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-3rd P.O.V-

Nishinoya and Tanaka were walking down the park, having a very serious discussion, it seemed.

"We will have to up our Kiyoko-protecting game, Noya," Tanaka said. "There will be many people at the training camp, and I bet you that they'll all be interested in our precious goddess!"

"You're right," agreed the other. "We'll discuss our plan with Yamamoto tomorrow, before the practice games start."

"Yeah. Oh, I know! We should-" Tanaka stopped in his tracks.

"Bro? What should we do?" Noya asked. "Hey, what are you looking at?" He repositioned himself so he could see where the other's line of vision was pointed at.

"Is that..." Tanaka couldn't seem to get the words out of his mouth. "Is that Tsukishima SMILING?!"

"WHAT?!" Noya exclaimed, now seeing what his friend was looking at. "Oh my god! You're right! What's he smiling at?!"

"I don't know, maybe a child in pain or something?! Hang on, come here." The second year climbed into a nearby bush, Noya following suit behind him.

"Shh!" he whispered at Tanaka as he stepped on a branch, making a large 'crack'. "He might hear us!"

They moved around in the bush until they found a spot in the plant that gave them a good view as to what their salty kouhai was looking at.

The two examined what he was smiling at- it appeared to be a green-haired boy wearing light blue overalls with a slightly oversized purple T-shirt underneath that was spotted with little yellow stars. A flower crown sat on top of him. They looked at the side of his head that was visible to them, and they saw that a handful of freckles dusted his face.

"Dude," Tanaka said, grabbing Noya's arm, eyes wide in shock. "That's... that's Yamaguchi!"

"Yamaguchi?!" the shorter whisper-shouted. "As in Yamaguchi Tadashi?!"

"Yeah, bro! Look!"

Noya looked at him again and realized that he was right. "Oh my god. Are they on a date?!"

"I-I think so! Wait- look!"

The two best friends watched as the blonde bean-pole took Yamaguchi's face in his hands and gave him a kiss, then he pulled away, blushing equally as much as Tadashi.

Nishinoya whipped his phone and earbuds out, handing one to Tanaka before opening his phone and creating a group chat.

~Rolling Thunder created a group chat and added 12 people~
~Rolling Thunder named the group AHHHH~

Sugamama: Noya? What is this?
Bi Simp: U GUYS.

Rolling Thunder: WE FOUND SOMETHING.

Next Captain: Is it my will to live?
KaGAYama: Is it the milk I lost earlier?
Volleyball Jesus: Is it a Bible?
Bi Simp: No no and no. It's BETTER.
Tiny Tangerine: Hi guys! :)
Sugamama: Hello, my child
Deadchi: Why aren't Tsukishima and Yamaguchi in here?

Rolling Thunder: LOOK:


Noya took a picture of Tsukishima and Yamaguchi just as Tsukishima took the pinch server's hands into his own.

-Group Chat-

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