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*Private messages with Tall and Short*

Tall: Do u love me?

Short: ?
Short: What kind of question is that

Tall: Do
Tall: You
Tall: Love
Tall: Me
Tall: Answer

Short: tf
Short: Yes Lev
Short: We've been dating for three years
Short: I love you a lot

Tall: R u sure?

Short: Sure about what

Tall: Sure u love me

Short: Lev, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't
have stayed with you as long as we've
been together
Short: Where's all this coming from anyway?
Short: Is something wrong?
Short: Are you okay?

Tall: Just making sure

Short: Somethings wrong

Tall: Everything's gooood
Tall: Really :)

Short: Uh huh
Short: Talk to me
Short: Lev
Short: You know you can trust me
Short: What's going on?

Tall: mm
Tall: I don't know
Tall: Just having a bad day I guess
Tall: Feels like I've been smiling too much
Tall: My face kinda hurts
Tall: Is that normal?

Short: Probably not

Tall: Dang

Short: I'm sorry Lev
Short: Is there anything I can do?
Short: Anything that I can help with?
Short: What'll make you happy?

Tall: I don't know..
Tall: You do love me right?

Short: More than anything

Tall: Can you just.. idk
Tall: Just tell me if there's anything
I can do better

Short: What do you mean better?
Short: You do everything right as
it is, you don't have to worry about
changing yourself.
Short: Honestly, Lev, you're a miracle

Tall: I don't really feel like a miracle
right now

Short: Well you're my miracle
Short: And nothing will ever change
Short: How much longer until you get home?
Short: I'll make us a nice dinner
Short: We can watch some more of
that one series you wanted to show me

Tall: I'll be home in a few hours
Tall: But you don't have to worry
about making dinner, it's alright

Short: Are you sure?

Tall: Yeah
Tall: But
Tall: Some cuddles sound really nice
right now
Tall: If I'm being honest
Tall: I just need some comfort
Tall: Kinda just feeling exhausted rn

Short: I completely understand
Short: By the time you get home,
I'll have some food ready,
the tv will be ready for watching,
blankets prepared, and it'll just be
a you and me night
Short: How does that sound?

Tall: Honestly, that sounds incredible
Tall: My brain is hurtinggg
Tall: I should go soon
Tall: I don't think staring at a screen
is helping

Short: I get it
Short: And again, I'm so sorry Lev
Short: I wish I could magically
make it better for you
Short: I really do love you

Tall: I know
Tall: I love you too <3
Tall: See you at home?

Short: See you at home :)

Tall: <3333


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally short chapter today
I have no motivation and no ideas lol
So sorry 🥲
BUt please remember to stay hydrated and we'll rested and fed pleaseeee
Anyway byeeee ✌️

Word count: 493

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