20 | The Burrow

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Naia nearly fell out of the fireplace with a huff, and she felt someone reach for her arms before she could fall flat on her face.

"Woah! Careful there!" She heard an unfamiliar voice say, and when she looked up she was greeted with a mop of red hair and freckles. Naia blushed in embarrassment- partly because this stranger was also very attractive. "Sorry, I can't help but fall on my arse every time I floo," She laughed. The man in front of her stared at her in a daze for a few seconds, before immediately letting her go in slight shock. He quickly composed himself.

"Charlie Weasley," He said flashing her a smile.

"Move, Charlie!" a female voice said, pushing Charlie out of the way and she was immediately engulfed in a hug from none other than Ginny. "Look at you, I barely recognize you lot!" She said, looking up at the rest of her brothers that had arrived along with Naia. Charlie looked in amusement at his younger brothers who for the first time ever- sported dark tans and a few burns.

"Looks like you've had quite the time," He said with a smirk. Charlie's eyes made their way back to hers. "And you must be the famous Naia,"

"Ah, she's finally here is she? 'Bout time!" another voice said from behind Charlie, another redhead walking towards her. He was tall and sported long hair that was tied into a ponytail. He wore leather boots and was wearing a dangling earring of a sharp fang on one of his ears. This must be Bill.

Bill reached his hand out and Naia went for a shake. "Bill Weasley," He said smiling down at her, and she gave one in return, catching him slightly off-guard. "Naia Vance!" He released an amused chuckle. "I see what my brother's been moaning on about all summer."

"Good to finally have a face for the name, ey, Bill?" Charlie added. She looked back at a now flushed Fred and raised an eyebrow. "Talk about me much, do you, Freddie?"

"Don't listen to those gits," He grumbled. Bill and Charlie sniggered. Fred watched with red cheeks as his older brothers smirked down at her charmingly. He knew this was going to happen. Just then, Molly Weasley poked her head out from the kitchen. "Oh, you kids are back!" She said, going to hug Naia who was the closest. "Good to see you, Mrs. Weasley!"

She then greeted Ron and the twins and gushed about their outfits and burns. "They weren't much trouble were they, dear?"

"Of course not, mum! Well, not all of us," George said eyeing Fred with a smirk. "You didn't eat any of those sweets they've been making, have you? I made sure they didn't have any when they went off-"

"Sweets?" Naia said in surprise eyeing the twins. How dare they not tell her they've begun making them! "Oh great, you've got no idea. Let's keep it that way, shall we?" She said sternly looking at the twins. "Now, I want to hear all about your trip!"

"It was great, mum! I swam right next to a Tigershark-"

Fred scoffed. "Yeah right, pissed yourself in the sea Ronnie-"

"Naia! Naia! It's gonna eat me for breakfast-!" George mocked.

"Oh, sod off! At least I didn't squeal when we swam with the whale sharks-!"

"They were around thirty feet long!" Fred defended.

"Alright, while you go on, we better give Naia a tour of the house then, c'mon!" Charlie said with a smirk, eyeing Fred as he wrapped an arm around her and began to walk them out the living room. "Oi!" Fred said in protest at the same time Molly spoke.

"Oh Fred, why don't you give Naia the tour, hmm? Bring your bags too, dear. You'll be bunking in with Ginny, I hope that's alright-"

"Of course!" She said, smiling at Ginny just as Fred grabbed her hand and pulled her away from a smirking Charlie. He shot his older brother a glare over Naia's head as he dragged her out the living room. "Wait! you forgot these!" Charlie said, grabbing Naia's bags.

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