2 | Everything Changes

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It was quiet. Way too quiet for Naia. Usually the loud crash of waves on the shore would fill her ears at this time of day, but out here in the tropical forest, all she heard were the quiet chirps of birds in the break of dawn.

On your left. The voice said in her head. She concentrated on the wind coming from that direction. Just then, she felt a shift and a flick, and Naia turned sharply to her side and pulled her arms up in a swift motion to send a sharp gust of air straight at the spell, sending it flying off into the sky.

There was another movement, and she heard footsteps to her left again. In the last second, she leapt feet into the air as she successfully dodged another spell from the same direction. As she landed, she swiftly turned her body and sent a kick of air to where it came. There was a huff, and another spell flew at her.

Sweat stuck to the blindfold she was wearing as she successfully dodged another spell with just the air around her. She loved the versatile element. Handling air was as loose and free as the element itself. She could use it defensively and offensively. Not to mention, it gave people less power over her in the element of surprise.

"Good! Focus on the air pressure and movements in the wind!" her mother's voice cried from her right.

Behind us. The voice in her head said, and she felt another tingle run through her as she quickly dodged the large tree root her mother sent flying towards her back.

Air and Sense training continued on for another hour until Naia was knocked off her feet as Emmaline sent two more tree roots at her. She dodged the first, and the second went straight to hit her in the stomach.

Moments later, she found herself in the cottage drinking the vile anti-bruising potion her mother just cooked up.

"You're getting better at sense training. We'll have to work on your agility and multitasking but it's a big improvement from last summer. We'll be able to start pressure manipulation after you get back from your trip." Emmaline sipped her tea as she plopped next to Naia on the couch.

"I think I could do without the 6am wakeup call though." Naia groaned, feeling her eyes droop. It was only 10 am, and yet she felt like she could sleep for years.

"When Dumbledore gets here after your trip, he won't be too fond of the early trainings, so you'll get to have those later." Emmaline hated pushing Naia this far, but with the growing magical strength she could feel in her daughter, she knew she had no choice but to prepare her for what's to come.

"Did it speak to you this morning?"

"Yeah." Mumbled Naia. "Just one liners for where you were. On your left, and stuff like that."

"I'm glad to know it's talking to you when you use your gift."

"Yeah but it's been coming in more now," she sighed. "It's not just in times of danger anymore. It starts replying to my thoughts sometimes. Never anything more than a word or phrase."

"That's good. As you grow stronger, the voice probably will too. Soon, maybe it'll give you the answers to your questions."

"But why can't you or Dumbledore just tell me now." Naia groaned. She was not a patient person, and just wanted answers to why she was the way she was. She knew her mother knew more than she let on, and refused to believe Dumbledore didn't as well. They could save her the torture by just spitting it out.

"All in due time, kid. Now, we need to focus on mastering your abilities and the growing magic inside you. You can feel it strengthen, can't you?"

"But if I don't know where it even comes from and why I am the way that I am, how can you expect me to master these abilities? It's like the blind leading the blind! You're my mum, surely you can tell me." Naia groaned. She wasn't really mad at her mother and knew she was just doing what Dumbledore suggest she does. Why he even has a say in this, she had no clue.

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