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-3rd P.O.V-

A loud 'crack' could be heard from the outside. Ushijima looked out of his window, though he couldn't see much because of the rain drops that stained and streaked down the glass.

He had always thought storms to be interesting. He found an odd feeling of satisfaction from hearing the sound of the downpour outside hitting the tiles of his roof, the glass pane of his windows, and the stone walkway outside of his house.

Smiling to himself, he remembered the time that he and Tendou had gone on a date downtown and how it had started pouring unexpectedly. He remembered how he thought that their outing was ruined by the sudden rainfall, but just as he was going to suggest they go back to one of their houses, Tendou worked his magic and turned the mood of the date around by breaking into song and dancing around, singing to the soundtrack of the musical 'Singing in the Rain'. He wondered how his boyfriend was feeling, anyway.

As if on cue, Ushijima heard his phone ping. He checked who had messaged him. A smile flashed across his face before a look of confusion replaced it. He opened his phone and wrote back to Tendou.

*Private messages with Sa-to-RI!❤️ and FarmerBoy*

Sa-to-RI!❤️: Come over
Sa-to-RI!❤️: Please.

FarmerBoy: Satori? Is everything okay?

Sa-to-RI!❤️: Please, Ushi. Please just come.

FarmerBoy: You're using proper punctuation and are spelling correctly over text. You never do that.
FarmerBoy: Is something wrong?

Sa-to-RI!❤️: Ushi, please. Come. I need you.

FarmerBoy: Okay, I'm coming.


Wakatoshi looked at his phone screen, confused. Worry slowly crept into his mind. Tendou was acting strange. He was speaking properly and he wasn't using any emojis in his messages. He never did that.

Quickly, Ushijima grabbed an umbrella, slipped his jacket and shoes on, and ran out to his car. He pulled out of his driveway and sped off to his red-headed boyfriend's house, disregarding the 30 mile speed limit. When he reached his destination, he hurriedly got out of his car and dashed to the house porch.

"Satori?" he called out, knocking on the door. "Satori, are you in there? Satori? Tendou?" A minute passed with no response. Another sound of thunder boomed from the sky. Growing more and more concerned by the second, Ushijima frantically dug under the mat on the porch, searching for the spare key. When he found it, he shoved it into the keyhole, turning it around impatiently. Finally, the door swung open.

"Satori?!" he shouted. "Ten'?! Are you in here?!" A few seconds passed before he heard something.

"Wa-Wakatoshi?" called a familiar voice. "Wakatoshi, is that y-you?" Tendou's sounded shaky and strained.

"It's me, Ten'," Ushijima replied. "Where are you?"

"I'm in-" he was cut off by another loud 'crack' of the lightning outside. Wakatoshi heard Tendou let out a scared yelp and then listened as he started to sob. Ushijima's mind quickly went into 'protective boyfriend mode' at hearing this. He dashed down the hall, following the noise Satori was making. The sounds led him to his room. He slammed the door open, eyes searching the room for Tendou. That's when he saw him.

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