff rn, but here we are.
Also you should totally listen to Repeat Until Death by Novo Amor. 10/10 song, sad but peaceful 👍

Word count: 1006

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