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-3rd P.O.V-

Kenma stood outside of Kuroo's room, peeking inside through a crack in the door.

What he saw was strange. Kuroo was sitting on the foot of his bed, his face in his hands, shaking slightly. Kenma knew he was crying. But just that alone was unusual. Kuroo hardly ever cried- at least, not that he knew of.

His hand was clenching the doorknob. A debate was raging inside his head. What should he do? This isn't usually wasn't how these things went down. Normally, it would be him breaking down with Kuroo comforting him. Not the other way around. How the hell was he even supposed to reassure him? Should he just pat him on the back and say that it'd be okay?

Of course, he knew that he'd have to go and be there for Kuroo, they were dating after all. But still! This never happened!

His mind was going a mile a minute. 'Alright, how does Kuroo usually do this,' he thought. Kuroo would have immediately rushed into the room. He would have taken Kenma into his arms and asked him what was wrong, and how he could help. He would have kissed his head and whispered reassurances into his ear until he calmed down. So that's what he should do. Right?

Yeah, it is. But Kenma's hand just couldn't seem to turn the doorknob. He's never really been the comforting type. He was more the kind of person who tried to avoid emotional people so that he wouldn't have to deal with that stuff altogether.

His eyebrows furrowed. 'Stop it,' he told himself. 'It's just Kuroo. It's Kuroo, and he needs you. Be there for him!'

With that thought and a deep breath, he gently pushed open the door. He would have entered in complete silence, if it weren't for the one annoying creak in the door.

Kuroo's head snapped up when he heard it, quickly turning to Kenma. He sharply inhaled, wiped his eyes off, and faced him while flashing him a smile. A fake one.

"Kenma!" he laughed. It sounded too forced. "How- how long have you been standing there? I thought you were out with Yaku and Shibayama?"

Kenma quietly shut the door behind him, studying Kuroo's facial expression. "Yeah... Yaku caught a cold, so we rescheduled... Are you okay?"

"Of course I a- am? Why do you ask?"

Kenma made his way over to and sat next to him, their sides pressed against each other. "Tetsurou, we've been together since high school. You know I can tell when you're lying." He placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

Kuroo's resolve stuck for a few seconds before completely crumbling. He broke down, hiding his face back in his hands and shaking more violently than before. Tears stained his face and filled his eyes.

"I- I'm sorry," he sobbed. "I don't mean to be so em- emotional, I just-" his voice broke and he continued bawling.

Kenma pat his shoulder and held his hand. It hurt to see him like this. "It's alright, it's alright. Let it out..."

Kuroo took a few deep, shaky breaths and looked down, body still trembling. "Kenma..." he said, his hand limp in the hold of the other. "Is there something wrong with me?"

The question surprised Kenma. "What? No, of course not. Why would anything be wrong with you?"

"It's just-" he wiped his eyes off with his sleeve. "I have nothing wrong with my life. I have a good job that pays well, I live in a safe neighborhood in a nice apartment with my loving boyfriend who is also my childhood best friend, my family is all in good health, I have great friends who are good to me, I can afford nice things, I'm in a good situation financially... but I still can't help but feel sad. I don't even know why... I have a good life- a great one, even. I'm a lucky guy, but I just..." He raised his fist to his lips and didn't look up. "There are times that I just can't help but feel so tired. So upset. And with no reason! Other people have it so much worse than me, and I just feel so selfish and self-centered for complaining like this..." More tears started to fall.

Kenma was shocked. How had he not noticed it before? How had he not seen how Kuroo was hurting? He felt so guilty. But now wasn't the time to be pissed at himself. If he had messed up before, now was the time to try and make up for it.

"Tetsurou, look at me." He spoke evenly, not wanting to make him any more upset. Kuroo turned to him and looked at him with a pained expression. "There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. It's okay to not be okay. I know that's not really taken seriously all the time, but it's true. It's okay to be sad, you don't always have to be cheerful and happy. Listen to me, I'm so, so sorry that you're feeling like this. If there anything at all that I can do, please tell me and I'll do it. All I want is for you to feel alright, and I promise that I'll help you through whatever you're feeling. But there is nothing- and I mean this with my entire being- nothing wrong with these emotions, okay? You're strong. You're so strong..."

Kuroo was crying again, but Kenma could tell that this time, they were tears of relief rather than tears of sadness. Kuroo squeezed his eyes tight and nodded his head. "Can- can I hug you?" he asked.

"Tetsurou, you don't have to ask." Kenma smiled and opened his arms. The other immediately reacted and accepted the embrace, holding him tightly in his arms. "It's okay, it's okay, love. I'm here for you. It's all going to be fine now." Kenma drew circles into his back reassuringly and let Kuroo bury his face into the crook of his neck.

He couldn't help but feel guilty. Maybe if he had looked closer, or paid more attention, he would have been able to help him sooner.

But for now, those thoughts had to be pushed aside. What was important right then was making sure his boyfriend was okay. That was all that mattered.


I can't express how much I cringe when reading my old writing
It's just so
I just don't like it

Word count: 1084

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