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-Kenma P.O.V-

Tick. Tick. Tick.

The seconds keep ticking by. The world keeps spinning. People keep living. Time keeps flowing. Everything keeps passing by. I couldn't stop it all if I tried.

My life keeps passing right before my eyes, and I'm doing nothing. I'm laying here, in my messy bed that I haven't left in three days- other than to use the bathroom. The LED lights are on red. I saw someone say that the color is supposed to help with headaches. I can't really tell if it's working though. But, then again, did I ever really have a headache to begin with? I guess not. It's been more like an entire-being-ache.

Then, there was the sound of the door opening. Huh. Haven't heard that in a while. Soft footsteps made their way over to me. I would've tried to look at who it was, but my head wouldn't lift when I tried to move. Oh well.


A shiver went down my spine. It was strange to hear that voice. I haven't heard it in days. I haven't heard anyone's voice in days.

"Kenma," the voice repeated.

Yes, yes, that's my name.

"Kenma, you're scaring me. Look at me."

I would, but I can't. Oh. Have I not been saying this all out loud? I thought... Huh. Apparently I can't speak either.

There was a feeling of added pressure on my cheek. It was a hand. The hand turned my face towards the voice. Sure enough, it was him.

"Jesus... Kenma, can you hear me? Blink once if yes, twice if no, and not at all if I need to call an ambulance."

I was able to muster up just enough strength to blink once. Why is my body so heavy?

"Alright... Alright. That's a start. Can you move?"

His hand was still on my cheek. It felt nice. Soft warmth. I missed that feeling. My eyes shut as I melted into his touch.

"Shit... When was the last time you ate anything?"

Hm... How long has it been?

At the sudden thought of food, my stomach gave a hearty growl. His thumb caressed my cheekbone.

"Kenma... Come on. Sit up, I need to get a better look at you."

I tried. I really did. But I just couldn't move. My body was pretty much fossilized into my mattress. I was stone. A statue. There was no moving me.

Or so I thought, until he took matter into his own hands, picking me up and rearranging me. Sitting me upright, he took his hands to my face again, and made me look into his eyes.

"You scared me half to death. Do you know how worried everyone is? You may not realize it, but people care about you, Kenma. You go radio silent for over a week, no one's seen you around, I can't get in contact with you, you don't answer your phone... Kenma, I was terrified. I thought something had happened. I thought you did something to yourself. You..." His voice trailed off.

I focused on his face. Concern was etched into his features. Even in the dim glow of the colored lights, I could tell that his eyes were puffy from crying. His hair even looked a bit more disheveled than usual. Somehow, the sight of him like this made me find my voice.

"Kuroo..." My words were hoarse. It sounded more like croaking than speaking. "I'm sorry..."

Suddenly, I was crying. It surprised me. I didn't even realize it was happening until one of the tears left my eyes. But once it started, there was no stopping it. It was like someone broke a dam that had been built up in my eyes. Tear after tear spilled out. Was I making any noise? I couldn't hear it, if I was.

He sat next to me on the bed and pulled my face into his shoulder. "It's okay," he whispered. "It's okay, I promise. Just breathe. It'll all be alright. Just breathe, then we can talk. I'm not mad, I swear. I was just scared. When you're calm, I'll get you some food and something to drink. We're gonna get your strength back, okay?"

All I could do was nod weakly and try to control my shaking shoulders. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

I don't know how long we sat like that, but eventually the tears ceased. At some point, he had started stroking my hair. His fingers ran through the ends of my dyed-blond locks (that desperately needed to be re-bleached, in all honesty).

He stopped the soothing motion and angled my face up at his again. Our foreheads pressed together.

"It's gotten bad again, hasn't it?" he whispered.


He closed his eyes and gave a slight nod before wrapping me in a close embrace. Either I was incredibly pressure-sensitive or he was squeezing me really tight.

"Okay." He paused. "Okay, okay. I'm here now. I'm here. I'm... I'm gonna take care of you, alright?"

I nodded. Somehow, I managed to lift my arms around him. Pressing my face into his neck, I felt the first sense of security I've had in a long while.

He knows. He knows how these times are for me. He's been with be all my life, and he knows me better than anyone. Better than I know myself.

That realization was... euphoric.

I'm safe. It's going to be okay. He's here. Kuroo's here.


Don't ask me what this is, because tbh I don't actually know
Yes, I am aware this is late. No, I do not care.
Have a good day/night yall <3

Word count: 945

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